Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hume-Rothery W. — Atomic Theory for Students of Metallurgy |
Предметный указатель |
Self-consistent field 87
Semi-conductors 101 192 206
Short-range order 110 117
Siegbahn 7
Silicon 189 233
Silver 226 ff.
Silver, lattice spacing 229
Silver, solid solutions 250
Size-factor 110 118
Skinner, H. W. B. 86 89 91 93 243 251
Soddy, F. 5
Sodium chloride structure 106
Sodium, emission spectrum 92
Sodium, energy levels 88
Sodium, theory of solid 213 ff.
Soft X-ray spectroscopy 83
Solid solutions 108
Sommerfeld, A. 16 161 172
Specific heat, electronic 158 163 265
Specific heat, general theory 262
spherical polar coordinates 66
Stationary states 14 36 48
Stoner, E. C. 162
Superlattices 110 117
Supraconductivity 203
Tellurium, crystal struoture 99 123
Thermal conductivity, electronic 173
Thermionic emission 175
Thomson, G. P. 22
Thomson, J. J. 4
Time of relaxation 171
Tomboulian, D. K. 243
Transition elements 56 90 163
Transition elements, curves 260
| Transition elements, electronic specific heats 266
Transition elements, general theory 258
Transition elements, melting points 259
Transition elements, Pauling theory 266
Transition elements, saturation magnetic moments 268
Uhlenbeck, G. E. 64
Uncertainty principle 18 43 75 153 284
United atom 128
Van der Waals force 82 91 100 121
Velocity, group 42 168
Velocity, meaning of 46
Wave group see Wave packet
Wave mechanics, amplitude factor 36
Wave mechanics, ideas of 22
Wave mechanics, meaning of velocity in 46
Wave mechanics, potential boundaries in 47
Wave mechanics, time factor 36
Wave mechanics, wave equations 35 39
wave number 8 180
Wave number 180
Wave packet 42 155
Westgren, A. 114
Wiedemann — Franz relation 173
Wigner and Seitz, method of 217
Wigner, E. 217
Wurtzite 107
X-units 7
Zachariasen, W. H. 249
Zeeman effect 64
Zeeman, P. 64
Zinc blende 107
Zinc, curve 243
Zinc, crystal structure 102
Zones see Brillouin zones
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