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Buckley P., Luyben W., Shunta J. — Design of Distillation Column Control Systems
Buckley P., Luyben W., Shunta J. — Design of Distillation Column Control Systems

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Íàçâàíèå: Design of Distillation Column Control Systems

Àâòîðû: Buckley P., Luyben W., Shunta J.


A distillation column is both multivariable and nonlinear - and it consumes immense quantities of energy. Yet, despite the desigh challenges it presents, it is still the most popular unit operation for refining in industrial plants today. Much has been published on the subject of distillation column design, but much remains to be explained. That is why this book is unique. In a departure from the more traditional empirical and theoretical approaches, it introduced the reader to the practical realm, by presenting quantitative design techniques that have been demonstrated to be useful and valid over the course of hundreds of actual applications.

The book is divided into three main parts. Part I, an introduction, presents an industrial perspective of control objectives. It discusses briefly the relationship between column design features and column controllability. It thus provides a short refresher course for chemical engineers and background for those trained in other branches of engineering. Part II, Concepts and Configurations, discusses column overhead and base arrangements, typical control schemes, and some hardware considerations. Part III is dedicated to quantitative design. Mathematical models are presented for pressure and differential pressure controls, liquid level control, and composition control of binary distillation.

Emphasis on topics of primary interest to the control engineer Essentially nonmathematical treatment Ideal for those involved in troubleshooting existing columns as well to design engineers

