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Johnson K.L. — Contact mechanics |
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Adhesion between elastic bodies 125—129
Amonton's law of friction 204 212
Amonton's law of friction in rolling contact 244 265
Anisotropic materials 134—135
Axi-symmetrical elastic stresses 76—80
Ball and socket 117
Ball-bearings, Heathcote slip in 268—270
Ball-bearings, spin in 8—9
Bauchinger effect 184
Bearing area 407
Belt, creep of 245—247
Belt, model for tyre 283
Boundary element method 55
Brittle materials, ring cracks in 94 125 178
Calendering 312—328
Camber thrust 267 280
Cast iron in contact with steel 110
Cauchy principal value of integrals 27 30 424
Cavity model of indentation 173—176
Circular region of elastic half-space, axi-symmetrical tractions on 76—80
Circular region of elastic half-space, cyclic loading of 125
Circular region of elastic half-space, general pressure on 63
Circular region of elastic half-space, Hertz pressure on 60—63 93—94
Circular region of elastic half-space, Hertz traction on 74—75
Circular region of elastic half-space, sub-surface shear stress 62 99
Circular region of elastic half-space, torsional loading of 80—82
Circular region of elastic half-space, uniform normal displacement of 59—60
Circular region of elastic half-space, uniform pressure on 56—59
Circular region of elastic half-space, uniform tangential displacement of 71—74
Cold rolling 326—328
Complementary energy 151
Compliance 220 356
Compliance, effect of roughness on 422—423
Conductance 415
Cone, elastic contact of 114
Cone, impact by 353
Cone, plastic indentation by 168—169
Conforming contacts 1 114—118
Conforming contacts, ball and socket 117
Conforming contacts, numerical method 144—149
Conforming contacts, pin joint 116
Conforming contacts, rolling 268—270
Contact resonance see resonance
Cornering force (tyre) 277—278 282
Corrugation 350
Creep (material) 186
Creep (material), linear 191
Creep (material), non-linear 196 200
Creep (rolling) 242
Creep (rolling), between strip and rollers 315
Creep (rolling), coefficient (creepage) 255 259 43
Creep (rolling), effect of roughness on 423
Creep (rolling), experiments 251 266
Creep (rolling), linear theory of 257—259
Creep (rolling), of elastic belt on pulley 245—246
Creep (rolling), of pneumatic tyres 279
Creep (rolling), of railway wheel 264—265 268
Creep (rolling), strip theory of 261—263
Creep compliance function 185
Curvature, equivalent radius of 85 97
Curvature, principal radius of 85—87
Curvature, radius of 85—87
Curvature, relative radius of 85—87 97
Cyclic loading 224—231
Cylinder, contact on flat ends of 111
Cylindrical bodies, compression of 130—131
Cylindrical bodies, contact of 99—104 129—134
Cylindrical bodies, end effects in 132
Cylindrical bodies, onset of yield in 155
Cylindrical bodies, profile for uniform loading of 134
Cylindrical bodies, sub-surface stresses in 134
Damping, vibration 230
Deborah number 304 306 310
Dimensional analysis of contact 89—90
Disc machine 8
Distortivity 380 385 387 390
Dundur's theorem 381
Duralumin, ball rolling on steel 251
Duralumin, in contact with steel 110
Edge of contact, stresses at 25—26 37 39 107—111 214 248
Elastic constants 110
Elastic constants, difference of in rolling contact 246—251 315—316
Elastic constants, difference of in static contact 110 119—125 207—209
Elastic constants, plane strain modulus 89 110
Elastic foundation model in elastic rolling 274—277
Elastic foundation model in normal contact 104—106
Elastic foundation model in viscoelastic rolling 303—306
Elastic-plastic indentation 171—184
Elastic-plastic indentation, penetration in 179—180
Elastic-plastic indentation, pile-up at edge of 178
Elastic-plastic indentation, unloading of 179—184
Elastic-plastic rolling contact 286—298
Elastohydrodynamic lubrication 331—339
Elliptical region of elastic half-space, general pressure on 63 67—68
Elliptical region of elastic half-space, general traction on 76
Elliptical region of elastic half-space, Hertz pressure on 65—67 95—99
Elliptical region of elastic half-space, Hertz traction on 75
