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Eringen A.C. (ed.) — Continuum physics (vol. 4) Polar and Nonlocal Field Theories |
Предметный указатель |
Nonlocal micropolar theory 249
Nonlocal micropolar thermoelastic solids 221
Nonlocal micropolar thermofluids 251 255
Nonlocal moduli 236 245 249 260
Nonlocal Onsager fluxes 181
Nonlocal polar elastic solids 207
Nonlocal polar field theories 205
Nonlocal reciprocity relations 179
Nonlocal recoverable body force 142
Nonlocal recoverable stress tensor 142
Nonlocal residuals 238 251 262
Nonlocal strain measures 239 241
Nonlocal surface effects 236
Nonlocal surface stress 262
Nonlocal temperature 142
Nonlocal thermodynamic fluxes, constitutive relations for 161
Nonlocal thermodynamic state 135
Nonlocal thermodynamics, hidden variables in 140
Nonlocal thermoelasticity 187 ff. 207
Nonlocal variational principles, invariance properties 124 ff.
Nonlocal viscoelasticity 188
Nonlocal volume 212
Nonlocality, restricted 136
Nonlocality, unrestricted 136
Norm 216
Objective 49 216
Objective function 52
Objectivity 18 30 60
Objectivity, axiom of 251
Onsager fluxes as potential operators 181
Onsager fluxes, nonlocal 181
Onsager reciprocity relations, linear 155
Onsager theory, linear 155 ff.
Operator, local Euler — Lagrange 116
Operator, nonlocal Euler — Lagrange 117
Piezocaloric effect 24 52 228
Plastic solid, perfect 190
Polar field theories 1
Polar fluids 4
Polar quasi-elastic materials 22
Potential operators as Onsager fluxes 181
Preconstitutive relations 176
Protoelasticity 125 ff.
Protopotential 127
Rate measurers 250
Rate tensors 10 38
Reciprocity relations, linear Onsager 155
Reciprocity relations, nonlocal 179
Recoverable nonlocal body force 142
Recoverable stress 142
Recoverable work 138
Reference configuration 5 20 34 38 47 49
Reference state 16
Relative Cosserat deformation tensor 10
Relative micromotion 7 35
Relative strain measures 4
Relative strains 38
Relative wryness tensor 10
Residuals 212 213 224 see "Entropy "Nonlocal
Response functional 21 47 50
Restricted nonlocality 136
Rigid directors 3
Rigid motions 70
Rotational invariances 224
Second law of thermodynamics 29
Self-gravitating body 247
set functions 85
Simple fluid 21 49
Simple materials 4—5 47
Simple solid 49
Spatial frame 70
Spatial microinertia 45
| Spin density 13 211
Spin inertia 46 262
Strain measures 65 70
Strain measures, relative 4
Strains 35
Strains, relative 38
Stress tensor, dissipative 145
Stress tensor, equivalence class of 92
Stress tensor, exterior Piola — Kirchhoff 92
Stress tensor, external Cauchy 92
Stress tensor, recoverable nonlocal 142
Stress, recoverable 142
Strict adherence 32 62
Subbodies 2
Surface couple stress 262
Surface effects 212 236
Surface energy 43
Surface force 236
Surface physics 236 249
Surface stress densities 246
Surface stresses 207
Surface tension 95 ff. 207 264
Surface tension density 260
Surface tractions 246
Surface viscosities 207
Suspensions 3 32
Tension density 265
Tensors, Cosserat deformation 8
Tensors, deformation 36
Tensors, dissipative stress 30
Tensors, Green deformation 8 35
Tensors, gyration 6 35
Tensors, inertia 67
Tensors, isotropic 57
Tensors, material inertia 12
Tensors, microdeformation 36
Tensors, micromotion 7
Tensors, micropressure 60
Tensors, moment 66
Tensors, rate 10 38
Tensors, relative Cosserat deformation 10
Tensors, relative wryness 10
Tensors, two-point 35
Tensors, unimodular 49
Tensors, wryness 8 36
Terminal data, inhomogeneous 115
Test function 40
Thermodynamic fluxes 155
Thermodynamic fluxes, nonlocal constitutive relations for 161
Thermodynamic forces 155
Thermodynamic pressure 30 60 259
Thermodynamic state, nonlocal 135
Thermodynamics, global 137 ff.
Time reversal and Onsager fluxes 181 ff.
Turbulence 3 32
Two-point tensor 35
Uncompensated heat of Clausius 171 ff.
Undistorted state 20 49
Unimodular tensor 49
Uniqueness theorem 28 62
Unrestricted nonlocality 136
Variational inference 191 ff.
Variational principle for carrier fields 109
Variational principle, homogeneous 107
Variational principle, inhomogeneous 107
Variational principle, inhomogeneous for carrier fields 114
Vectors see "Displacement vector" "Gyration "Microdeformation "Microrotation
Viscous fluid of grade N 50
Volume heat source 68
Wave propagations 248
Wavelength 205
Wryness tensor 8 36 215
Wryness tensor, relative 10
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