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Martin R.M. — Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and Practical Methods
Martin R.M. — Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and Practical Methods

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Íàçâàíèå: Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and Practical Methods

Àâòîð: Martin R.M.


The study of the electronic structure of materials is at a momentous stage, with the emergence of new computational methods and theoretical approaches. This volume provides an introduction to the field and describes its conceptual framework, the capabilities of present methods, limitations, and challenges for the future. Many properties of materials can now be determined directly from the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics, bringing new insights into critical problems in physics, chemistry, and materials science.

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Localized orbital methods, atom-centered orbitals, matrix elements      274—278
Localized orbital methods, gaussians      300—303
Localized orbital methods, gaussians, integrals      300—301
Localized orbital methods, gaussians, Slater type orbitals      301
Localized orbital methods, numerical orbitals      304—309
Localized orbital methods, numerical orbitals, integrals      305—307
Lorentz, H.A.      1
Madelung constant      see "Coulomb Sums"
Magnetism      8 22—24
Magnetism, antiferromagnetism      22 23 136 162 282 303 355
Magnetism, diamagnetism, Landau      90
Magnetism, ferromagnetism      22 23
Magnetism, ferromagnetism, absence of time reversal symmetry      90
Magnetism, ferromagnetism, Cu-Ni alloys      403
Magnetism, ferromagnetism, Fe      293
Magnetism, ferromagnetism, Ni      322
Magnetism, Heisenberg model      22
Magnetism, Ising model      22
Magnetism, itinerant      23
Magnetism, spin paramagnetism      3 45
Magnetism, Stoner parameter      23 320 328
Magnetism, Stoner parameter, elements      24
Magnetism, Zeeman field      23 52 53 90 127 133 486
Maximum entropy method      see "Density of states"
Maxwell's equations      492
Maxwell's equations, phenomenological form in matter      45 493
Minimization methods      560—562
Minimization methods, conjugate gradient      545—547 551 552 562 570
Minimization methods, residual minimization      559—560
Minimization methods, steepest descent      544—545 562
Molecular Dynamics      see "Quantum molecular dynamics"
Molecular dynamics, classical      371—372
Molecular dynamics, Verlet algorithm      372
Mott, N.F.      8 272
MTO      see "Muffin-tin orbital method"
Muffin-tin orbital method      235 331—338
Muffin-tin orbital method, localized formulation      338—341
Muffin-tin orbital method, structure constants      332
Muffin-tin potential      313 314 323 346 356 402
Multigrid      248—250 269 554
Multiple scattering theory      235 323—331
Multiple scattering theory, band structure expressions      326
Multiple scattering theory, Green's function formulation      328
Multiple scattering theory, Green's function formulation, coherent potential approximation      329
Multiple scattering theory, localized formulation      338—341
Multiple scattering theory, structure constants      325
Nanomaterials      see "Clusters"
Nanotubes      39 269 270 285—289
Nanotubes, BN      39 288
Nearly-free electron approximation      239—240
NMTO      see "Linearized muffin-tin orbital method"
Numerov method      189 544
Numerov method, "Mehrstellen" extension to higher dimensions      249 544
Optical properties      406—417 492—498
Optical properties, also      see Dielectric function"
Optical properties, Bethe — Salpeter equation      46
Optical properties, clusters      409—417
Optical properties, clusters, $C_{60}$      415 416
Optical properties, clusters, metal      409—410
Optical properties, clusters, semiconductor      409—411
Optical properties, crystals      45 243
Optical properties, crystals, $CaF_{2}$      46
Optical properties, crystals, GaAs      46
Optical properties, Drude model      3 115 380
Optical properties, excitonic effects      46
Optical properties, non-interacting particies      407
OPW      see "Orthogonalized plane wave method"
Order-N O(N) methods      see "Linear-scaling methods"
Orthogonalized plane wave method      7 207—209 225 229 230 234
Pair correlation function, also      see "Radial density distribution"
Pair correlation function, definition      65
Pair correlation function, exchange hole      107
Pair correlation function, interacting particles, homogeneous gas      111
