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Kriege D., Berry R. — The Dobsonian Telescope A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes |

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Название: The Dobsonian Telescope A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes
Авторы: Kriege D., Berry R.
Рубрика: Технология/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 1st edition
Год издания: 1997
Количество страниц: 475
Добавлена в каталог: 09.04.2009
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Acid dew 314
Allen, Eric 27
Allilude bearing pads, calculating 268
Aluminum tubing (Thin-Wall), properties 215
ApplePly HVHC 373
Assembly and troubleshooting 279
Azimuth bearing pads, calculating 269
Azimuth pivot 264
Bakken, Dan 381
balance 307
Balancing a Dobsonian 59
Balancing a telescope with chain 187
Balancing a telescope with lead shot 187
Balancing a telescope with sleel flat slock 187
Balancing, chain 303
Baltic birch HVHC 371
Bartels, Mel vii 30 470
Beam, definition 51
Bearing locks 269
Bearing surface maintaneance 307
Bearings 243
Bechtler, Chris viii
Berger, Douglas 14
Blanchard ground 90
Bonding flat panels of plywood 199
Bonding laminates 261
Brown, Earl B. 86
Bunge. Robert 438
Burton, Bill 28 435
Cain, Lee 27
Car wax, why use 73
Center dot, primary 281
Center dot, secondary 283
Chain, balancing 303
Chandler, David 27
Cleaning optics 311
Coatings, protective 74
Collimaling optics 290
Collimation tool 295
Compression, definition 53
Cox, Robert E. 24
Cross-sectional area, definition 52
d'Autume, Georges 448
Dark observing sites 339
Deformation, definition 52
Dew 308
Dew zappers 326
Dey, Tom 437
Di Cicco, Dennis 13
Diffraction limited, definition 80
Digital setting circles 29 325 435
Digital setting circles, installation 440
Digital setting circles, installation, mounting altitude encoder 442
Digital setting circles, installation, mounting azimuth encoder 441
Digital setting circles, installation, mounting the computer 443
Dobson, John Lowry 11 433
Dobsonian bearings, friction 62
Dobsonian bearings, how they work 243
Dobsonian telescope history 7
Dodson, Steve 208
Donnelly, Dennis 21
Dust cover tor mirror box 205
Earl of Rosse (Parsons, William) 8
Ebony Star laminate 72
Edge bevel 387
Eicher, David 18
Engineering the Dobsonian 49
Enhanced aluminum coaling 78
Enright, Leo 19
Equatorial platforms 445
Exil pupil 93
External light baffle 334
Eyepiece consideralions 93 317
Facing the blank 386
Fangrow, Tom 23
Federer, Jr., Charles A. 13
Fiberglass reinforced panel (FRP) 73
Figuring 406
Figuring, art of 422
Figuring, laps 423
Figuring, strokes 425
Figuring, strokes, high zones 431
Figuring, strokes, low edge 428
Figuring, strokes, low zones 432
Figuring, strokes, mall polisher 428
Figuring, strokes, tangential 427
Figuring, strokes, turned-down edge 431
Figuring, strokes, W stroke 426
Filters, oxygen-III (OIII) 317
Filters, ultra high contrast (UHC) 317
Finder telescope features, recommended 321
Fine abrasives 389
Fine grinding 389
Finn Ply HVHC 372
Flat secondary mirror 78
Flexure of a telescope mirror 58
Flotation System 110
Flotation System, 18-Point 123
Flotation System, 27-Point 126
Flotation System, 9-Point 121
Flotation System, hardware 144
Focal ratio, choosing 85
Focuser, baffling 334
Focuser, considerations 94
Focuser, in-travel, too little 313
Focuser, installing 175
Focuser, squaring 295
Force, definition 51
Friclion, definilion 61 244
Friclion, in altitude bearings 246
Friclion, in azimuth bearings 249
FRP, fiberglass reinforced panel 73
Gedahlia, David 463
Gee, Alan 448
Glassboard 73
Grinding, strokes 388
Grinding, tools 383
Ground board 253
Ground board, construction 262
Ground board, for “The Big Ones” 263
Hamberg, lvar 25
Hamler, Walter 18
Hardwood veneer hardwood core plywoods (HVHC) 370
Hardwood veneer softwood core plywoods (HVSC) 373
heat packs 329
Heat ropes 326
Herschel, William 7 8
Hill, Mike 24
Hill, Ron 324
Hindle, John H. 463
Holding the lap 400
Houston, Walter Scott 18
Ingalls, Albert 86
Interferometric testing 92
Jacobson, Jim 16
Johnson, Sheryl 329
Jumbo finders 323
Kerns, John 435
Kerr dental plaster 385
Kestner, Robert 15 20 379
Kimbler, Tim 337
Kriege, Ed 141
Kufeld, Steve 22
Lap graving 397
Lap “Feel” 399
Lassell, William 462
Leviathan of Parsonstown 9
