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Ladyzhenskaya O.A. — Mathematical theory of viscous incompressible flow |
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Adhesion condition 34
Agmon, S. 219
Aronszajn, N. 215
Averaging kernal 15
Averaging operation (operator) 15 16 38 132 134
Averaging radias 132 159
Babich, V.M. 215
Banach — Steinhaus theorem 160 181
Berker, R. 220
Bernstein, S.N. 203 217
Birkhoff, G. 215
Brushlinskaya, N.N. 220
Bykovski, E.B. 203 204 217
Caccioppoli, R. 203 217
Calderon, A.P. 218
Chudov, L.A. 220
Complete system of functions in 156
Completely continuous operator 31
Couetteflow 2
Courant, R. 215 218
Crudeli, V. 204
Cutoff function(s) 41 120 124 204
Dirac delta function 35 50
Dirichlet problem 42
Douglis, A. 219
Eidel'man, S.A. 219
Elliptic operators 18 67 203 204
Energy conservation law 147
Equation of continuity 33
Euler — D'Alembert paradox 1
Faddeyev, M.D. 206
Finn, R. 43 113 114 213 214 216 218 219
Flow past objects, problem of 33 41 113 124—126
Fourier method 104
Fourier transform 50 108
Friedrich's lemma 176
Friedrichs, K.O. 203 204 207 215 217 220
Fujita, H. 213 215 219
Functions of compact support 8
Fundamental singular solution 42 49 65 138 205
Gagliardo, E. 203 219
Galerkin's method 34 81 156 175 181 206
Gelfand J.M. 216
Generalized derivative 7 22
Generalized functions 37 50
Generalized solution 15 34 42 115 120 142 143
Generalized solution of the problem of flow past objects 124
Generalized solution of the Stokes problem 35
Gevray, M. 219
Glazman, I.M. 216
Gol'dshtik, M.A. 3 217
Golovkin, K.K. 6 167 203 205 207 217 219 220
Greco, D. 218
Green's formula(s) 53 139
Guseva, O.V. 205 218
Gyunter, N.M. 57 185 207 215 218 219 220
Hilbert, D. 215 218
Hopf's (weak) solution 146 208 211 212
Hopf, E. 6 142 173 207 208 211 212 213 215 215
Ilin, V.P. 203
Imbedding theorems 8 11 13 108 159 203
Integrals of potential type 13 [203
Ito, S. 219
Kato, T. 217 219
Kellogg, O.D. 218
Kibel, I.A. 216
Kinematic viscosity 6 33
Kiselev, A.A. 6 82 216 220
Kochin, N.E. 216
Korn, A. 204
Koshelev, A.I. 218
Krasnoselski, M.A. 208 217
Krein, S.G. 203 204 208 217
Krylov, A.L. 220
Kuskova, G.V. 220
Kzhivitskii, A. 220
Ladyzhenskaya, O.A. 215 216 217 220
Laplace operator 5 42 47 66 120 203
Lax, P. 217
Leray — Schauder principle 31 117
Leray, J. 6 113 138 142 205 206 207 213 215 216 215
Lichtenstein, L. 49 113 204 206 218
Lin, C.C. 220
| Linear functional 31
Lions, J.L. 208 212 215 220
Lorentz, A.A. 204
Lyapunov surface of index ft 23 52 57 66
Marcinkiewicz lemma 108
Marcinkiewicz, J. 108 216
Matrix Green's function 65
Maxwell — Boltzmann equations 6
Method of finite differences 81
Mikhlin, S.G. 108 216
Miranda, C. 215
Navier — Stokes equations 1
Navier — Stokes equations, general system of 141
Navier — Stokes equations, nonlinear 113
Navier — Stokes equations, nonstationary linearized 81
Neumann problem 24
Nikolski, S.M. 108 216
Nirenberg, L. 203 219
Noll, W. 216
Odqvist, F.K. 6 49 113 204 206 215
Ohyama, T. 211 215
Plemelj, J. 204
Poiseuille flows 2
Poisson's equation 21
Potential flows 1
Potential theory 205
Potential: biharmonic volume 22
Potential: electrostatic 49 64 67
Potential: hydrodynamical 47
Potential: Newtonian 12 21 22 136
Potential: nonstationary 6 191 205 207
Potential: of a double layer 49 53—58 60 63 69 71
Potential: of a single layer 49 53—58 60 63
Potential: volume 49—53 68 69
Prodi, G. 208 212 275 220
Rellich's theorem 12
Reynolds number 2—5 113 118 172 206
Reynolds number, critical value of 3
Reynolds number, generalized 118 141 171
Riesz' theorem 31 38 116
Roze, N.V. 216
Rusanov, B.V. 43 276
Scalar product 7 8 23 31 115
Schauder, J. 113 206 276
Schwartz, L. 276
Serrin, J. 211 279
Shilov, G.E. 276
Simuni, L.M. 220
Slobodetski, L.N. 275 276
Smirnov, N.V. 204 277
Smirnov, V.I. 275
Sobolev, S.L. 7 108 203 207 275 277
Sobolevski, P.E. 208 209 211 277 218
Solenoidal field 24 29 41
Solenoidal vectors 24 30
Solenoidal vectors, infinitely differentiable 27
Solonnikov, V.A. 6 78 100 167 205 207 212 277 275 279
Space: 23 27
Space: 31
Space: 23 27 44 156
Space: 31 156
Space: 8 23
Space: 8
Space: 7
Space: 68
Space: 17 18
Space: 27
Space: W 83
Star-shaped domains 30
Stokes paradox 43 103
Stokes problem 35 65 103 204
Stream function 42
Stress tensor 53 58 61
Theory of generalized solutions 207
Turbulent solutions 207
Vishik, M.I. 277
Vorovich, I.I. 206 213 27 218
Weak solution 4 5 142 146 174
Wiener, N. 207 220
Wieyl, H. 277
Wolibner, W. 185 279
Young's inequality 10
Yudovich, V.I. 206 211 213 277 218 219 220
Zygmund, A. 218
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