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Batchelor G.K. — An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics |
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Maxwell's thermodynamic relations 25
Minimum dissipation theorem 227
Modified pressure 176 387
Molecular force 2
Molecular spacing 3
Molecular velocity distribution in a gas 38
Molecular velocity distribution in a gas, Maxwell form of 41
Moment on a moving cylinder with irrotational flow 434
Moment on a moving cylinder with irrotational flow, ellipse 435
Moment on a moving cylinder with irrotational flow, Joukowski aerofoil 448
Moment on a moving cylinder with irrotational flow, thin aerofoil 470
Momentum equation in integral form 138
Momentum equation in integral form, applications to irrotational flow 386
Momentum equation in integral form, examples of use 372 386
Mountain ridge, deflection of stream due to 573
Navier — Stokes equation 147
Newtonian fluid 146
No-slip condition at a rigid boundary 149
Normal stresses 11
Ocean, equations for flow in a model 569
Orifice, jet of liquid from 387 495
Oscillating body, damping force on 355
Oscillating body, steady streaming due to 362
Oscillating plane boundary, flow due to 191
Oseen's equations for flow at small Reynolds number 241
Paint-brush, model of 183
Parameters of state 21
Penetration depth of flow oscillations 193
Perfect gas 37
Perfect gas, departures from laws for 45
Perfect gas, equation of state for 43
Perfect gas, transport coefficients in 47
Perfect gas, with constant specific heats 45
Permeability of a porous medium 224
Phenomenological approach 143
Planetary waves 577
Plate, planing on a free surface 501
Plate, two-dimensional irrotational flow due to movement of 431 432 436
Plate, with a cavity at ambient pressure 497
Point vortex 95
Point vortices, motion of group of 530
Poiseuille flow in a circular tube 180
Poiseuille flow in a circular tube, stability of 186
Porous medium, flow through 223
Pressure equilibrium 154
Pressure impulse 471
Pressure in a liquid 56
Pressure in a perfect gas 39
Pressure in irrotational flow 383
Pressure mechanical definition of, in a moving fluid 141
Pressure modification to allow for effect of a body force 176 387
Pressure rise due to sudden enlargement of a pipe 375
Pressure, static-fluid 14
Principal rates of strain 81
Proudman's theorem 558
Pure straining motion 81
Rankine ovoid 459
Rate-of-strain tensor 81
Rate-of-strain tensor, components in curvilinear co-ordinates 600
Re-entrant jet model for flow with cavity 505
Reconcilable curves 109
Rectangular tube, flow in 182
Reducible curve 92
Relaxation time for departures from molecular equilibrium 51 60
Reversible change of state 22
Reynolds number 214
Rolling-up of the trailing sheet vortex from a wing 589 593
Rossby number 557
Rossby waves 578
Rotating axes, equations for flow relative to 140 162 177 396 555
Rotating circular cylinder, flow due to 203
Rotating disk, centrifugal flow due to 290
Rotating fluid, effect of change of cross-section of a tube on stream of 546
Rotating fluid, flow due to a body moving along the axis of 564
Rotating fluid, flow due to stationary interior boundary in 539
Rotating fluid, geostrophic flow in 571
Rotating fluid, propagation of waves in 559 565
Rotating fluid, slow relative motion in 557
Rotating fluid, sphere, motion in a thin layer on 567
Rotating fluid, “elasticity” of 555
Rotation of a fluid in two-dimensional motion 177
Saturated vapour pressure 54
Scale-height of atmosphere 20
Schwarz — Christoffel theorem 418
Separation of the boundary layer 325
Separation of the boundary layer at a salient edge 329
Separation of the boundary layer, relation to point of zero skin friction 328
Shallow water approximation 568
Shaped charge, jet flow due to 395
Sheet vortex 97
Sheet vortex, being extended and diffused 273
Sheet vortex, equivalent to a layer of source doublets 130
Sheet vortex, instability of 511
Sheet vortex, spreading due to viscosity 187
Similarity, conical 593
Similarity, dynamical 213
Similarity, solution 188
Simple shearing motion 30 83 541
Slender body, irrotational flow due to motion of 463
Slowly-varying channel, flow in 217
Solenoidal vector 75
Solenoidal vector, conditions for velocity to be 167
Sound waves, speed of 166
Source doublet 89
Source of fluid volume, line 91
Source of fluid volume, point 88
Specific heats 22
Specific heats, principal 23
Specific heats, principal, of a perfect gas 43
Specific heats, principal, of air 594
Specific heats, principal, of common liquids 57
Specific heats, principal, of water 596
Sphere, damping force on oscillating 357
