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Andrew S.Tanenbaum — Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms
Andrew S.Tanenbaum — Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms

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Название: Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms

Автор: Andrew S.Tanenbaum


Virtually every computing system today is part of a distributed system. Programmers, developers, and engineers need to understand the underlying principles and paradigms as well as the real-world application of those principles. Now, internationally renowned expert Andrew S. Tanenbaum – with colleague Martin van Steen – presents a complete introduction that identifies the seven key principles of distributed systems, with extensive examples of each. Adds a completely new chapter on architecture to address the principle of organizing distributed systems. Provides extensive new material on peer-to-peer systems, grid computing and Web services, virtualization, and application-level multicasting. Updates material on clock synchronization, data-centric consistency, object-based distributed systems, and file systems and Web systems coordination. For all developers, software engineers, and architects who need an in-depth understanding of distributed systems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 614

Добавлена в каталог: 26.06.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Distributed computing environment, clearinghouse      548
Distributed computing environment, clerk      549
Distributed computing environment, client      536—538
Distributed computing environment, components      522—525
Distributed computing environment, DFS      524 564—573
Distributed computing environment, directory service      524 544—554
Distributed computing environment, distributed file service      524 564—573
Distributed computing environment, distributed time service      524 540—544
Distributed computing environment, DTS      524 540—544
Distributed computing environment, Episode      564
Distributed computing environment, fileset location server      572
Distributed computing environment, fileset server      571—572
Distributed computing environment, GDA      545
Distributed computing environment, GDS      545 549—554
Distributed computing environment, global directory service      545 549—554
Distributed computing environment, goals      521—522
Distributed computing environment, history      520—521
Distributed computing environment, Kerberos      555
Distributed computing environment, mutex      530—531
Distributed computing environment, names      546—547
Distributed computing environment, replication server      572
Distributed computing environment, RPC      535—540
Distributed computing environment, security      554—563
Distributed computing environment, security registry security service      524
Distributed computing environment, server      536—538
Distributed computing environment, template      532
Distributed computing environment, thread      527—535
Distributed computing environment, thread calls      531—535
Distributed computing environment, time clerk      543
Distributed computing environment, time provider      544
Distributed computing environment, time server      543
Distributed computing environment, time service      540—544
Distributed File System      (see “File system”)
Distributed shared memory      289—373
Distributed shared memory, Chorus      492
Distributed shared memory, comparison of approaches      371—372
Distributed shared memory, design      334
Distributed shared memory, false sharing      336—337
Distributed shared memory, finding the page owner      339—342
Distributed shared memory, finding the pages      342—343
Distributed shared memory, granularity      336—337
Distributed shared memory, Mach      456—457
Distributed shared memory, Munin      346—353
Distributed shared memory, object-based      356—371
Distributed shared memory, page replacement      343—344
Distributed shared memory, page-based      333—345
Distributed shared memory, replication      334—335
Distributed shared memory, sequentially consistent      337—339
Distributed shared memory, shared variable      345—355
Distributed shared memory, synchronization      344—345
Distributed system advantages      3—6
Distributed system advantages, Amoeba      376—429
Distributed system advantages, Chorus      475—518
Distributed system advantages, DCE      520—574
Distributed system advantages, definition      2
Distributed system advantages, design issues      22—31
Distributed system advantages, disadvantages      6—8
Distributed system advantages, goals      3—8
Distributed system advantages, Mach      430—473
Distributed system advantages, software      15—22
DN      (see “Distinguished name”)
DNS      (see “Domain name system”)
Domain Name System      545
Drift rate, clock      128
DSA      (see “Directory server agent”)
DSM      (see “Distributed shared memory”)
DTS      (see “DCE distributed
DUA      (see “Directory user agent”)
Dynamic binding      77—80
Dynamic real-time scheduling      236—237 240—241
Eager release consistency      329
Earliest deadline first algorithm      236
Einstein’s theory of relativity      316
Election algorithm      140—143
Endpoint, DCE      538
Entry consistency      330—331 353—354
Episode      564
Ermo      176
Ethernet      230
Event-triggered system      226
Exactly once semantics      83
exception      81
Exception handling, Chorus      487—488
Exception port, Mach      436
Extermination, orphan      84
External memory manager Mach      452—457
External pager Chorus      491
Fail-safe system      229
Fail-silent fault      213—214
Fail-stop fault      214
Failures, RPC      80—84
False deadlock      161
False sharing      336—337
Fast local internet protocol      407—415
Fast local internet protocol, Byzantine      214
Fast local internet protocol, interface      409—411
Fast local internet protocol, intermittent      212
Fast local internet protocol, permanent      212
Fast local internet protocol, transient      212
Fault tolerance      28 212—222