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1985

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 535

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.03.2009

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$C_{v}$      273
Activity coefficients      39 233
Ahlgren, T.D.      521
Aikman, A.R.      435 444
Air-cooled condensers      71 74 99
Analyzers      229
Anderson, J.E.      444
ANSI/ISA      292
Anti reset-windup      200—202
Arant, J.B.      292
Archamboult, J.R.      340 374
Arnold, K.J.      310
Astroem, K.J.      297 311
Augmented PI level controller      382—383
Automatic start-up/shutdown      211—213
Autooverride level control time constant      385
Average temperature measurement      241
Averaging level control      4 70 100—107 126—130 375—404
Averaging pressure control      70 83 405—426
Baber, M.F.      444
Balancing energy and material handling, capacities      308—309
Base level control, via bottom product      336—337
Base level control, via feed      389—390
Base level control, via steam to reboiler      390—399
Bauer, R.L.      445 464
Beck, J.V.      310
Beesley, A.H.      192
Bergen, A.R.      521
Berger, D.C.      292
Billet, R.      66
Binder, R.C.      258 292
Bolles, W.L.      79 107
Bonilla, J.A.      231 242
Bottom product      25
bottoms      25
Boyd, D.M.      230 240 242
Bremer, A.      426
Bristol, E.H.      310 311 490
Brosilow, C.B.      242 297 521
Bubble point      34 39—40
Buckley, P.S.      23 107 108 135 167 180 227 292 310 373 404 445 464
Cadman, T.E.      444
Calandria      110
Campbell, D.P.      441 444
Carr, N.L.      444
Cascade control      202 303
Chao Yung-Cheug      522
Cheung, T.F.      404
Chiang, T.      192
Chin, T.G.      107
Church, D.M.      135
Column, $\Delta P$ measurement      279
Column, design      58—60
Column, impedance      420—426
Column, rating      60—61
Columns, atmospheric      72—79
Columns, pressure      80—84
Columns, vacuum      80—84
Composition, control      11—12 465—491
Composition, estimators      241—242
Computations, heat flow      255—256
Condensate receiver, holdup      104—107
Condensate receiver, level control      100—107
Condensers      70—72
Conservation, energy      181—182
Constraints      4 193—227 213—214 307—308
Control, averaging level      4 70 100—107 126—130 375—404
Control, composition      11—12 465—491
Control, design approach to      295—297
Control, design procedure      19
Control, integral (floating)      200
Control, material balance      1 6—10 327—346
Control, multivariate (MIMO)      15—16
Control, objectives      1
Control, product quality      2
Control, proportional-integral (reset)      199
Control, proportional-only      199
Control, single-loop (SISO)      14—15
Control, unfavorable schemes      166
Control, unreasonable schemes      166—167
Controller tuning      303—305
Conventions      21
Corripio, A.B.      311 522
Cox, R.K.      310 404 445 464 500 522
Cundall, C.M.      522
Cutler, C.R.      311
Dahlin, E.B.      522
Day, R.L.      426
Dew point      34 40—41
Differential vapor pressure      231—234
Distillate      25
Disturbances      12—13
Divider, pneumatic      250
Dobratz, C.J.      135
Doss, J.E.      311
Double-differential temperature      240
Douglas, J.M.      23 445 464
Doukas, N.      180
Driskell, L.      292
Edgar, T.F.      310
Edwards, L.L.      444
Ellis, D.      490
Estimators, composition      241—242
Euler integration      515
External reset feedback      299
Fagervik, K.C.      490
Fahmi, M.F.      192
Feed enthalpy control      141—143
Feed systems      137—151
Feed tank size      144—145
Feed temperature control      140—141
Feed tray location      143
Feedforward compensation      11—12 153 299—303
Feedforward plus overrides      202—205
Fehervari, W.      108 404
Fisher, D.G.      521
Fitzpatrick, T.J.      522
Flash      41—43
Flooded condenser      87—90 349—359
Flooded reboiler      114—116 366—370
Flow and flow ratio conventions      288—289
Frank, O.      135
Fuentes, C.      490
Gaines, L.D.      227
Gallier, P.W.      495 527
Garcia, C.E.      311
Geyer, G.R.      192
Giles, R.F.      227
Gilliland, E.R.      66
Gould, L.A.      23 305 310 347 373
Grabbe, E.M.      135
Gravity return reflux      90—99
Griffin, D.E.      242
Grote, H.W.      241 242
Hamilton, J.C.      521
Hammerstrom, L.G.      490
Handley, K.R.      521
Harbert, W.D.      1 23
Harnett, B.T.      426
Harper, W.T.      444
Harriott, P.      23 306 310 313 430 442 444
Heat flow computations      255—256
Heat recovery schemes      182—192
Hempel, A.      347 373
Hengstebeck, R.J.      23
Hepp, P.S.      135 292
High base pressure override      210
High column $\Delta P$ override      210
High limiters      195
High selectors      195
Holland, C.D.      23 66
Hollander, L.      107
Hoopes, H.S.      311
Hot vapor bypass      86—87
Hougen, J.O.      299 310
Hu, Y.C.      521
Huang, Hsiao-Ping      522
interactions      16—17 468—475
Interlocks      194
Internal reflux calculation      243—249
Inverse response      313 333 394 439
Jacobs, J.K.      135
Jarvis, R.C.F.      521
Jaufret, J.P.      348
Joseph, B.      242
Kermode, R.I.      444
Khanderia, J.      227 522
King, C.J.      23 66
Kirschbaum, E.      66
Kline, P.E.      192
Koppel, L.B.      23
Kuo-Cheng Chin      522
Lamb, D.E.      11 23 307 310 435 441 442 444
Latham, V.      522
Law, V.J.      522
Level control, averaging      4 70 375
Level measurement      256—273
Level measurement, characterized displacers      266
Level measurement, column base      256
Level measurement, damping chamber      260—261
Level measurement, delta P transmitter with double remote seals      272
Level measurement, displacer-type      260
Level measurement, external damping      261—262
Level measurement, flush diaphragm transmitter and 1:1 repeater      273
Level measurement, high viscosity fill $\Delta P$ transmitter      262—263
Level measurement, purge system errors      266—268
Level measurement, specific gravity compensation      264—266
Level measurement, two flush diaphragm transmitters      272—273
Lopez, A.M.      522
Low limiters      195
Low selectors      195
Lupfer, D.E.      151 292
Luyben, W.L.      11 23 66 151 180 192 240 241 242 310 347 374 404 442 444 445 464 475 478 490 491 521 522
Maarleveld, A.      23 167 442 444
Manometer      259—260
Marroquin, G.      522
Maselli, S.      490
Material balance control      3—4 6—10 154—166 327—346
Material balance control, column overhead      69
Material balance control, Shinskey scheme      28
Mathur, J.      135
Maximum capacity overrides      215—217
McAvoy, T.J.      311 478 490
McCabe — Thiele diagram      49—64
McKee, H.R.      135
Median selector      195
Mehra, R.K.      311
Meyer, C.B.      310
Minimum number of trays      63—64
Minimum reflux ratio      62—63
Modern control theory      296—297 468
Moore, C.F.      522
Morari, M.      311
Mori, M.      521
Mosler, H.A.      192 242 521 522
Mostafa, H.A.      192
Mueller, A.C.      107
Multiplier, pneumatic      246—249
Multivariable control      15—16
Murphree tray efficiency      428
Neumann, L.P.      522
Niederlinski, A.      475 491
Nisenfeld, E.I.      23
Noise, waves      258—259
Nonideality      45—49
Nonlinear PI controllers      383
Null, H.R.      192
O'Brien, N.G.      192
Oglesby, M.W.      151
Oldershaw, C.F.      135
On-line identification      309—310
On-line models      305—310
Operating lines      51—54
Orifice, temperature and pressure compensation      249—255
Orr, C.P.      445 464
Otto, R.F.      522
Overhead level control      100—107
overrides      193—227
Overrides for sidedraw columns      220—227
Parsons, J.R.      242
Patterson, F.M.      135
Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook      292
PI controller      301
PI level controller tuning      385—386
Powers, G.J.      192
Pressure control      405—426
Pressure-compensated temperature      234—239
Prickett, R.D.      135
Product quality control      4 465—491
Protective controls      193—227
Pump bypass      214—215
q, enthalpy factor      57
q-line      57—58
Rademaker, O.      22 23 167 229 242 442 444
Ragazzini, J.R.      521
Ramaker, B.L.      311
Ramirez, W.F.      521
Raoult's law      39
Rathoye, R.N.S.      192
Ray, H.      24 311 478
Reboiler dynamics      357—365
Reboiler types, forced-circulation      109 116—117
Reboiler types, internal      119—122
Reboiler types, kettle-type      109 117—119
Reboiler types, thermosyphon      109 110—116
Rectification section      54—55
Reflux      27
Reflux cycle      92—99
Reflux, external      243—249
Reflux, internal      243—249
Relative gain array (matrix)      478—489
Relative volatility      43—45
Renaud, Jean-Luc      310
Reset cycle      381
Rhinesmith, R.D.      192
Rijnsdorp, J.E.      23 167 242 313 325 442 444
Rippin, D.W.T.      13 307 310 435 441 442 444
Robinson, C.S.      66
Rollins, D.L.      310
Rose, A.      426
Rosenbrock, H.H.      296 310
Rothfus, R.R.      444
Rouse, H.      107
Rush, F.E.      192
Ryskamp, C.J.      310 490
Sanders, C.W.      292
Sastry, V.A.      311
Schellene, K.R.      135
Schmoyer, R.K.      292
Schneile, P.D.      292
Schneile, P.D., Jr.      311
Seborg, D.E.      310 521
Seemann, R.C.      23 445 464
Sensible heat recovery      189
Separation factor (Shinskey)      489
Shah, M.K.      242
Shaner, R.L.      192
Shinskey, F.G.      3 22 23 192 310 464 478 481 484 490
Shunta, J.P.      108 404 444 494 500 510 522
Sidedraw columns      169—180
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