Light baffle, mirror box 193
Light shroud 330
Load, definition 52
| Maas, Robert 17
Making a small telescope 345
Making large thin 379
Marine batteries 327
Marine SVSC plywood 374
Martinez, Thomas 23
Martinez, Tom 445 446
Mass 51
Materials for telescopes, aluminum 70
Materials for telescopes, plastic laminates 72
Materials for telescopes, Teflon 71
Materials for telescopes, wood 65
Materials for telescopes, wood, hardness 67
Materials for telescopes, wood, selecting 68
Materials for telescopes, wood, specific gravity 68
Materials for telescopes, wood, stiffness 67
Mayer, Ben 16
McWilliams, Rick 29 436
Meuriot, Gilles 318
Mirror box, assembling 193
Mirror box, balance, importance of 180
Mirror box, building 177
Mirror box, calculating balance point 181
Mirror box, cutting the sides 191
Mirror box, depth 184
Mirror box, designing 179
Mirror box, dimensions 180 189
Mirror box, dust cover 205
Mirror box, height and width 179
Mirror box, making 190
Mirror box, materials 178
Mirror box, mirror box, light baffle 193
Mirror box, painting interior 75
Mirror box, side hearings 190
Mirror box, split blocks 188
Mirror box, why stubby 177
Mirror, cell flotation points, recommended 114
Mirror, choosing 81
Mirror, flotation system 110
Moment of inertia 54
Muffin fans 308
Nagler, Al 24
Nasmyth, James 9
Newtnnian telescope optics 78
Newton, Isaac 4
Novak, Kenneth 25
Null test 92
Null test, applying 418
Osypowski, Tom 22 448 449
Parabolic primary mirror 78
Particle board 374
Pitch 394
Pitch lap, making 395
Pivot bolt, installing 267
Pivot bolt, making 266
Planning your telescope 33
Plastic laminates 72
Plate, definition 51
Pole, seats, making 236
Pole, wedges, making 239
Polishing agents 394
Polyurethane, why use 75
Poncet, Adrian 22 445
Porter, Russell 86
Porthole glass 380
Preventing astigmatism during mirror making 386
Primary mirror, cell 109
Primary mirror, installing 285
Properties of plywood 365
Properties of plywood, stiffness 367
Properties of plywood, types 366
Protective coatings 74
Pursell, Wally 22
Pyrex glass 87 380
Rating telescope mirrors 407
Ravneberg, Ronald 28
Rayleigh quarter wave criterion 80
Reflectivity of aluminum 78
Reflectivity of typical optical coatings 91
Rocker, box, flexure 57
Rocker, construction 255
Rocker, introduction 253
Rocker, recommended dimensions 255
Rocker, sizing 253
Ronchi screen, reading 419
Ross, Bob 323
Ross, Lord 323
Rough grinding 388
Safety precautions 309
Saulietis, And 448
Scaling, why it does't work 58
Secondary cage 151
Secondary cage, connecting ring 171
Secondary cage, constructing 155
Secondary cage, cutting rings 158
Secondary cage, dimensioning 152
Secondary cage, dimensions 151 156
Secondary cage, focuser board 168
Secondary cage, hat box 335
Secondary cage, installing the focuser 175
Secondary cage, Kydex light baffle 168
Secondary cage, strut seats 162
Secondary cage, struts 164
Secondary mirror, cover 338
Secondary mirror, installing 287
Secondary mirror, positioning 297
Segmented tools 384
Setting-up a Dobsonian 301
Shroud, installing 333
Shroud, sewing 332
Side bearings 190
Side bearings, constructing 199
Side bearings, dimensions 196
Side bearings, matching together 194
Side bearings, mounting 202
Side bearings, placing 200
Side pins 146
Silicone sprays, why use 74
Site selection 42
Size and offset 98
Sizing ihe secondary mirror 95
Sling 145
Sling adjustments 289
Small telescope, construction 347
Small telescope, construction, ground board 363
Small telescope, construction, locating mirror cell 351
Small telescope, construction, mounting 356
Small telescope, construction, primary mirror cell 349
Small telescope, construction, rocker 360
Small telescope, construction, side bearings 359
Small telescope, construction, tube cradle 356
Small telescope, construction, tube finish 353
Small telescope, materials 346
Smitka, Pete 447
Softwood veneer softwood core plywoods (SVSC) 373
Sphere testing 409
Sphere, getting 390
Star lap 424
Star testing 104
Star testing, interpreting 415
Stardust laminate 72
Sticking poles and blocks 313
Sticlion, definition 64
Stiffness, importance of in a telescope 50
Strain, definition 52
Strength of materials 55
Stress, definition 52
Strutt, John William (Lord Rayleigh) 80
Suiter, Harold R. 105 414
Tailgate 131
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