Elliptical region of elastic half-space, sub-surface shear stress 67 99
Elliptical region of elastic half-space, torsional loading of 82—83
Elliptical region of elastic half-space, uniform normal displacement of 64
Elliptical region of elastic half-space, uniform tangential displacement of 71
End effects in rollers 132—134
Equivalent radius of curvature 85 97
Exponential roughness 413—415
Finite-element method 55 172
Force at surface of half-space, dynamic (“step”) 344—345
Force at surface of half-space, harmonic 345—346
Force at surface of half-space, high speed travelling 370—372
Force at surface of half-space, non-linear material 196—198
Force at surface of half-space, normal line 14—17
Force at surface of half-space, normal point 50—53
Force at surface of half-space, tangential line 17—18
Forces at point of contact 4—5
Frame of reference 1—3
Fretting (fatigue) 26 230
Functional filtering 410 421
Gaussian roughness 407—408 410 413
Gears, involute 6 129
Gelatine sphere, adhesion of 128
Glass, in contact with steel 110
Glass, stress waves in 358—359
Granular material 231
Grinding, surfaces produced by 397
Hardness 90 157
Hardness, Vickers' 177
Heat source, continuous point 376 381
Heat source, instantaneous line 376
Heat source, instantaneous point 375—376
Heat source, moving 377—380 382—383
Hertz theory 90—104
Hertz theory, basic assumptions of 91—92
Hertz theory, cylindrical bodies (2-D) for 99—104
Hertz theory, effect of roughness on 419—420
Hertz theory, general profiles for 95—99
Hertz theory, limitations of 99
Hertz theory, solids of revolution for 92—95
Hertz theory, summary of formulae 427—428
Hot rolling 322—326
Hydrodynamic lubrication 328—331
Hysteresis, elastic, in contact resonance 350
Hysteresis, elastic, in normal contact 181
Hysteresis, elastic, in rolling contact 284—285
Hysteresis, elastic, in tangential contact 227 229
Impact, collinear elastic 351—355
Impact, high speed 366
Impact, hypervelocity 367
Impact, longitudinal 341—342 359—360
Impact, oblique elastic 355—358
Impact, plastic 361—366
Impact, time of 353 365
| Impact, viscoelastic 196 368—369
Impedance 346
Imperfect contact 389—390
Inhomogeneous materials 134—136
Interference fringes (optical) 86 90
Junction growth 235
Kelvin solid 193
Layer, elastic 136—142
Line force on half-space, high-speed travelling 370—372
Line force on half-space, non-linear elastic 196—198
Line force on half-space, normal, elastic 14—17
Line force on half-space, tangential, elastic 17—18
Lubrication, of elastic cylinders (elastohydrodynamic) 331—333
Lubrication, of rigid cylinders 329—331
Lubrication, variable viscosity 333—339
Maxwell material 186—187 191 194—196 369
Microslip, between rollers and strip 314
Microslip, cyclic loading, in 224—231
Microslip, due to dissimilar materials 121
Microslip, elastic wedge 110
Microslip, flat punch (2-D) 40
Microslip, flat punch, circular planform 80
Microslip, oblique impact, in 356
Microslip, rolling contact, in 242 245 248—250 253—256 260—264
Microslip, tangential loading, in 211 217—224
Microslip, torsional loading, in 232—233
Microslip, “Heathcote slip” 269
Microslip, “Reynolds' slip” 247 250
Non-conforming contacts 1
Non-conforming contacts, anisotropic materials with 135
Non-conforming contacts, geometry of 84—87 425—426
Non-linear creep (material) 196 200
Non-linear elasticity 196
Non-linear elasticity, line contact with 198
Non-linear elasticity, point contact with 199
Numerical methods 144—152
Oblique loading 221—224
Oscillating forces 224—231 345—349
Peclet number 378—379
Perspex, in contact with steel 110
Perspex, radial cracks in 178
Photoelasticity 22 99 103 112
Photoelasticity, in rolling contact 265
Pin joint 117—118 141
Plane strain modulus 89 110
Plastic yield, onset of 153—157
Plastic yield, onset of, in cylinders in contact 154
Plastic yield, onset of, in general profiles 155
Plastic yield, onset of, in impact 361
Plastic yield, onset of, in rolling contact 286—287
Plastic yield, onset of, in sliding contact 206—207
Plastic yield, onset of, in solids of revolution 154