Fault tolerance, Amoeba      405—407
Fault tolerance, file system      284—285
Fault tolerance, primary-backup      217—219
Fault-tolerant system, real-time      228—229
File attribute      246
File extension      248
File handle, NFS      273—274
File server      17 245
File server, bullet      415—420
File service      245
File service, interface      246—248
File sharing semantics      253—256
File System      245—286
File system, caching      262—268
File system, design      246—256
File system, fault tolerance      284—285
File system, hierarchical      248
File system, implementation      256—279
File system, lessons learned      278—279
File system, NFS      272—278
File system, replicated      268—270
File system, replication algorithms      270—272
File system, stateful      260—262
File system, stateless      260—262
File system, structure      258—262
File system, trends      279—285
File usage      256—258
file, immutable      247 255 416
Fileset location server      572
Fileset server      571—572
Fileset, DCE      566
Fine-grained parallelism      29
Firefly multiprocessor      90
Flip      (see “Fast local internet protocol”)
FLIP address      409
FLIP layer      411—412
Flow Control      87
Frame      38
Frozen page      311
GBCAST      112
GDA      (see “Global directory agent”)
GDS      (see “Global directory service”)
Get-port, Amoeba      397
Ghosts      271
Global directory agent      545
Global directory service      545 549—554
Glocal variable      391
Grain size      29
Gregorian calendar      541
Group addressing      104—105
Group communication      99—114
Group communication, Amoeba      398—407
Group communication, Chorus      496
Group communication, design issues      101—109
Group, closed      101—102
Group, hierarchical      102—103
Group, open      101—102
Group, overlapping      109
Group, peer      102—103
IDL      (see “Interface definition language”)
Idle workstations      189—193
Immutable file      247 255 416
Implicit receive      185
Information hiding      356
Intentions list      152
Interface definition language      537
Intermittent fault      212
International atomic time      125
Internet Protocol      40
Interrupt handling, Chorus      488
IP      (see “Internet protocol”)
ISIS      110—114
ISIS, Group membership      103—104
ISIS, Group server      103
ISIS, Handle, RPC      78
ISIS, Happens-before relation      122
ISIS, Head-of-line blocking      48
ISIS, Header      36
ISIS, Heuristics, allocation      200
ISIS, Hierarchical group      102—103
ISIS, History buffer      402
ISIS, Hypercube      14
Jacket      180
Kerberos      (see “Security” “DCE”)
LAN      (see “Local area network”)
Layered protocols      35—42
Lazy release consistency      329
Lazy replication      269 425
Leap second      126
lease      133
Least laxity algorithm      237
lessons learned      278—279
Li      (see “Local identifier” “Chorus”)
Lightweight process      (see “Thread”)
Linda      358—365
Linda, implementation      361—365
Linda, replicated worker model      360—361
Linda, template      360
Linda, tuple space      359—361
Little endian machine      73—74
Local Area Network      1
Local identifier, Chorus      480
Locate packet      57
Location independence      251
Location policy      201
location transparency      251
Locking      154—156
Log, writeahead      152—153
Logical clock      120—124
Login facility      557
Loosely synchronous system      111
Loosely-coupled system      9—10
Lost messages      81—82
Mach      446
Mach interface generator      436
Mach, C threads      440—442
Mach, capability      435 460—463
Mach, capability list      460—462
Mach, capability name      461
Mach, communication      457—471
Mach, comparison with Amoeba and Chorus      510—517
Mach, control port      452—453
Mach, copy-on-write      451
Mach, distributed shared memory      456—457
Mach, external memory manager      452—457
Mach, external pager      446
Mach, goals      433
Mach, handoff scheduling      445
Mach, history      431—433
Mach, memory management      445—457
Mach, memory object      435 447
Mach, memory sharing      449—452
Mach, message formats      466—469
Mach, message primitives      464—466
Mach, message queue      458
Mach, name port      453
Mach, network message server      469—471
Mach, network port      469
Mach, object port      452
Mach, out-of-line data      468
Mach, port      435 457—460 463—464
Mach, port set      459—460
Mach, process management      436—445
Mach, process port      460
Mach, processor set      442
Mach, region      447
Mach, thread      439—442
Mach, thread scheduling      442—445
Mach, trampoline mechanism      471
Mach, UNIX emulation      471—472
Mach, Unix server      435—436
Mach, virtual memory      446—449
Mailbox      63
Mapper, Chorus      491—492
MARS      232
Marshaling, parameter      72
MD      5
Mean solar second      125
Mean Time To Failure      213
Memnet      298—301
Memory coherence      321
Memory management Amoeba      392—393
Memory management Amoeba, Chorus      490—495
Memory Model      514—515
Message digest      5 559
Message ordering      107—108
Message, Chorus      495
method      292 356 366
Microkernel Amoeba      380—382
Microkernel Amoeba, Chorus      478
MICROS      206—208
Midway      353—355
Midway, entry consistency      353—354
Midway, implementation      355
MiG      (see “Mach interface generator”)
Migratory allocation algorithms      198
Minimessage, Chorus      495
Miniport, Chorus      495
Minitel      29
MiX, Chorus      483
Mobile users      284
MSF      127
Multicasting      100
Multicomputer      8
Multicomputer, bus-based      13—14
Multicomputer, Switched      14—15
multiprocessor      8—13
Multiprocessor, bus-based      10—12 293—298
Multiprocessor, directory-based      303—305
name server      58
Name, binary      252
Name, DCE      546—547
Name, symbolic      252
Naming transparency      251
Naming, two-level      252
Nested transactions      149—150
Network File System      272—278
Network file system, architecture      272—273
Network file system, implementation      275—278
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