Sphere, damping force on oscillating, embedded in a pure straining motion 248
Sphere, flow due to a moving at Reynolds numbers between 1 and 100 262
Sphere, flow due to a moving at small Reynolds number 230 235 241
Sphere, flow due to a moving, irrotational 452
| Sphere, in oscillatory motion due to passage of a sound wave 454
Spherical vortex 526
Stagnation point, flow toward, at a rigid boundary 285
Stagnation point, irrotational flow near 105
Standard atmosphere 595
Steady flow 72
Steady streaming due to oscillatory boundary layer 358
Stokes's law for resistance to a moving sphere 233
Streak line 7a
Stream function, definition of 77 78
Stream-tube 7a
streamline 72
Stress 8
Stress tensor 10
Stress tensor, components in curvilinear co-ordinates 600
Stress tensor, deviatoric 142
Stress tensor, in a fluid at rest 12
Stress tensor, in a moving fluid 142
Stress tensor, symmetry of 11
Stress, in a Newtonian fluid 146
Stress, principal 12
Strouhal number 216
Suction, flow along a wall with 282
Surface forces 7
Surface tension 60
Surface tension, effect of adsorbed material on 62
Surface tension, measured values of 597
Surface tension, pressure due to 64
Suspension of particles, increased rate of dissipation in 250
Suspension of particles, viscosity of 246
Swept-back wing 591
Tangential stresses 11
Taylor column 559 564
thermal conductivity 34
Thermal diffusivity 35
Thermal diffusivity of a perfect gas 49
Thermal diffusivity of air 594
Thermal diffusivity of liquids 58
Thermal diffusivity of water 597
Thermal expansion coefficient 26
Thermal expansion coefficient of a perfect gas 43
Thermal expansion coefficient of air 594
Thermal expansion coefficient of water 596
Thermometric conductivity 35
Toroidal gas bubble 523
Torricelli's theorem 388
Trailing vortices from a highly swept wing 592
Trailing vortices from a lifting body 331 581
Transition layer between parallel streams 187
Transport coefficient 31
Transport of momentum 36
Transport phenomena 28
Unidirectional flow in viscous fluid, steady 179
Unidirectional flow in viscous fluid, unsteady 186
Uniqueness of an irrotational solenoidal velocity distribution 103 112 119 126
Uniqueness of solenoidal flow with negligible inertia forces 227
Van der Waals' equation 46
Velocity potential 100
Velocity potential, expression as a series of circular harmonics 127
Velocity potential, expression as a series of spherical harmonics 121
Velocity potential, physical interpretation of 472
Venturi tube 484
Virtual inertia of an accelerating body 407
Virtual inertia of an accelerating body, circular disk 458
viscosity 36 145
Viscosity, expansion 154
Viscosity, kinematic 37 175
Viscosity, measured values of 597
Viscosity, of a dilute suspension 246
Viscosity, of a perfect gas 49
Viscosity, of liquids 59
Viscosity, shear 154
Viscous fluid 30
Volume forces 7
Vortex see also Line vortex Sheet
Vortex, bound, at a lifting line 585
Vortex, breakdown 554
Vortex, doublet 95
Vortex, effect of change of external velocity on an isolated 550
Vortex, elliptical 534
Vortex, Hill's spherical 526
Vortex, pair, steady flow relative to 534
Vortex, point, in two-dimensional motion 95
Vortex, rings 522
Vortex, starting 441
Vortex, street 261 338 536
Vortex, system of a wing 580
Vortex-line 92
Vortex-line, moves with an inviscid fluid 274
Vortex-tube 92
Vortex-tube, moves with an inviscid fluid with constant strength 274
Vortex-tube, strength of 93
Vorticity 81
Vorticity, effect of viscosity on dispersion of 536
Vorticity, equation for 267
Vorticity, integral invariants in two-dimensional unbounded flow 528
Vorticity, intensification by extension of vortex-lines 270
Vorticity, laws for inviscid fluid 273
Vorticity, of a material element of a thin layer on a rotating sphere 570
Vorticity, shed by an aerofoil in unsteady motion 438
Vorticity, source of, in motion generated from rest 277
Vorticity, trailing, from a wing 581
Vorticity, uniform, steady rotation of region of 533 534
Vorticity, uniform, steady two-dimensional flow with 537
Wake behind a moving body 348
Wake behind a moving body, with lift 377
Water, pure, physical properties of 595
Water-hammer pressure 487
Waves, inertia 564
Waves, planetary or Rossby 578
Waves, progressive gravity, angle at sharp crest of 506
Waves, progressive gravity, attenuation due to boundary layer at free surface 370
Waves, progressive gravity, drift due to boundary layer at bottom 363
Weir, flow over 391
Wetting of a solid surface 66
Wing, vortex system of 580
Zero skin friction, flow near a point of 226
“Stokeslet”, flow due to 240
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