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Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. — Elastodynamics (vol.1) Finite motions |
Предметный указатель |
Polycrystalline solids 228
Pressure 42
Pressure, thermodynamic 42
Prestressed medium 253
Principal extension 126
Principal extension, strain 13
Principal extension, stress 123
Principal extension, stretch 120 122 261 267
Propagating singular surface 94
Quasi-equilibrated motion 147 148
Quasilinear differential equations 173
Quasilinear hyperbolic equations 315
Quasilinear hyperbolic equations, k-Riemann invariants 321 323
Quasilinear hyperbolic equations, k-simple wave 322 323
Quasilinear hyperbolic equations, simple wave solutions 321
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube 148
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube, equation of motion 151
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube, forced vibrations 158
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube, forced vibrations, period 160
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube, forced vibrations, thin shells 161
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube, free oscillations 153
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube, free oscillations, period 156 158
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube, free oscillations, thin shells 156
Radial oscillations of a cylindrical tube, thin tubes 152
Radial oscillations of a spherical cavity 166
Radial oscillations of a spherical cavity, free oscillations 167
Radial oscillations of a spherical cavity, period 168
Radial oscillations of a spherical cavity, under impulsive uniform traction 168
Radial oscillations of a spherical cavity, under impulsive uniform traction, dynamic pressure 171
Radial oscillations of a spherical cavity, under impulsive uniform traction, maximum circumferential stress 169 171
Radial oscillations of a spherical cavity, under impulsive uniform traction, period 170 171
Radial oscillations of a spherical shell 162
Radial oscillations of a spherical shell, equation of motion 163
Radial oscillations of a spherical shell, free oscillations 165
Radial oscillations of a spherical shell, period 166
Radial oscillations of a spherical shell, thin shell 164
Ray velocity 211
Rays 210 214
Reduced cofactor 300
Reflected front 214
Reflection and transmission at an interface 215—235
Reflection and transmission at an interface, coefficient 219
Reflection and transmission at an interface, decay of free vibrations 218
Reflection and transmission at an interface, decay of pulse in fully saturated soil 222
Reflection and transmission at an interface, function 219
Relative scalar 302
Relative tensor 303
Relative vector 302
Relativity, general 22
Relativity, special 22
Response functions 35 118 123
Response functions, compatibility conditions for 119
Ricci theorem 308
Riemann invariants 318
Riemann invariants, generalized 319 320 322
Riemann problem for half-space 195
Riemann problem for half-space, centered simple wave 195 196
Riemann problem for half-space, longitudinal shock wave 202
Riemann problem for half-space, longitudinal wave 196 197 198 204
Riemann problem for half-space, pure longitudinal wave 200
Riemann problem for half-space, shear (transverse) wave 196 205
Riemann problem for half-space, shear shock wave 201 202
Riemann problem for half-space, shock conditions 202
Riemann problem for half-space, shock solutions 201
Riemann problem for half-space, smoothness conditions 201
Riemann Theorem 18
Riemann — Christocel tensor 18 312
Rigid displacement 7
Rigid motion of spatial frame 36
Saturated soil 228
Second fundamental form 81
Second fundamental tensor 93
shear modulus 63
Shear strain 8
Shear strain, infinitesimal 11
Shear stress 28
Shift of time 35
Shifters 4 313
Shock waves in ideal rubber 104
Shock waves in ideal rubber, entropy jump 106
Shock waves in ideal rubber, local speed of propagation 106
Shock waves in ideal rubber, plane of polarization 106
Shock waves in ideal rubber, shock strength 107
Shock waves in ideal rubber, stress jump 105
Shock waves in ideal rubber, temperature jump 105
Shock waves in ideal rubber, velocity jump 106
Shock waves in ideal rubber, weak 106 107
Shock, formation 177 185 188 189 215 325
Shock, Strength 101
Shock, surface 96
Shock, waves 5 94 95
Shock, waves in incompressible materials 101
Shock, waves in incompressible materials, plane of polarization 104
Shock, waves, amplitude vector 102
Shock, waves, approximately isentropic 98
Shock, waves, isentropic 98 100
Shock, waves, longitudinal 100
Shock, waves, transverse 101
Signal functions 225
Simple thermomechanical continuum 30
Simple wave solutions 173
Simple wave solutions, circularly polarized wave 179
Simple wave solutions, generalized dilatational wave 190
Simple wave solutions, generalized Riemann invariants 178 182—184 192 197—199
Simple wave solutions, k-Riemann invariants 176 176
Simple wave solutions, k-simple wave 176
Simple wave solutions, plane polarized wave 183
Simple wave solutions, plane waves in incompressible solids 191
Simple wave solutions, plane waves in incompressible solids, -simple wave 192
Simple wave solutions, plane waves in incompressible solids, circularly polarized wave 193
Simple wave solutions, plane waves in incompressible solids, plane polarized wave 193
Simple wave solutions, pure dilatational wave 185 186
Simple wave solutions, quasitransverse wave 190
Simple waves, general theory 208—215
Simple waves, special theory 171—207
Singular surface 86
Singular surface, order of 86
Slip surface 94
Small motions superimposed on large deformations 247
