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Gurzadian G.G., Dmitriev V.G. — Handbook of Nonlinear Optical Crystals |
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Lasers dye 315—318 328—332 340—344 346 365
LBO 68—77 286—287 291 294 298—300 304—305 312—313 326—328 330—332 334 346—347 352—353 358—359 362
LFM 204—207 290 298 300—302 315 317—319
Linear absorption 34 36 49 57 65
Linear absorption coefficient 36 65 see
Lithium Formate Monohydrate see "LFM"
Lithium Gallium Oxide see " "
Lithium iodate see " "
Lithium niobate see " "
Lithium triborate see "LBO"
m-bis (aminomethyl) benzene see "BAMB"
M-Dinitrobenzene see "MDNB"
m-nitroaniline see "MNA"
Magnesium Barium Fluoride see " "
Magnesium-Oxide-Doped Lithium Niobate see " "
Maltose 294
MAP 31 274—276 294—295
mass density see "relevant crystal"
MDNB 270—271 294—295
Mercury Thiogallate see " "
Methyl-(2, 4-dinitrophenyl)-aminopropanoate see "MAP"
MHBA 256—258 294—295 312—313
MMONS 281—283
MNA 276—278 294—295
N-(4-nitrophenyl)-L-prolinol see "NPP"
N-(4-nitrophenyl)-N-methylaminoacetonitrile see "NPAN"
NaCOOH 207—208 298 300
Noncollinear phase matching 5 11 14 64
Noncritical phase matching see "90° phase matching"
Nonlinear absorption 34—36 49 57 65
Nonlinear coefficient see "relevant crystal"
Nonlinear coupling coefficient 25 34 37
Nonlinear interaction length 36—37
Nonlinear susceptibility coefficients 4
NPAN 278—279 294—295
NPLO 268—270 294—295
NPNa 294—295
NPP 280—281 347 356
OPA 347
OPO 4 11 65 329 332 335 343 345—362
OPO doubly-resonant 346
OPO resonant 346
OPO singly-resonant 346
OPO synchronously-pumped 346
OPO traveling wave 346—347 357
Optic axis 6—7 10—11 15—18 23—24 63
Optical activity see "relevant crystal"
Optical indicatrix 26
Optical parametric oscillation see "OPO"
Optical rectification 4
Optimal focusing 64
Ordinary beam 6
Parameter of focusing 63—64
Parametric luminescence 4 11 65
Phase matching 5—6 10—14 18—23 40—49 61
Phase matching collinear 5 11—13 19 22 64
Phase matching noncollinear 5 11 14 64
Phase matching noncritical see "90° phase matching"
Phase matching of type I 10—13 18—19 28 32—33 54 61 62—63
Phase matching of type II 11—13 18—19 28 32—33 62—63
Phase matching scalar 11—13 61
Phase matching vector 11—13 63—64
Phase matching, angle of 13—14 19—23
Phase matching, bandwidth 40—49
Phase-matching angle 13—14 19—23 see
Phase-matching angle, temperature variation of see "relevant crystal"
Phase-matching bandwidth 40—49
Phase-matching bandwidth spectral 40 43—45 326 see
Phase-matching bandwidth, angular 40—46 326
Phase-matching bandwidth, external angular 67
Phase-matching bandwidth, internal angular 40—46 67 see
Phase-matching bandwidth, temperature 40 43 46 see
Phase-matching conditions 5—6 10 16
Phase-matching direction 11 13 18 34 50 54
Photorefraction 35 57
Photorefractive effect 35 38 292
Picosecond continuum generation 363—365
Plane-wave approximation 37 49 55 57—59 64
PnP 265—266
Point group 26—32 see
Polar angle 7 13 16
Polarization vector 3 24—26
POM 259—261 294—295
Potassium Cerium Nitrate Dihydrate see "KCN"
Potassium dihydrogen arsenate see "KDA"
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate see "KDP"
Potassium Lanthanum Nitrate Dihydrate see "KLN"
Potassium Lithium Niobate see " "
Potassium niobate see " "
Potassium Pentaborate Tetrahydrate see "KB5"
Potassium Titanyl Arsenate see "KTA"
Potassium titanyl phosphate see "KTP"
Principal plane (or planes) 6—7 16—19 29—33
Principal values of refractive index 6 17 19 22 30
Proustite see " "
Pump depletion 346 357
Pump frequency 11
Pump radiation 11
Pyrargyrite see " "
Quality parameter 51
