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Maugin G.A. — Nonlinear waves in elastic crystals |
Предметный указатель |
Potential, interaction 10
Principle of virtual power 27
Principle, variational 25
Principle, variational, Lagrange — Hamilton 32
Problems, fully linear 259
Problems, quasi-linear 259
Process, dynamical, quasi-linear 71
Process, viscous 38
Propagation, quasi-one-dimensional 143
Pseudo dispersion relation 114 157 274
Pseudo elasticity 150
Pseudo energy 171
Pseudo force, driving 179
Pseudo momentum 23 81
Pseudo potential of dissipation 36
Pterons 178
Pulse, long-time evolution 181
Pulson 107
Quantification, phonons 11
Quantities, slowly varying 199
Quasi-bulk wave 190
Quasi-continuum 49 55 184
Quasi-electrostatics 61
Quasi-linear dynamical processes 71
Quasi-linear problems 259
Quasi-one-dimensional model 104
Quasi-one-dimensional propagation 143
Quasi-particle 43 87 181 260
Quasi-solitonic behaviour 200 209
Radiation, emitted 212
Rankine — Hugoniot equation 163
Rayleigh mode 202
Reductive perturbation method 143
Relation, dispersion 42 50
Relation, dispersion, amplitude-dependent 279
Relation, dispersion, dispersive 280
Relation, dispersion, nonlinear dispersive 99
Relation, for shock, Hugoniot 230
Relation, jump, thermomechanical 223
Relation, pseudo-dispersion 114 157 274
Relaxation, spin-lattice 246
Resonance, coupling 111
Resonance, multiple-wave 144
Resonant interaction 145
Robustness 115
Rotation, dislocation of 8
Rotation, tensor 29
Route to chaos 123
Rule of equal areas 237
Rule, Maxwell 163
Sagittal plane 189
Scaling parameter 39
Scattering, inverse-, method 268
Scheme, conservative difference 208
Scheme, finite-difference 54
Schrodinger, equation 137 268
Schrodinger, equation, nonlinear 281
Schrodinger, nonlinear equation 95
Schrodinger, nonlinear modulation 95
Schrodinger, operator 50
Second gradient theory 38 155
Second neighbour interaction 47
Secularity condition 76 131
Self-similar solutions 169
Semiconductors 70
SESOL, bright envelope 201
SG (DSG) equation, double 65 273
SG equation, perturbed 66
SGdA system 148
SH waves, Murdoch’s 197
Shape, formation 76
Shape, formation, distance 78
Shape, Hilgoniot relation for 230
Shape, in thermoelasticity 225
Shape, memory effect 150
Shape, monotone 176
Shape, oscillatory 177
Shape, structure 227
Shape, wave 17 218
Shape, wave, formation 71
Shape, wave, formation of surface envelope 201
Signal, Airy-function 172
Signal, heteroclinic 168
Signal, kink-shaped 168
Simple materials 34
Sine-Gordon (SG), equation 52
Sine-Gordon — d’Alembert (SGdA) system 65 274
Sine-Gordon — Frenkel — Kontorova model 91
Single solitons 111
Slowly varying quantities 199
Small strains, anelasticity in 37
Solid, monocrystalline 1
Solitary, in martensitic alloys 156
Solitary, solution 83 198
Solitary, wave 45 258
Solitary, wave, envelope 100
Soliton 45
Soliton, antisoliton solution 93
Soliton, bright 281
Soliton, bright, envelope 96 200
Soliton, dark 281
Soliton, dark, envelope 200
Soliton, envelope 137
Soliton, in austenite 157
Soliton, Kawahara 178 182
Soliton, motion 127
Soliton, multiple-, solution 129
Soliton, on martensite 159
Soliton, single 111
Soliton, subsonic 213
Soliton, trajectory 90
Soliton, viscous, driving force on 207
Soliton, weakly nonlocal 178
Solitonic quasi-, behaviour 200 209
Solution, Breather 93
Solution, far-field 75
Solution, homoclinic 168
Solution, kink-like 108
Solution, multiple-soliton 129
Solution, near-field 74
Solution, nonlocal 178
Solution, self-similar 169
Solution, solitary-wave 83 198
Solution, soliton-antisoliton 93
Solution, weak 223
Space-time invariance, Lorentz 92
Spatial chaos 124
Spin 66
Spin, inertia 68
Spin, internal 66
Spin, lattice relaxation 246
Stability, linear 47
Stable in Hadamard’s sense 48
Stacking fault 51
State, bound 93
State, local, accompanying 34
State, magnetic 7
State, variable, internal 251
Stiff equation 175
Strain transformation 241
