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Chandrasekhar S. — The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes
Chandrasekhar S. — The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes

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Название: The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes

Автор: Chandrasekhar S.


This volume has become one of the modern classics of relativity theory. When it was written in 1983 there was little physical evidence for the existence of black holes. Recent discoveries have only served to underscore the elegant theory developed here, and the book remains one of the clearest statements of the relevant mathematics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1983

Количество страниц: 668

Добавлена в каталог: 03.04.2009

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Предметный указатель
Perturbations of Kerr space-time (in Newman — Penrose formalism), equations already linearized      431 432
Perturbations of Kerr space-time (in Newman — Penrose formalism), integral identities derived from      487 489 495—496 501
Perturbations of Kerr space-time (in Newman — Penrose formalism), retrospect      497
Perturbations of Kerr space-time (in Newman — Penrose formalism), systems of equations governing      450—452
Perturbations of Reissner — Nordstroem space-time      see also "Axial perturbations" "Polar
Perturbations of Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, equations governing      228 233 242
Perturbations of Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, reduction to one-dimensional wave-equations      230 234
Perturbations of Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, via metric perturbations      228
Perturbations of Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, via Newman — Penrose formalism      238
Perturbations of Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, via Newman — Penrose formalism, decoupling of equations      243
Perturbations of Schwarzschild space-time      139 see "Polar
Perturbations of Schwarzschild space-time, considered as a limit of Kerr space-time      500
Perturbations of Schwarzschild space-time, equations governing      143 148 176
Perturbations of Schwarzschild space-time, reduction to one-dimensional wave-equations      144 150
Perturbations of Schwarzschild space-time, via metric perturbations      142
Perturbations of Schwarzschild space-time, via Newman — Penrose formalism      174
Petrov classification      58
Petrov classification, conditions for different types      61—62
Petrov type-D space-times      see "Type-D space-times"
Phantom gauge      180 241
Phantom gauge, appropriateness for Kerr — Newman perturbations      582
Phantom gauge, leading to Maxwell's equations      435
Poincare's lemma      12
Polar perturbations      142
Polar perturbations for Reissner — Nordstroem space-time      230
Polar perturbations for Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, particular integral for      235
Polar perturbations for Schwarzschild space-time      145
Polar perturbations for Schwarzschild space-time, particular integral for      159
Polar perturbations for Schwarzschild space-time, particular integral for, theorem relating to      152
Polar perturbations, expression in terms of axial perturbations      162 237
Potential barriers for Kerr black-hole, for incident Dirac-waves      555
Potential barriers for Kerr black-hole, for incident electromagnetic-waves      404
Potential barriers for Kerr black-hole, for incident gravitational-waves      507
Potential barriers for Kerr black-hole, for incident neutrino-waves      548
Potential barriers for Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole, for axial perturbations      236—237
Potential barriers for Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole, for polar perturbations      236—237
Potential barriers for Schwarzschild black-hole, for axial perturbations      145 146
Potential barriers for Schwarzschild black-hole, for polar perturbations      150 151
Potential barriers, complex      405 507
Potential barriers, their common form      160 187 199 236 270 505
Potential scattering, the theory of      166
Potential scattering, the theory of, application to Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole      267
Principal null-congruences      59
Principal null-congruences in Kerr space-time      299 349
Principal null-congruences in Reissner — Nordstroem space-time      216
Principal null-congruences in Schwarzschild space-time      124 135
Problem of reflexion and transmission by complex potential-barriers      410 514
Problem of reflexion and transmission for Kerr black-hole, for incident Dirac-waves      556
Problem of reflexion and transmission for Kerr black-hole, for incident electromagnetic-waves      410
Problem of reflexion and transmission for Kerr black-hole, for incident gravitational-waves      514
Problem of reflexion and transmission for Kerr black-hole, for incident neutrino-waves      548
Problem of reflexion and transmission for Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole      254
Problem of reflexion and transmission for Schwarzschild black-hole      163 193
Quasi-normal modes of Kerr black-hole      528
Quasi-normal modes of Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole      261
Quasi-normal modes of Schwarzschild black-hole      201
Raising indices      27
Raising indices for spinors      534
Reflexion amplitude      164
Reflexion amplitude, difference of phase, for axial and polar perturbations      166 254
Reflexion and transmission coefficients      164
