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Yang W. — Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing: Industrial Applications
Yang W. — Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing: Industrial Applications

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Название: Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing: Industrial Applications

Автор: Yang W.


The primary emphasis of the book is for industrial applications and the primary audience is expected to be the practitioners of the art of fluidization, solids handling, and processing. It will be particularly beneficial for engineers who operate design plants where solids are handled, transported, and processed using fluidization technology. The book, however, can also be useful as a reference book for students, teachers, and managers who study the particle technology especially in the areas of application of fluidization technology and pneumatic transport.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 908

Добавлена в каталог: 09.04.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Jet penetration      137 212 270 272 273 301
Jet penetration data      138
Jet penetration equation      259
Jet velocity      247 289 460
Jet, flamelike      308
Jet-cup apparatus      453
Jet-cup attrition test      453
Jets, gas-solid two-phase      265
Jets, upwardly-directed      212
Jetting      265
Jetting fluidized bed      237 265 295
Jetting region      264 301 457
Jigging      551 555
Kappa number      605 608
Kernel, coalescence      411
Kinetic motion of molecules      196
Kinetic wave      124
Kmiec correlation      121
Kolmogorov entropy      55
Kraft process      605
Kramers relation      512
Large-diameter pipeline systems      752
layering      366 409
LC-Fining process      585 615
Leaching      492 496 502
Leakage, electric charge      851
Lean gas phase      189
Lean phase gas convection      191
Lean phase heat transfer coefficient      192
Levitation      547 551
Lignin      604 605 608
Limits, viscous or inertial      53
Lined vessels      860
Liner material      859
Liquid binder      373
Liquid bridges      366 368 369 382
Liquid iron      590
Liquid mixing      647
Liquid-solids velocity ratio      496
Loading and unloading      855
Local suspension density      186
Long-distance applications      752
Long-distance systems      739 747
Loss equations      766
Low-temperature F-T synthesis      620
Low-velocity slug-flow      724
Lubrication      787
Lumped coefficients      3
Macromixing      583
Magnesium      423
Magnetic beads      642
Magnetic particles      641
Magnetically stabilized fluidized beds      657 658
Magnetizing roaster      519
Mainwaring and Reed classification      726
Mass coating distributions      351
Mass distribution      347
Mass flux      175
Mass transfer      648 651
Mass transfer coefficient      9 648
Mass transfer coefficient, volumetric      650
Mass uniformity      344
Materials characterization      398
Maurer discharges      849
Maxwell charge      824
Maxwell's distribution      197
Mean diameter      720
Measurement, particle charge      832
Mechanistic model, circulation      303
Medicinal herbs      496
Melter-gasifiers      588
Membrane walls      178
Mercury extraction      523
Merry's correlation      213 229
Metal objects, tramp      859
Methanogenic      656
Methanogens      633
Methanol      621
Mickley — Fairbanks model      164
Microwave heating      360
Mie      841
Minimal potential energy      572
Minimum duct velocity      756
Minimum fluidization      154
Minimum ignition energy      839
Minimum sintering temperature      418
Minipot      690
Mixing      6 20 413
Mixing of phases      647
Mixing zone      293
Mixing, solids      237 648
Mixture density      185
Modeling      344 480 651
Modeling, post-combustion      598
Models      2 4 26 44 100
Models, bubbling bed      82
Models, CFB      91
Models, design      56 61
Models, fluidized bed      26
Models, gas throughflow      84
Models, mechanistically based      191
Models, post-combustion      598
Models, reactor      653
Models, simplifications      39
Models, small scale      39
Modulating valve      736
Moller Turbuflow      686
Momentum balance      598 699
Momentum flux      272
Monoclonal antibodies      586
Monod Kinetics      655 656
Morphology of particle coat      354 355
Motion equations      28 29
movies      69
Moving packed bed model      699
Moving-bed transport      707
Multi-flux analysis      201
Multi-orifice plates      361
Multiphase flow      604
Multiple draft tubes      362
Multipoint injection      754
Multiscale modelling      571
Multisolids bed      88
Multistage fluid bed      538
Natural vortex length      778
Neutralization, charge      854
nh      514
Nitridation, carbothermal      423
Non-inertial granulation      386
Non-inertial regime      390 418
Non-solid granules      392
Nonbubbling system      492
Nondimensionalized values      28
Novel particles      641
nozzles      339