Quantum conversion efficiency 51—52
Quantum conversion efficiency of DFG 51—51
| Quantum conversion efficiency of SFG 51—52
Quartz see " "
Quasi-static interaction length 36 59
RDA 199—202 290 298 300 311 315
RDP 188—191 290 298 300 311 315—316 318—319
Reflection angle 14
Reflection coefficient 14 16
Refraction angle 14—16
Refractive indices temperature derivatives see "relevant crystal"
Refractive indices, experimental values see "relevant crystal"
Refractive indices, temperature dependences see "relevant crystal"
Rta 288
Rubidium Dihydrogen Arsenate see "RDA"
Rubidium Dihydrogen Phosphate see "RDP"
Saccharose 243—244 294—295
Scalar phase matching 11—13 61
SE 236—237 324—325
Second harmonic 4
Second-harmonic generation see "SHG"
Selenium see "Se"
Self-focusing 34
Self-focusing, critical power of 34
Sellmeier equations see "relevant crystal"
Sellmeier equations temperature-dependent see "relevant crystal"
SFG 4—6 10 19 36 44—45 50—52 61 65 327—339 360—362 364
SFG angular bandwidth 40—44
SFG angular tuning of phase matching 46—47
SFG conversion efficiency 50—51
SFG quantum conversion efficiency 51—52
SFG spectral bandwidth 40 43^16
SFG temperature bandwidth 40 43 45—46
SFG temperature tuning of phase matching 46 48—49
shg 4—6 11 19 22 36 44—45 50—51 54—59 61—64 66 289—298 304—327 360—361 365
SHG angular bandwidth 40—44
SHG angular tuning of phase matching 45—46
SHG conversion efficiency 50—51
SHG nonlinear regime of 52—53
SHG spectral bandwidth 40 43—46
SHG temperature bandwidth 40 43 45—46
SHG temperature tuning of phase matching 46—47
Signal frequency 11
Signal radiation 11
SIHG 4 304 321—322
Silver gallium selenide see " "
Silver Thiogallate see " "
Singly-resonant optical parametric oscillation see "SROPO"
Sixth-harmonic generation see "SIHG"
Slow wave 16 19 22 26 29
Slowly varying amplitudes 33
Sodium Formate see "NaCOOH"
Sodium nitrite see " "
Spectral phase-matching bandwidth 40 43-46
SRS 329 357 362—364
Strontium Formate see " "
Strontium Formate Dihydrate see " "
Sum frequency 4 10—11
Sum-frequency generation see "SFG"
Surcose see "Saccharose"
Surface-damage threshold 65 see
T-17 261—263
TAS 238—240 324—325
TE 240—243 320 324—325 340 342
Tellurium see "Òå"
Temperature phase-matching bandwidth 40 43 45—46
Temperature tuning of SFG 46 48—49
Temperature tuning of SHG 46—47
Temperature-dependent Sellmeier equations see "relevant crystal"
Temporary modulation 36
Tensor of linear dielectric polarization 23
Tensor of square nonlinearity 24
Thallium arsenic selenide see "TAS"
Thermal conductivity coefficient 34 see
Thermal conductivity equation 35 38—39
Thermal self-actions 34—35 38
THG 4—5 298 300—301 304—311 322 330
Thienylchalcone see "T-17"
Third-harmonic generation see "THG"
Three-frequency interactions 4 19
Three-wave interactions 4 6 13 28 30
Transparency range see "relevant crystal"
Travelling-wave optical parametric oscillation see "TWOPO"
Truncated equations 33 38—39 59 61—62
Tryptophan 294
Two-photon absorption 34—35 65
Two-photon absorption coefficient see "relevant crystal"
TWOPO 346—347 357
Type I phase matching 10—13 18—19 28 32—33 54 61 62—63
Type II phase matching 11—13 18—19 28 32—33 62—63
Uniaxial crystal 6—16 23—25 61—62
Uniaxial crystal negative 8—13 17 25
Uniaxial crystal orientation 9—10
Uniaxial crystal positive 8—11 18 25
Uniaxial crystal, cut angle of 10—15
Uniaxial crystal, index surface of 8
Up-conversion 328—339
Up-converter 65
Urea 146—148 294 301 303—304 317 319—320 347 356 360
Vector phase matching 11—13 63—64
Zinc germanium phosphide see " "
ZnSe 345 363—364
ZnTe 345
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