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Chorin A., Marsden J. — A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Riemann problem 103 137 139 144 158 159
Right state 115
Right-centered wave 138
Rigid rotation 18
Rotation 18
Sample space 82
Scaling argument 81
Second coefficient of viscosity 33
Second law 118
Separate characteristics 130
Separated 150
Separation, boundary 68 71 79
Shadow of a vortex sheet 90
Sheet, vortex 22
Shock 117 124
Shock, back 124
Shock, compressive 131 133
Shock, front 124
Shock, noncompressive 133
Shock, rarefaction 127 129
Shock, separating 130
Shock, tube problem 137
Similar flows 36
Simple wave 111
Simply connected 47
Skin drag 80
Slightly viscous flow 47
Slip line 124 138 140
Sound speed 44 104 131
Space-time divergence 119
Spatial velocity field 1
Speed, discontinuity 147
Sphere, flow past 59 66
Stability 96
Stable point 97
Stagnation point 29 55
Standard deviation 83
State 111 136 137
State, connected 115
State, equation of 44
Stationary 49
Stationary, flow 16 58
Stationary, flow criterion 29
Steady flow 58
Stokes equation 40 67 96
Stokes flow 66
Stokes paradox 67
Stream function 29 43 54 80
streamline 16 29 44
Strength of a vortex tube 26
Stress tensor 32
Stretched 27
Strong deflagration 154
Strong detonation 154
Subsonic 131 157
Supersonic 131
Symmetry 101
Tangential boundary condition 34
Tangential forces 5
| Tchebysheff's inequality 84
Temperature 14 152
Test functions 119
Theorem, Bernoulli's 16
Theorem, Blasius' 52
Theorem, Cauchy's 32
Theorem, central limit 84
Theorem, Helmholtz 26
Theorem, Helmholtz — Hodge 37
Theorem, Kelvin circulation 21
Theorem, Kutta — Joukowski 53
Theorem, transport 10
Thermodynamics 14 118
Thermodynamics first law 14 118
Thickness, boundary layer 71 73
Total force 8
Trajectory 16
Transfer of momentum 31
Transformation, hodograph 110
Translation 18
Transport theorem 10 18 117
Tube, vortex 26
Upper half-plane, flow in 51
Variance 83 143
Variation 129
Velocity, characteristic 35
Velocity, complex 51
Velocity, field 1
Velocity, potential 48 51
Velocity, profile 42
viscosity 129
Viscosity coefficients 33
Viscosity, kinematic 34
Viscous fluid 33
Vortex 61
Vortex filament 65
Vortex line 22
Vortex potential 56
Vortex sheet 22 82 87
Vortex sheet intensity 88
Vortex tube 26
Vortex tube, strength of 26
Vortices point 60
Vorticity 18 63
Vorticity, conservation 28
Vorticity, creation operator 96
Vorticity, equation 28
Vorticity, generation of 43
Vorticity, in boundary layer 76
Vorticity, transport 23
Wave, centered 137
Wave, connected 115
Wave, left-centered 138
Wave, rarefaction 114
Wave, right-centered 138
Wave, simple 111
Weak deflagration 154
Weak detonation 154
Weak solution 118 119
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