Nucleation      366 371 409
Nuclei size      375
Numerical models      2
Numerical solution techniques      413
Nusselt number      169 186 512
Off-gas temperatures      594
Olivine sand      77
Ore preheating      519
Organic solvent processes      359
Orifice equation      216
Orifices      461
Oscillating fluid      551
Oscillating valve      736
Oscillation      547 551
Oscillation generator      555
Outlet tube      782
Oven dried pulp      604
Ozone decomposition      5 9
Packet conductivity      166
Packet model      172
Paper industry      604
Paper, recycled      604
Parametric effects      181 182
Particle attrition      134 220 222
Particle balances      474
Particle characteristics      637
Particle charging      818 819
Particle charging, beneficial      836
Particle coating      354
Particle cohesion      418
Particle collision mechanism      314
Particle convection      169
Particle convective heat transfer      131
Particle degradation      435 441 443 479
Particle density      111
Particle density manipulation      641
Particle diameter      182
Particle drag      95
Particle effectiveness factor      651
Particle electromechanics      869
Particle materials      638
Particle mechanical properties      31
Particle packets      164 192
Particle sampling methods      833
Particle shape      439 724
Particle size      2 3 62 113 114 125 129 147 191 385 409 439 639 792 841
Particle size distribution      11 380 436 437 439 567 724
Particle size selection      567 716
Particle size, determining      715
Particle sphericity      73 717
Particle structure      438
Particle terminal velocity      191
Particle trajectories      308
Particle velocity      197 251 308 313
Particle-enhanced convection      196
Particle-fluid behavior      573
Particle-fluid system      571 572
Particle-gas suspension      201
Particle-particle interactions      31
Particle-to-pipe diameter      725
Particle/gas suspension      185
Particles, granular      642
Particles, mixed-sizes      158
Particles, novel      641
Particularize      576
Particulate fluidization      573
Particulate material      398
Particulate tendency      570
Paschen's law      843
Peclet number      654
Peel off velocity      779
Pendular bridge      396
Pendular state      369
penetration      212 377
Penicillin production      586
Perforated plates      210
Permeability factor      726
Petroleum      335
Petroleum industry      614
Petroleum intermediates      618
Petroleum resid processing      614
Petroleum resids      614
Ph      614 633 637
pH, automatic control      632
Pharmaceutical industry      263 356
Pharmaceuticals      335 479 634
Phase mixing      647
Phosphogypsum      423
Phthalic anhydride reactor      3
Physicochemical effects      637
Pi theorem      26
Pinch valves      749
Pipe diameter      725
Pipeline length      480
Pipeline unblocking      751
pipelines      712 747
Pipes/ducts, branching      753
Plant safety      857
Plastic pipe      860
Plasticizers      337
Plates      22
plenum      223 224 361
Plowing effect      778
Plug flow behavior      655 698
Plug flow of coal      700
Plug flow operation      660
Plug length      700 703
Plug pulse system      690
Pneumatic conveyance      849
Pneumatic conveying      441 482 713 748
Pneumatic conveying lines      435 452 747
Pneumatic conveying systems      478 479 738
Pneumatic transport      449 506 823 834
Pneumatic transport tube      240 242
Pneumatic transportation      712
Poisson's equation      826
Pollutant loading      632
Polyethylene particles      100
Polyethylene plastic      80
Polymers      402
Population balance      345 352 353 407 411 413 416
Pore distribution      380
Pore size      615
Porosity      371
Porous plate distributors      476
Porous plates      22
Post-combustion      590
Post-combustion ratio (PCR)      593 595
potential energy      572
Potential, electrostatic      828
Powder classification      715 717 729
Powder handling      850
Powder ignition      836
Powder processing      857
Powder systems      332
Powder-binder systems      369 372
Powders      357 366 368 715 724 817
Powders, catalyst      562
Powders, characterization      562
Power      572
Power generation      263
Pre-reduction      555 592
Pre-reduction reactor (PRR)      590
Predictive tools for scale-up      586
Preheating, ore      519
Pressure      126 223 443
Pressure balance      241 813
Pressure drop      243 707 726 741 811
Pressure effects      120 129
Pressure fluctuations      66 95 139 214
Pressure loss      696 766
Pressure, elevated      111
Pressurized fluidized bed      76
Pressurized hot bed      59
Pretreatment      439
Probabilistic modeling      352
Probes, suspended      833
Process conditions      440
Process strategy      655
Process zone      400 402
Processing time      363
Product inhibition      656
Propagating brush discharge      846
Proportional-integral (PI) controller      735
Proteins      636
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