Pair correlation function, non-interacting identical particles      68 71 107
Pair correlation function, non-interacting identical particles, homogeneous gas      107 117
Pair correlation function, normalized      66
Pauli exclusion principle      see "Exclusion principle"
Pauli spin matrices      193
Pauli, W.      2 3 57 513
PAW      see "Projector augmented wave method"
Perturbation-theory      68—70
Perturbation-theory, "2n+1 Theorem"      69—70
Phase shift      204—206 215 318—319 325 536—538
Phase transitions, displacive      24 442
Phase transitions, under pressure      17—21
Phase transitions, under pressure, $SiO_{2}$      262
Phase transitions, under pressure, carbon      28
Phase transitions, under pressure, nitrogen      19 260 261
Phase transitions, under pressure, semiconductors      20 21
Phase transitions, under pressure, silicon      19 263
Phonons, "frozen phonons"      25 387 390—393 402
Phonons, "frozen phonons", $BaTiO_{3}$      26 309 353
Phonons, "frozen phonons", $MgB_{2}$      26
Phonons, "frozen phonons", GaAs      392
Phonons, "frozen phonons", Mo, Nb, Zr      391
Phonons, also      see "Lattice dynamics"
Phonons, dispersion curves      26 389
Phonons, dispersion curves, $MgB_{2}$      50
Phonons, dispersion curves, Al, Pb, Nb      400
Phonons, dispersion curves, GaAs      27 392
Phonons, dispersion curves, Green's function method      395—401
photoemission      40—43
Photoemission, angle resolved spectra, $MgB_{2}$      49
Photoemission, angle resolved, schematic      40
Photoemission, inverse      42
Plane wave method      233 236—271
Plasmon      115 116 409
Point symmetry      see "Crystal symmetry"
Polarization      434—444
Preconditioning      258 555—556
Pressure, also      see "Phase transitions"
Pressure, atomic sphere approximation      360 527 532
Pressure, definition      16
Pressure, relation to stress      514
Projector augmented wave method      207 225—226 234 258—259
Projector augmented wave method, comparision with other methods      261
Pseudohamiltonian      227
Pseudopotential methods, ab initio pseudopotential method      255—258
Pseudopotential methods, empirical pseudopotential method      205 212 243—247
Pseudopotentials      7 204—231
Pseudopotentials, cancellation theorem      210
Pseudopotentials, empirical      see "Empirical pseudopotential method (EPM)"
Pseudopotentials, hardness      219
Pseudopotentials, many-body      228
Pseudopotentials, model forms      211
Pseudopotentials, non-linear core corrections      219
Pseudopotentials, norm-conserving      206 209 210 212—218
Pseudopotentials, norm-conserving, extended      221
Pseudopotentials, projector augmented wave method      225—226
Pseudopotentials, separable      220—222
Pseudopotentials, transformation of OPW      205 209
Pseudopotentials, ultrasoft      222—224
Pulay correction      see "Force theorem"
Quantum mechanics, history of      2
Quantum molecular dynamics      28—32
Quantum molecular dynamics, carbon      28
Quantum molecular dynamics, catalysis      31 382
Quantum molecular dynamics, clusters      37 382
Quantum molecular dynamics, geophysics      380
Quantum molecular dynamics, liquid Fe      381 382
Quantum molecular dynamics, magnetic clusters      383
Quantum molecular dynamics, water      29 30 381
Quasiparticle      43 45 106 109
Radial density distribution, also      see "Pair correlation function"
Radial density distribution, liquid C      380
Radial density distribution, liquid carbon      291
Radial density distribution, liquid Fe      381
Radial density distribution, liquid water      30
Random phase approximation      43 106 109 113—116 408
Reciprocal lattice      see "Translation symmetry"
Recursion method      309 359 362 455—460 473 557—558
Recursion method, also      see "Bond order"
Residual minimization      see "Minimization methods"
Response functions      485—491
Response functions, charge      394—402 407—411
Response functions, spin      23 403 486
Ruderman — Kittel — Kasuya — Yosida oscillations      104
Rutherford, E.      2
Schroedinger, E.      2 513
Seitz, F.      5 494
Self-consistency      179—182
Self-consistency, also      see "Broyden method"
Self-consistency, atomic calculations      190
Self-consistency, dielectric function approximations      179—180 257—258
Self-consistency, linear mixing      179
Self-consistency, plane wave calculations      257—258
Shockley, W.      7
Slater transition state      198 202
Slater — Janak theorem      see "Janak theorem"
Slater — Koster method      234 278—279 570 571
Slater, J.C.      2 5—7 17 57 63 88 91 112 144 156 164 189 191 198 234 272 301 313
Sommerfeld, A.      3—5