Strain, small 37
| Stress, Eshelby 23 83 245
Stress, induced martensitic transformation 150
Stress, intensity factor 258
Stress, tensor, Piola — Kirchhoff 21 25
Structure of shock wave 227
Structure of the front 238
Structure, coherent 129
Study, far field 73
Study, near field 73
Subsonic solitons, collision-induced fusion 213
Superconductors, elastic 70
Supersonic kink 100
Surface, defects 4
Surface, discontinuity 17
Surface, envelope shock wave formation 201
Surface, tension 4
Surface, waves, acoustic 189
Surface, waves, elastic 189
Symmetry breaking 142
System, Boussinesq — Kortweg — de Vries 45
System, evolution 84 130
System, generalized, Zakharov 202
System, generalized, Zakharov, properties 205
System, GZ 203
System, nearly integrable 260
System, SGdA 148
System, sine-Gordon — d’Alembert (SGdA) 65 274
System, Zakharov 203
Technique, multiple-chain 73
Technique, Whitham — Newell 278
Tension, function 49
Tension, surface 4
Tensor, energy-momentum 266
Tensor, Eshelby 23 83 119 245
Tensor, rotation 29
Tensor, stress, Piola — Kirchhoff 21 25
Tensor, vorticity 27
Theorem, Noether’s 25 265
Theory, crystal lattice 46
Theory, director-field 115
Theory, field 264
Theory, kinematic-wave 199
Theory, lattice 51
Theory, non-linear wave 18
Theory, of characteristics 277
Theory, second-gradient 38 155
Thermoelasticity 6 252
Thermoelasticity of conductors 30
Thermoelasticity, shock waves in 225
Thermomechanical jump relations 223
Thermomechanics 19
Thin film 68
Thin film, coating 194
Three-point differences 47
Time, adiabatic, variation 116
Time, long-, evolution 167
Toda lattices 44
Trajectory, phase 112
Trajectory, soliton 90
Transform, Laplace 74
Transform, Legendre — Fenchel 78
Transformation, Backlund 93 270
Transformation, Bain 241
Transformation, Cole — Hopf 255
Transformation, Klein — Gordon 270
Transformation, Legendre 233
Transformation, Legendre — Fenchel 235
Transformation, martensitic 149
Transformation, martensitic, stress-induced 150
Transformation, strain 241
Transient motion 115
Transition phase, nondissipative 237
Transition to chaos 123
Transparency window 118
Triad 145
Triple interaction 48
Twin, boundaries 4
Twin, phases, martensitic 154
Twins, martensitic 161
Two-dimensional Frenkel — Kontorova model 105
Two-dimensional lattice 183
Two-dimensional models 103
Type, Norton — Hoff 257
Unit of length, Lagrangian 196
Variable, internal 40 251
Variable, state, internal 251
Variation, adiabatic time 116
Variational Principle 25
Variational principle, Lagrange — Hamilton 32
Varying phase, slowly 95
Varying quantities, slowly 199
VDC 120 121
Vector, Burgers 16 52
Velocity, drive characteristic 120
Velocity, material 22
Vibration, lattice 9
Virtual power, principle of 27
Viscoelasticity 255
Viscoelasticity, Kelvin — Voigt 5
Viscoelasticity, Maxwell’s 5
Viscoplasticity 52 257
Viscous driving force on soliton 207
Viscous process, Kelvin — Voigt 38
Vorticity tensor 27
wall 15 16
Wall, Bloch 17 109
Wall, magnetic domain 109
Wall, Neel 7
Wave, acceleration 76 215
Wave, acoustic 134
Wave, acoustic surface 189
Wave, action, conservation of 279
Wave, elastic 11
Wave, envelope 100
Wave, forms 260
Wave, in martensitic alloys 156
Wave, ion-acoustic, Langmuir 203
Wave, kinematic-, theory 199
Wave, momentum 43
Wave, multiple-, resonance 144
Wave, non-linear 18
Wave, operators, d’Alembertian 56
Wave, quasi-bulk 190
Wave, SH, Murdoch’s 197
Wave, shock 17 218
Wave, shock, formation 71
Wave, shock, in thermoelasticity 225
Wave, shock, structure 227
Wave, solitary 45 258
Wave, solution 83 198
Wave, surface, elastic 189
Wavelength, long 12
Weak solution 223
Weakly nonlocal solitons 178
Whitham — Newell technique 278
Whitham’s averaged-Lagrangian met 1
Window, forbidden 206
Window, transparency 118
Zakharov, generalized system 202
Zakharov, generalized system, properties 205
Zakharov, system 203
zooming 249
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