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Wright R.H. — Manual of Laboratory Glass-Blowing |
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"Blowing off, " (flame) 12
"Flexaframe" 74
"Pyrex," 7 79 82 see
"Sealing-in" glass 78 79
"Striking back," 12 16
"Vacuum tester," 75
A.S.T.M. Tests 73
acetylene 10 15
Alkaline solutions 10
annealing 3 8 9 37 38 52 55 59 63
Annealing furnace 4
Annealing range 6
Apparatus, assembling and supporting 74
Apparatus, for glass blowing 18 42
Apparatus, vacuum 47 74 79
Arc welding 81
Asbestos 4 18 45 67 73
Backfire, (flame) see "Striking back"
Backing pump 66 67
Bellows 18
Bending tubing 19 41
Blast burner 9 10 16 18 19 23 32 35 42 68
Blast burner, use with Meker 19 32 35 85
Blower, (pump) 45 47
Blowing our inequalities 3 4 27 28 31 36 38 41 46 48 51 52 55 65 81
Blowing tube 20 23 37 46 59 65
Booster pump 45 47
Borosilicate glass 5 7 20 22 79 82
Borosilicate to soft glass joints 82
Bottled gas 14
Boyle 72
British Thermal Unit, (B.T.U.) 12 14
Bulb 37 48 63
Bunsen burner 12 15 16 19 45
Burner, blast see "Blast burner"
Burner, selection of, n 14 15
Calorific value of gas 10 14 15
Calorimeter 63
Calory 12
Capillary depression 71
Capillary tubing 36 38 41 67 71 76
Carbon monoxide 14 77
Carbon rod 56 85
Carborundum powder 66 86
Cell, conductivity 78 80
Cement, deKhotinsky 82
Centrifugal force 86
Chalk 20
Chemical resistance 8 9
Closed circuits 65 67 71
Closing and rounding 35 60
Coal gas 14
Coil, high frequency 67 75
Combustion of gas 11
Complex assemblies 47 74
Composition of gas 14
Composition of glass 3 7
Compressed air 16 18
Condenser 56 59 66 67
Conductivity cell 78 80
Copper plating tungsten 79
Corks 20
Cotton wool 5
Cracks and cracking 2 3 5 8 9 21 22 27 37 41 52 78 82
Cutting glass 20
Cylindrical lens 28
deKhotinsky cement 82
Dentist's mirror 76
Devitrification 10
Diaphragm manometer 60
Difficulties 27
Discharge tube 76 78
Distinguishing types of glass 9
Drawing down 31 64
Electric lamps 78
Electrode vessel 78 79
Electrodes 80
End plug 20
Ether 77
Expansion, thermal 3 5 7 8 9 78
FILE 20 21 22 56 60
Fixed dimensions 73
Flame 11 18
Flame speed 13 14
Flame, adjustment of 18 19 23 37 45 48 52
Flared tube 52 55 59 63 85
Flaring a tube 55 85
Flask, round bottom 51 59 67
Flexible glass manometer 60
Flint gas-lighter 20
Flowmeter 65
Forceps 20
Fractionating column 59
Furnace, annealing 4
Fused quartz see "Glass quartz"
Gas, air requirement of 13
Gas, burners 1
Gas, calorific value of 10 14 15
Gas, combustion of 11
Gas, composition of 14
Gauge, McLeod see "McLeod guage"
Glass rod 28 60 61 63 65 68 79 80
Glass, "sealing-in," 78 79
Glass, behavior on cooling 2 5
Glass, borosilicate 5 7 8 9 10 20 22 79 82
Glass, composition of 3 7
Glass, distinguishing varieties of 9
Glass, lead 5 7 8 9 22 78 82
Glass, lime-soda 4 5 7 8 9 22 78
Glass, properties of 1
Glass, quartz 5 7 9 10 20 79 82
Glass, soft see "Glass lime-soda" "Glass lead"
Glass, varieties of 7 9
Glass-blower's swivel 20
Glass-to-metal seals 78
Glass-to-rubber joints 73
Glycerine (Glycerol) 66 85 86
Graded seals 82
Gravity 35 46 51
Ground joints 56 82 85 86
Hand torch 19 47 62 63
High frequency coil 67 75
Hildebrand 80
Holding glass 23