Space symmetry      see "Crystal symmetry"
Special k-points      92—94 98 570
Spherical harmonics      187 315 536 539—540
Spherical harmonics, real      540
Spin orbital      2
Spin-orbit interaction      195
Spin-orbit interaction and pseudopotentials      221
Spin-orbitals      63
Statistics, Bose — Einstein      2 3
Statistics, Fermi — Dirac      2 3
Statistics, Fermi — Dirac, non-interacting particles      2 3
Steepest descent      see "Minimization methods"
Stoner, E.C.      2 23
Strain, definition      21 513—514
Strain, finite      22 514
Strain, Internal      390 516
Stress      390 512—518
Stress theorem      21 59 71 183 512—518 529
Stress theorem, Ewald contribution      516
Stress theorem, kinetic contribution      516
Stress theorem, localized-orbital formulation      308—309
Stress theorem, plane wave expressions      515
Stress theorem, pressure      532
Stress theorem, pressure, alternative form      532
Stress theorem, tight-binding formulation      291 296
Stress theorem, two-body terms      514
Stress, definition      21 59 514
Stress, density      523—524 526—527 533
Stress, sign convention      514
Stress-strain realtions      21 512—514
Structure constants, muffin tin orbital method      332
Structure constants, multiple scattering theory      325
Structure factor      240
Superconductivity      50 401
Superconductivity, BCS theory      9
Superconductivity, Eliashberg equations      401
Superconductivity, example of $MgB_{2}$      47
Surfaces      32—34
Surfaces, bands, Ge (100)      303
Surfaces, chemical potential and stoichiometry      32
Surfaces, dipole layer      507—508
Surfaces, structure, GaN (000—1)      33
Surfaces, structure, Si (100)      268
Surfaces, structure, ZnSe(100)      34
Suzuki — Trotter expansion      413 463
TDFT      see "Time-dependent density functional theory"
Tetrahedron method      95—96
Thomas — Fermi approximation      120—121 133 143 162
Thomas — Fermi approximation, screening      107 115 117 243 257 258
Thomas — Fermi approximation, Weizsacker correction      121 133 523
Thomson, J.J.      2
Tight-Binding Method      234 279—293
Tight-binding method, $CuO_{2}$ planes      282
Tight-binding method, ferromagnetic Fe      293
Tight-binding method, graphene plane      286
Tight-binding method, LMTO formulation      358
Tight-binding method, nanotubes      285—289
Tight-binding method, Ni      285
Tight-binding method, non-orthogonal orbitals      281
Tight-binding method, s-band: line, square and cubic lattices      279
Tight-binding method, Si      284
Time-dependent density functional theory      128—129 147—148 408—417
Total energy      see "Energy"
Total energy expressions, localized-orbital formulation      307—308
Total energy expressions, plane wave      255—256
Translation symmetry      74—89
Translation symmetry, Bravais lattice      73—75
Translation symmetry, primitive translations      74
Translation symmetry, reciprocal lattice      81—85
Translation symmetry, reciprocal lattice, Bravais lattice      82
Translation symmetry, reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zone      see "Brillouin zone"
Translation symmetry, reciprocal lattice, primitive translations      74 82
Translation symmetry, unit cell, conventional, fcc and bcc      76
Translation symmetry, unit cell, primitive      73—75
Translation symmetry, unit cell, Wigner — Seitz      see "Wigner — Seitz"
Trotter formula      see "Suzuki — Trotter expansion"
van Leeuwen, H.J.      8
van Vleck, J.H.      8
Wannier functions      30 93 129 282 418—433 436 443 448 470
Wannier functions and O(N) methods      466—468
Wannier functions and polarization      442
Wannier functions, Cu      431
Wannier functions, definition      418—421
Wannier functions, entangled bands      429—431
Wannier functions, GaAs      424
Wannier functions, maximally-localized      422—428
Wannier functions, maximally-projected      421—422
Wannier functions, non-uniqueness      420
Wannier functions, Si      423 424
Wannier functions, water      31
Wavelets      250 554
Wigner crystal      108
Wigner interpolation formula      109 510
Wigner — Seitz, cel, bcc lattice      76
Wigner — Seitz, cel, fcc lattice      76
Wigner — Seitz, cel, simple cubic lattice      75
Wigner — Seitz, cel, simple hexagonal lattice      75
Wigner — Seitz, cel, two dimensions      74
Wigner — Seitz, cell      74—76 97 503
Wigner — Seitz, cell and first Brillouin zone      74 83
Wigner — Seitz, method      6
Wigner — Seitz, radius      200 360
Wigner, E.P.      5 7 8 494
Zeeman field      see "Magnetism"
Zeeman, P.      1 23
1 2
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