Plastic yield, onset of, in strip between rollers 318—320
Plastic yield, onset of, in wedge and cone 155—156
Plasticity index 416
Plates, contact with 143
Ploughing 237—241
Pneumatic tyres see tyres
Point force on elastic half-space, dynamic (“step”) 344—345
Point force on elastic half-space, harmonic 345—346
Point force on elastic half-space, normal 50—53
Point force on elastic half-space, tangential 68—70
Polygonal region of elastic half-space, non-uniform pressure on 55—56
Polygonal region of elastic half-space, uniform pressure on 53—55
Polynomial profile (2-D) 30—32
Potential functions of Boussinesq and Cerruti 45—50
Potential functions of Boussinesq and Cerruti, for normal point force 50
Potential functions of Boussinesq and Cerruti, for pressure on elliptical area 63—65 98
Potential functions of Boussinesq and Cerruti, for tangential point force 68
Principal value (Cauchy) of integrals 27 30 424
Profilometer 406
Punch, flat (2-D) 35—42
Punch, flat, circular planform 59—60 71—74 80—82
Punch, flat, elliptical planform 64 74 82—83
Punch, non-linear materials, indentation by 198—199
Punch, plastic indentation by 168—169
Punch, stresses at the edge of 108
Punch, thermoelastic contact by 390
Railway wheel/rail 264—265
Random rough surfaces, characteristics of 406
Random rough surfaces, contact of 411—423
Random rough surfaces, exponential height distribution of 413—415
Random rough surfaces, Gaussian height distribution of 407—408 410 413
Real area of contact 397 400—406 414—415
Receding contact 141—142
Receptance 346
Receptance, functions 347
Rectangular elastic block, in contact with cylinder 131
Rectangular elastic block, in contact with plane 111
Rectangular region, pressure applied to 54—55
Relaxation function 185 303—304
Residual stresses in normal contact 183—184
Residual stresses in rolling contact 295
Resonance, contact 349—351 357
Restitution, coefficient of 362—365 369
Revolution, solids of 87 92—95
Reynolds' equation 329
Reynolds' slip 250
Rigid-perfectly-plastic material see slip-line fields
Ring cracks in brittle solids 94 125 178
Roller bearings 129
Roller bearings, end effects in 132—134
Rollers (rolls), elastic contact of 129—134
Rollers (rolls), elastic strip between (calendering) 312—318
Rollers (rolls), lubrication of 328—339
Rollers (rolls), plastic strip between (rolling) 320—328
Rolling creep see creep
Rolling friction (resistance) 306—311
Rolling friction (resistance) due to elastic hysteresis 285 309
Rolling friction (resistance) due to Heathcote slip 269 307
Rolling friction (resistance) due to Reynolds' slip 250 307
Rolling friction (resistance) due to surface roughness 311
Rolling friction (resistance) due to traction and spin 308
Rolling friction (resistance) with elastic-plastic materials 294 309
Rolling friction (resistance) with rigid-plastic materials 299—301 309
Rolling friction (resistance) with viscoelastic materials 304—305 310
Rolling moment 5 250 269 285 305
Rolling, ball in conforming groove 268—270
Rolling, cumulative plastic flow in 292—295
Rolling, definition of 3
Rolling, elastic foundation model of 274—277
Rolling, free 5 242 246
Rolling, of metal strip 320—328
Rolling, supersonic (superseismic) 372—373
Rolling, tractive 242 252—268
Rolling, transient 270—274
Rolling, viscoelastic bodies of 302—306
Rolling, with spin 242 256—268
Roughness parameter 419
Rubber in contact with steel 110
Rubber in contact with steel, in rolling contact 286
Sampling interval 408—411 421
Self-aligning torque (tyre) 278 282
Self-similarity 119 121 161
Separation, adhesive force as a function of 125
Separation, rough surfaces of 412—413
Shakedown 286 288
Shakedown, limit in line contact 289
Shakedown, limit in point contact 291
Shakedown, with kinematic hardening 292
Shells, contact with 144
Shot-peening 183 398
Sideslip (tyres) 281
Singular integral equations 29
Singular pressure element 150—151
Sliding contact 202—210
Sliding, cylinder 204—209
Sliding, definition of 3
Sliding, sphere 209—210
Sliding, supersonic (superseismic) 372—373
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