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Kerr black-hole      514
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Kerr black-hole, equality of, for four allowed potential barriers      515
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Kerr black-hole, for incident electromagnetic-waves      416
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Kerr black-hole, for incident electromagnetic-waves, expressed in terms of Maxwell scalars and Teukolsky functions      418—19
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Kerr black-hole, for incident gravitational-waves      519
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Kerr black-hole, for incident gravitational-waves, expressed in terms of Weyl scalars and Teukolsky functions      517—19
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Kerr black-hole, for incident neutrino-waves      550
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole      255 258
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole, expressed in terms of Weyl and Maxwell scalars      256
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Schwarzschild black-hole      165
Reflexion and transmission coefficients for Schwarzschild black-hole, expressed in terms of Weyl scalars      196—198
Reflexion and transmission coefficients, equality of, for axial and polar perturbations      164 254
Reflexion and transmission coefficients, integral equations for      170
Regge — Wheeler equation      144
Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole      see also "Reissner — Nordstroem space-time" "Cauchy
Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole an assemblage of, extreme      593
Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole, quasi-normal modes      262
Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole, stability of      262
Reissner — Nordstroem metric, derivation of      205 214
Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, description in Newman — Penrose formalism      224
Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, geodesies      see "Geodesies"
Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, maximum analytic extension      212
Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, nature of      209
Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, perturbations of      226
Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, perturbations of, via metric perturbations      226
Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, perturbations of, via Newman — Penrose formalism      238
Reissner — Nordstroem space-time, stability of      262
Relativistic anomaly      104
Retrospect      497
Ricci identities in Newman — Penrose formalism      46—47
Ricci identities, eliminant relations, derived from      47—48
Ricci identities, expressed in terms of rotation coefficients in a tetrad basis      39
Ricci identities, linearized      470
Ricci identity      24 33
Ricci identity in tetrad formalism      39
Ricci rotation-coefficients      see "Rotation coefficients"
Ricci tensor      25 31
Ricci tensor in Newman — Penrose formalism      42
Ricci tensor, components of, for non-stationary axisymmetric space-times      141
Ricci tensor, components of, for stationary axisymmetric space-times      274 601 602
Riemann tensor in Newman — Penrose formalism      42
Riemann tensor, components of, for Kerr space-time      291—292
Riemann tensor, components of, for Majumdar — Papapetrou metric      589
Riemann tensor, components of, for non-stationary axisymmetric space-times (in a general gauge)      599—601
Riemann tensor, components of, for non-stationary, non-axisymmetric space-times      78 79
Riemann tensor, components of, for Reissner — Nordstroem space-time      215
Riemann tensor, components of, for Schwarzschild space-time      95
Riemann tensor, components of, for static spherically-symmetric space-times      86 87
Riemann tensor, components of, for stationary axisymmetric space-times      274
Riemann tensor, definition      23
Riemann tensor, symmetries of      30
Riemann tensor, tetrad components of      37
Riemannian geometry      28
Robinson's lemmas      294
Robinson's theorem      292
Rotation coefficients      37
Rotation coefficients, antisymmetry of      37
Rotation coefficients, as spin coefficients      42
Rotation coefficients, explicit expressions for      82 300
Rotations, of bases      180 240 423 434 581
Rotations, of bases, of classes one, two, and three      53
Scalar product      29
Scattering (S) matrix      168
Scattering (S) matrix for Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole      260
Scattering (S) matrix, unitarity of      168
Scattering (S) matrix, unitarity of, for Kerr black-hole      419 520
Scattering (S) matrix, unitarity of, for Reissner — Nordstroem black-hole      260
Scattering (S) matrix, unitarity of, for Schwarzschild black-hole      197
Schrodinger wave-equation      see "Wave equations one-dimensional"
Schwarzschild black-hole      see also "Schwarzschild space-time"
Schwarzschild black-hole, quasi-normal modes of      201
Schwarzschild black-hole, stability of      199
Schwarzschild metric, derivation of      85 93
Schwarzschild metric, discovery of      136
Schwarzschild space-time      86
Schwarzschild space-time, description in Kruskal frame      90
Schwarzschild space-time, description in Newman — Penrose formalism      134
Schwarzschild space-time, geodesies (time-like) in      96 see
Schwarzschild space-time, nature of      90
Schwarzschild space-time, perturbations of      139 see
Self adjoint      615 621
Separation of variables      144 147 229 231 344 386 433 464 545