Small motions superimposed on large deformations, boundary conditions 250 253 254
Small motions superimposed on large deformations, constitutive equations 253 258
| Small motions superimposed on large deformations, equations of motion 251 254 258
Small motions superimposed on large deformations, incompressible materials 257
Small motions superimposed on large deformations, incremental stress tensors 249 255
Small motions superimposed on large deformations, incremental stress tensors in isotropic solids 256
Softening materials 139 230
Specific heat 56
Speed of displacement 82 93
Speed of propagation 93
Speed, local 94 209
Spin tensor 22
Stability 261 276
Stokes' theorem 308
Strain ellipsoid 14
Strain invariants 11 15
Strain invariants, principal 12
Strain tensors 6 8
Strain tensors in curvilinear coordinates 70
Strain tensors, characteristic equation 12
Strain tensors, eulerian 7 9
Strain tensors, Lagrangian 7 9
Strain tensors, principal directions 13 119 120 130
Strain tensors, proper numbers 14
Stress potential in linear theory 149
Stress potential in nonheat conducting solids 64 97
Stress potential in quadratic theory 53
Stress tensor 28
Stress tensor, symmetry of 30
Stress tensor, vector 27
Stretch 10 11 15
Strong ellipticity 59 117 254
Summation convention 3
Surface (cont.) of positive curvature 141 142
Surface (cont.), metric tensor 78
Surface (cont.), velocity 82
Surface (cont.), velocity, normal 82 209
Surface (cont.), waves in prestressed media 267 268 270
Surface (cont.), waves in prestressed media, equations of motion 268
Surface (cont.), waves in prestressed media, frequency equation 272
Surface (cont.), waves in prestressed media, incompressible materials 274
Surface, base vectors 78
Surface, base vectors, reciprocals 79
Surface, curvilinear coordinates 78
Surface, developable 141 142 215
Surface, forces 23
Surface, gradient 85
Tensor 303
Tensor calculus 305
Tensor, addition 303
Tensor, alternation 303
Tensor, contraction 303
Tensor, multiplication 303
Tensor, symmetrization 303
Thermodynamics of continua 30
Thermoelastic moduli 61
Thermoelastic solids 35
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations 35 40 55
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, free energy 40
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, heat vector 44
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, hemitropic solids 43
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, incompressible solids 41
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, isotropic solids 43 45
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, linear theory 47 48
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, linear theory in curvilinear coordinates 71
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, linear theory, entropy 49
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, linear theory, incompressible solids 50
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, linear theory, isotropic solids 50
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, linear theory, stress potential 49
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, Piola — Kirchhoff stress 41
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, quadratic theory 51
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, quadratic theory, constitutive coefficients 51
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, quadratic theory, incompressible solids 54
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, quadratic theory, isotropic solids 53
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, quadratic theory, material moduli 51 53
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, quadratic theory, material moduli, Eulerian 54
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, quadratic theory, material moduli, Lagrangian 54
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, quadratic theory, stress potential 53
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, stress 44 46
Thermoelastic solids, constitutive equations, third-order theory 53
Thermoelastic solids, entropy flux 47
Thermoelastic solids, entropy inequality 45
Thermoelastic solids, equation of heat conduction 45 46 49
Thermoelastic solids, field equations 56
Thermoelastic solids, field equations, adiabatic state 56
Thermoelastic solids, field equations, isothermal state 56
Thermoelastic solids, field equations, linear theory 59
Thermoelastic solids, field equations, linear theory, homogeneous solids 60
Thermoelastic solids, field equations, linear theory, homogeneous solids, incompressible 60
Thermoelastic solids, field equations, linear theory, isotropic solids 59
Thermomechanical admissibility, axiom of 37 40
Thermomechanical materials 35
Thermomechanical materials, general constitutive theory 35
Thermostatic inequality 64
Time rate, convective 20
Time rate, local 20
Time rate, material 19
Total covariant derivative 314
Totally hyperbolic 174 209 253 317
Trace 12
Traction 28
Translation 42
Two-point tensor field 78 313
Undistorted state 46
Uniqueness theorem 58
Unloading wave 185
Unstable deformation 261 276
Velocity vector 20
Vortex sheet 95
Vorticity vector 22
Wave 94
Wave front 209
Wavelet 213 214 217
Weak shock waves 107
Weak shock waves in quadratic elastic solids 11
Weak shock waves, entropy jump 108 112
Weak shock waves, isentropic approximation 108
Weak shock waves, longitudinal 112
Weak shock waves, physically admissible 109
Weak shock waves, shock strength 108
Weak shock waves, thermodynamic admissibility 112
Weak shock waves, transverse 113
Weak solution 325
Young's modulus 63
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