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Guinier A., Fournet G. — Small angle scattering of X-ray |
Предметный указатель |
Monochromatic source, Al 94
Monochromatization by total reflection 95 108
Monochromators 96
Monochromators, bent crystal 100
Monochromators, plane crystal 96
Monochromators, plane crystal, Fankuchen cut 97
Monochromators, point focusing 104
Monochromators, two crystal, bent 102
Monochromators, two crystal, bent, plane 109
Mukherjee, R. R. 494
Muller, F. H. 122
Multiple scattering 5
Naphthalene black 159
Natl. Bur. Standards 339
Nelson, J. B. 97 99 224
Neugebauer, T. 20
Neynaber, R. H. 126
Nickel, catalytic 192
Noakes, G. E. 125 126
Nowacki, W. 127 127
Nylon 183
Olmer, P. 123
Oster, G. 45 128 129 144 146 147 174 298 371 487 488
Overbeck, J. T. G. 136 160
Paracrystal 143
Parasitic scattering 84 87
Parker, E. A. 410 411
Particle, centrosymmetric 6 8
Particle, fixed 5 28
Particle, moving 7 24
Particle, spherical 10 28
Particles, identical and densely packed, experiment 135
Particles, identical and densely packed, theory 33 40
Particles, identical and widely separated, experiment 126
Particles, identical and widely separated, theory 35
Particles, in a homogeneous medium 40
Particles, mixtures of several types 65 149
Particles, oriented, experiment 134
Particles, oriented, theory 23 60
Pasternack, S. 258
Patterson, A. L. 64 299 300 301
Penley, H. H. 130
Perron, R. A. 483
Perutz, M. F. 130 132 160 171 407 484
Pfund, A. H. 324
Philippoff, W. 144 360 368 369
Phillipovich, V. N. 131
Photographic detection 87 89
Pijper, A. 340
Pirie, N. W. 385
Polyamides 185
Polyethylene 183
Polymers, high 176
Ponder, E. 176 216 420
Porai — Koshits, Ye. A. 130 131 131 132
Porod, G. 12 21 26 27 35 40 47 70 74 78 81 97 107 108 109 110 111 118 119 133 134 135 136 137 158 159 177 181 194 195 369 457 469
Posner, A. 138 139 139 139 485
Potential energy, interparticle 41
Preston, T. 341
Prins, J. A. 35 40 47 181 301 302 303 309
Probability function P(r) 40 146
Proteins 167
Radius of gyration 24 26 127 130 149 167 169 189
Raether, H. 140
Raman, C. V. 44 304 305
Ramanathan, K. R. 305
Randall, J. T. 305
Rayleigh, Lord 19 37 342 343
Rayon 183
Reciprocity principle 38
Red cells 105
Riley, D. P. 45 96 97 99 128 129 141 142 143 144 146 147 174 190 204 224 370 371 372 373 403 486 487 488
Riseman, J. 145 154
Ritland, H. N. 109 145 169 221 225 226 460 461 490 491 492
Ritter, H. L. 146
Robinson, W. H. 146 146
Rod, homogeneous 20 23
Rodriguez, A. E. 44
Roess, L. C. 19 41 115 147 148 151 153 154 155 161 192
Rohrlich, F. 310
Ross, P. A. 85 95
Ruck, H. 97 159
Ruedy, R. 344 345 346 347
Ruess, G. 149
Rushbrooke, G. S. 67
Ryde, J. N. 348
Saches, A. 99
Scattering, Thomson 6
Schaad, J. A. 411
Schauenstein, E. 186 470 471
Scherrer, P. 164
Schmidt, P. 116 149 172 216
Schmitt, F. O. 493
Schneider, M. 184 434
Schossberger, F. 111 472
Schulman, J. H. 372 372 373
Schurz, J. 114
| Scoins, H. I. 67
Secondary maxima 54 130
Sekora, A. 112 113 174 186 436 470 471 473 474 475
Sen, M. K. 494
Serikov, A. S. 26
Shacklett, R. 106 149
Sharrah, P. C. 150
Shenfil, L. 25 54 55 107 131 151 211 227 228 229
Shishakov, N. A. 152
Shull, C. G. 19 34 41 115 148 151 153 154 155 161 192 254
Shulman, S. 170 376 377 478 495
Shurman, M. M. 496
Silk 186
Silver, colloidal 162
Sinclair, D. 349 350
Sivarajan, S. R. 350
Slack, C. M. 29 208 230
Slits, construction 120
Slits, scattering from 120
Smith, A. E. 156
Smith, A. F. 378 480
Smoluchowski, R. 11 74 74 75 115 115 146 146 195
SOAP 175
Sokolov, U. G. 132
Solid solutions, equilibrium 197
Solid solutions, supersaturated 199
Solomon, E. 96 231
Specific surface 156 188 194
Spencer,R. C. 232 233 234 235 236 237
Sphere, homogeneous 19 20
Spheres, distribution of sizes 154
Spheres, hard 43 54 58 59 137
Spheres, hard, mixtures of different sizes 68
Stacking faults 202 210
Statistical distribution of particles 151
Stearns, R. S. 141 365 366
Stephenson, S. R. 139
Stewart, G. W. 306
Stone, L. L. 158 497
Storruste, A. 351
Stratton, J. A. 352 353
Strijk, B. 65
Superposition principle 42 45
Surface area, internal 80
Surface area, particle 13 67
Teichner, S. 91
Tiedema, T. J. 106
Todes, O. M. 280
Toraldo Di Francia, G. 354
Total reflection 95 108
Total scattered energy 18 81 110 158
Treer, R. 113 384
Treiber, E. 114 222
Turkevich, J. 159 160 161 162
Turner, R. W. 75
Tweet, A. G. 162 214 215
Vacuum chambers 123
Van de Hulst, H. C. 355
van der Wyk, A. J. A. 356
Van Nordstrand, R. A. 126 126 161 193 194
Van Rijssel, T. W. 223
Verwey, E. J. W. 136 160
Vineyard, G. H. 120 163 164 165 166 167 168 168 498
Virus molecules 170 172 175 184
Viscose 179 182
von Laue, M. 65 198
von Nardroff, R. 123 124
Walker, C. B. 169 170 198 203 204 216
Wallace, J. W. 250
Warren, B. E. 3 10 110 159 171 172 173 174 188 272 307 308
Watson, G. L. 152 160
Weber, H. H. 475
Weibull, C. 381 499
Weidinger, A. 186 439
Weiss, R. J. 252 255 256 257 258
West, W. J. 175 176
Whitman, J. 177 178
Whittaker, E. T. 152 160
Wiederhom, N. M. 503 504
Wild, R. L. 179 180 181 238
Wilkinson, M. K. 254
Wilsdorf, H. 106
Wilson, A. J. C. 11 163 164 166
Winter, U. 506
Wood, L. A. 182
Wooster, W. A. 77
Worthmann, W. 114
Wright, B. A. 483 500 501 502 503 504
Wrinch, D. 505
Wurster, A. 177 476
Wyckoff, R. W. G. 412 505 505
Yudowitch, K. L. 41 54 56 57 94 158 162 174 178 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 239 240 241 242 243 244 382 383 456
Yvon, M. J. 41 42 47 197
Zahn, H. 506
Zernicke, F. 35 40 47 181 309
Zinn, W. H. 61
Zones, Guinier — Preston 201 204 211
Zubko, A. M. 27
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