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Bryon M., Modha S. — How to Pass Technical Selection Tests
Bryon M., Modha S. — How to Pass Technical Selection Tests

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Название: How to Pass Technical Selection Tests

Авторы: Bryon M., Modha S.


A guide on how to prepare for selection tests for those roles that have a strong practical element, such as those in the construction industry, building trades, and engineering.

Selection tests represent one of the greatest obstacles facing applicants for jobs, courses and apprenticeships: as a technician, in the building trades, construction industry, mechanical or electrical engineering. Many candidates do not pass such tests, or fail to show their true potential, due to nervousness, lack of practice, or lack of technique.

This fully revised and expanded second edition will be invaluable to anyone faced with a selection test for a role in engineering or the construction industry. Based on real life preparation programmes devised by the authors, it contains reliable advice on the most common types of technical tests, why they are used and how to prepare for them, plus a dictionary of essential terms that any candidate will encounter. There are hundreds of practice questions with answers and explanations, so that applicants can assess their performance, boost their confidence and learn to cope with anxiety. The practice material includes verbal and numerical psychometric test questions as well as tests of spatial reasoning, fault diagnosis, and accuracy.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 184

Добавлена в каталог: 22.06.2009

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