Hot-wire glass cutter 20 21
Hydrogen 11 14 76 77
Hydrogen electrode 80
Induction coil 75
Inner seal 51 56 60 63 66
Insulating tape 65
| Jagged points, removal of 22
Joining tabes 23 31 42 51 73
Joints, ground 56 82 85 86
Lagging 67
Langmuir pump 65
Large bulbs 51
Lead glass 5 7 8 9 22 78 82
Lead pencil 81
leaks 67 73 75 see
Levelling cup 73
Lime-soda glass 4 5 7 8 9 22 78 82
Loop, closed 65 67 71
Maass 51
Manometer 65 74
Manometer, flexible glass 60
Marshall 79
McLeod gauge 65 67 71
Meker burner 12 15 16 19 85
Meker burner, used with blast burner 19 32 35 85
Mercury 67 77
Mercury vapor pump 51 59 65
Mirror, dentist's 76
Natural gas 14
Neon sign 8 42 73
Nitrogen 14 16 76
Opening a closed tube 35 47 52
Oxidizing flame 8
Oxygen 9 10 17 18 20 47
Pinholes 9 24 20 63 65
Plasticity of glass 1 31
Plate I, Fig. 1 ref. 18 47
Plate I, Fig. 2 ref. 21
Plate I, Fig. 3 ref. 22
Plate II 25
Plate II, Fig. 1 ref. 20 24
Plate II, Fig. 2 ref. 20 24
Plate II, Fig. 3 ref. 19 20 24 32
Plate II, Fig. 4 ref. 20 24 41
Plate III 29
Plate III, Fig. 1 ref. 3 4 27 37
Plate III, Fig. 2 ref. 3 4 22 37 38 68 71
Plate IV 33
Plate IV, Fig. 1 ref. 4 32 51 59 71
Plate IV, Fig. 2 ref. 4 22 32 35 51 52 55 60 80
Plate IX 57
Plate IX, Fig. 1 ref. 5 8 59 66
Plate IX, Fig. 2 ref. 5 8 56 59 60 63 67
Plate V 39
Plate V, Fig. 1 ref. 3 4 28 37 38 47 55 64 71 80
Plate V, Fig. 2 ref. 38 71
Plate V, Fig. 3 ref. 38 71
Plate VI 43
Plate VI, Fig. 1 ref. 42
Plate VI, Fig. 2 ref. 42 46
Plate VI, Fig. 3 ref. 45 47
Plate VII 49
Plate VII, Fig. 1 ref. 48 59 61 66
Plate VII, Fig. 2 ref. 51 61
Plate VIII 53
Plate VIII, Fig. 1 ref. 5 52 55 56 59 60 63 66
Plate VIII, Fig. 2 ref. 56
Plate VIII, Fig. 3 ref. 81
Plate X 69
Plate X, Fig. 1 ref. 65 67 68 73
Plate X, Fig. 2 ref. 68
Plate XI 81
Plate XI, Fig. 1 ref. 85
Plate XI, Fig. 2 ref. 85
Platinum electrode 81
Platinum, foil and wire 78 79 81
Platinum, welding 814
Pliers 20
Potassium nitrite 79
Pressure measurement see "Manometer"
Pressure-reducing valve 20
Projection lens 62
Pump, backing 66 67
Pump, booster 45 47
Pump, mercury vapor 51 59 65
Quantity of heat 12
Quartz glass 5 7 9 10 20 79 82
Radio tubes 42 78
Rayleigh 28
Re-entrant joint 63 64
Reducing valve 20
Removing excess glass 35
Rheostat 21 81
Ring seal 51 56 60 63 66
Rod, glass 28 60 61 63 65 68 79 80
Rotating tube 20 23 32 35 48 52 56 85
Russel 51
Sealing capillary tube 68
Sealing evacuated apparatus 42 45
Shocks 3
Soft glass see "Glass Lime-soda" "Glass Lead"
Softening point 6 24
solder 79
Soot 5
Spectrum 76
splicing 23 31 42 46 51 73
Splicing torch 42 73 75
Stopcock 76 77
Strains 2 27 78
Sucking 55 63 64
Swivel, glass blower's 20
T-joints 36 37 42 46 47 52 55 64 65 71
Tape, insulating 65
Temperature gradient 2 3 4 7
Thermal expansion 3 5 7 8 9 78
Thermometer well 59
Three-inlet burner 17 18
Tipping torch 42 46 see
Tools, glass blowing 18 42
traps 51
Triple seals 51 56 60 63 66
Tubulature 64
Tungsten wire 79
U-bends 19
Ultra-violet light 9
VACUUM 47 61 63 74 79
Vacuum jacket 63 64
Vapor density 51
Volume of bulb 71
Volume of capillary 67 68
Water jacket 37 56 59 66 67
Water vapor 76
Welding platinum 81
Well, thermometer 59
Wing-top 19
Wright 79
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