Singularity in Kerr space-time      309
Singularity in Reissner — Nordstroem space-time      214
Singularity in Schwarzschild space-time      92 95
Singularity, naked      375
Space-times, non-stationary axisymmetric      71
Space-times, non-stationary, non-axisymmetric      73
Space-times, spherically symmetric      85
Space-times, static axisymmetric      583
Space-times, stationary axisymmetric      66
Spin coefficients      540
Spin coefficients for Kerr space-time      300
Spin coefficients for Reissner — Nordstroem space-time      225
Spin coefficients for Schwarzschild space-time      135 175
Spin coefficients, expressed in terms of rotation coefficients      42
Spin coefficients, spinorial definition      540
Spin coefficients, spinorial definition, symmetry of      541
Spinor analysis      531
Spinors as a flag      537
Spinors definition      533
Spinors, Dirac's lectures on      561
Spinors, see-saw      535
Starobinsky constant as it occurs in transformation theory      408 506
Starobinsky constant for spin-1 fields      388 391
Starobinsky constant for spin-2 fields      437 440
Starobinsky constant for spin-2 fields, real and imaginary parts of      463
Static axisymmetric space-times      583 see
Static black-holes      see also "Distorted black-holes" "Reissner "Schwarzschild
Static black-holes an assemblage of      592
Static black-holes, general observations on      198 270
Stationary axisymmetric space-times, basic equations for      274—275 280
Stationary axisymmetric space-times, choice of gauge      278 566 584
Stationary axisymmetric space-times, chosen form for metric      68
Stationary axisymmetric space-times, conjugate metrics      276 572
Stationary axisymmetric space-times, dragging of inertial frame      69
Stationary axisymmetric space-times, Riemann tensor for      274
Stationary axisymmetric space-times, X and Y functions      280 283
Structure constants      38
Structure constants for Kerr space-time      449
Structure constants in Newman — Penrose formalism      45
Structure constants in tetrad formalism      39
Super radiance, in Kerr space-time      see also "Hawking — Hartle formula"
Super radiance, in Kerr space-time, absence of, for incident Dirac-waves      558
Super radiance, in Kerr space-time, absence of, for incident neutrino-waves      550
Super radiance, in Kerr space-time, condition for occurrence of      400 415 425
Super radiance, in Kerr space-time, for incident electromagnetic-waves      415 419 425
Super radiance, in Kerr space-time, for incident gravitational-waves      517 520
Tetrad components      36
Tetrad components, relation to tensor components      36
Tetrad formalism      34 81
Tetrad frame for axisymmetric space-times      69
Tetrad frame for non-statonary space-times      81
Tetrad frame, freedom in choice of      53 240 446 581
Tetrad transformations      53 180 240 423 434 581
Tetrad transformations to Hawking — Hartle basis      423 525
Teukolsky equations for spin-1 fields      386
Teukolsky equations for spin-2 fields      434
Teukolsky equations, transformation of      397
Teukolsky functions, integral identities for      487 495—497 501
Teukolsky functions, relative normalization of, s=1      392
Teukolsky functions, relative normalization of, s=2      458
Teukolsky functions, tables of      626—34
Teukolsky — Starobinsky identities for spin-1 fields      386
Teukolsky — Starobinsky identities for spin-2 fields      436
Torsion      21
Torsion tensor      19 22
Transformation theory for Kerr perturbations      502
Transformation theory for Reissner — Nordstroem perturbations      245
Transformation theory for Schwarzschild perturbations      182
Transformation theory for Teukolsky equations      400
Transmission amplitude(s)      164
Transmission amplitude(s), condition for equality of      173
Transmission amplitude(s), equality of, for axial and polar perturbations      164 254
Transmission amplitude(s), series expansion for      171
Type-D space-times      59
Type-D space-times, complex integral for null-geodesic motion in      320
Type-D space-times, conditions for      61—63
Type-D space-times, conditions for, satisfied by Kerr metric      300
Type-D space-times, conditions for, satisfied by Reissner — Nordstroem metric      225
Type-D space-times, conditions for, satisfied by Schwarzschild metric      135
Type-D space-times, integral for geodesic motion in      322
Variational methods for treatment of axisymmetric space-times      614
Variational Principle      619
Wald inequality      370
Walker — Penrose theorem      320
Wave equations, one-dimensional      144 150 230 235 400 503 see
Wave equations, one-dimensional, theorem relating to      161
Weyl scalar, $\Psi_{2}$, equations governing, for type-D space-times      319
Weyl scalar, $\Psi_{2}$, for Kerr space-time      302
Weyl scalar, $\Psi_{2}$, for Kerr — Newman space-time      580
Weyl scalar, $\Psi_{2}$, for Reissner — Nordstroem space-time      225
Weyl scalar, $\Psi_{2}$, for Schwarzschild space-time      136
Weyl scalars      43
Weyl scalars for Kerr perturbations      431 518—20
Weyl scalars for Reissner — Nordstroem perturbations      249
Weyl scalars for Schwarzschild perturbations      188
Weyl scalars, flux of gravitational energy expressed in terms of      522
Weyl tensor      31
Weyl tensor, expressed in terms of Weyl scalars      44
Weyl's solutions      623
wronskian      164 167 194 403 552 557
X and Y functions (for axisymmetric space-times)      280
X and Y functions (for axisymmetric space-times), transformation properties of      281
Zerilli equation      150
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