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Meeus J.H. — Astronomical Formulae for Calculators |
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Altitude 43 44
Angles, large 10
Angular separation 49
Angular speed of Moon 154
Anomaly, eccentric 93
Anomaly, mean, of planets 121
Anomaly, true, elliptic motion 122
Anomaly, true, parabolic motion 133
Aphelion of planets 137
Apparent place of star 71
Argument of latitude 122
Argument of perihelion 97
Azimuth 43 44
Binary stars 189
Bodies in straight line 55
Brightness ratio of stars 187
Calculator, accuracy 9
Calculator, angle modes 11
Calculator, correct quadrant 12
Calculator, powers of time 12
Calculator, program shortening 13
Calculator, right ascensions 11
Calculator, rounding 10
Calendar Date from JD 26
Center, equation of 131
Central meridian of Jupiter 175
Central meridian of Sun 203
Circle, smallest containing three bodies 57
Comets, elliptic motion 121
Comets, magnitude 128 194
Comets, parabolic motion 133
Comets, passage through nodes 139
Conjunctions between planet and star 54
Conjunctions between planets 53
Coordinates, geocentric rectangular of observer 37
Coordinates, transformation 43
Correlation of linear regression 195
Day of Week 27
Day of Year 28
Declination 43 44
Declination of Sun 81
Earth, aphelion or perihelion 137
Earth, elements of date 98
Earth, elements of date, for 1950.0 102
Earth, elements of date, for 2000.0 104
Easter Date 31
Easter, Julian 33
Eccentricity of binary star (apparent) 192
Eccentricity of Earth’s orbit 79
Eclipses 163
Eclipses, lunar 166
Eclipses, solar 165
Ecliptic and horizon 48
Ecliptic, mean obliquity 81
Ecliptical, elements reduction to another equinox 75
Ecliptical, elements reduction to equatorial coordinates 44
Elements of planetary orbits 97
Elements of planetary orbits for 1950.0 102
Elements of planetary orbits for 2000.0 104
Elements of planetary orbits for mean equinox of date 99
Elements of planetary orbits, reduction to other equinox 75
Elliptic motion 121
Elliptic motion, first method 121
Elliptic motion, second method 125
Elongation of planet 128 173
Elongation of Venus (approximate) 173
Ephemeris Time 35
Equation of Equinoxes 40
Equation of Kepler see Kepler
Equation of the Center 131
Equation of Time 91
Equatorial coordinates to ecliptical 44
Equatorial coordinates to galactic 45
Equatorial coordinates to horizontal 44
Equinoxes and Solstices 89
Fraction illuminated of Moon 155
Fraction illuminated of planet 171
Fraction illuminated of Venus 172
Galactic to equatorial coordinates 45
Geocentric position, elliptic motion (1st method) 121
Geocentric position, elliptic motion (2nd method) 125
Geocentric position, parabolic motion 133
Geocentric rectangular coordinates of comets and minor planets 127
Geocentric rectangular coordinates of observer 37
Geocentric rectangular coordinates of Sun 85
Greenwich, Sidereal Time at 39
Heliocentric, latitude 122
Heliocentric, longitude (ecliptical) 122
Horizon and ecliptic 48
Hour angle at rise and set 47
Illuminated fraction of Moon’s disk 155
Illuminated fraction of planet’s disk 171
Integer part 23 29
Interpolation 15
Interpolation, five tabular values 19
Interpolation, five tabular values, extremum 20
Interpolation, five tabular values, zero value 20
Interpolation, three tabular values 15
Interpolation, three tabular values, extremum 17
Interpolation, three tabular values, zero value 18
Julian Day 23
Jupiter, aphelion or perihelion 137
Jupiter, central meridian 175
Jupiter, elements of date 100
Jupiter, elements of date for 1950.0 102
Jupiter, elements of date for 2000.0 104
Jupiter, perturbations 110
Jupiter, satellites, apparent coordinates 180
Jupiter, satellites, conjunctions 182 183
Jupiter, satellites, positions 179
Kepler, equation of 93
Kepler, equation of, first method 93
Kepler, equation of, second method 94
Kepler, equation of, third method 96
Least squares 193
Light-time effect 123
Linear regression 193
Longitude, Moon, ascending node 69 148
Longitude, Moon, mean 69 148
Longitude, Sun, apparent 80
Longitude, Sun, mean 69 79
Longitude, Sun, true 80
Magnitude of comets 128 194
Magnitude of minor planets 128
Magnitude of star, absolute 188
Magnitude, adding 187
Mars, elements of date 99
Mars, elements of date for 1950.0 102
Mars, elements of date for 2000.0 104
Mars, perihelion or aphelion 137
Mars, perturbations 109
Mean motion 126
Mercury, elements of date 99
| Mercury, elements of date for 1950.0 102
Mercury, elements of date for 2000.0 104
Mercury, perihelion or aphelion 137
Mercury, perturbations 107
Minor planets, heliocentric rectangular coordinates 127
Minor planets, magnitude 128
Moon, angular speed 154
Moon, distance from ascending node 148
Moon, illuminated fraction of disk 155
Moon, longitude of node 69 148
Moon, mean anomaly 69 148
Moon, mean elongation 148
Moon, mean longitude 69 148
Moon, phases 159
Moon, position 147
Moon, position angle bright limb 61
Moon, semidiameter 185
Neptune, elements of date 101
Neptune, elements of date for 1950.0 103
Neptune, elements of date for 2000.0 105
Neptune, perturbations 118
Nodes, passage through 139
Nutation 69
Orbital elements 97
Orbits, elements of date 99
Orbits, elements of date for 1950.0 102
Orbits, elements of date for 2000.0 104
Orbits, planetary 97
Parabolic motion 133
Parallax, correction for 143
Parallax, correction for, in ecliptical coordinates 146
Passages through the nodes 139
Perihelion of planets 137
Perturbations of planets 107
Phase angle 128
Phases of the Moon 159
Planets, elements of orbits 97
Planets, elements of orbits for 1950.0 102
Planets, elements of orbits for 2000.0 104
Planets, elements of orbits for mean equinox of date 99
Planets, elongation 128 173
Planets, illuminated fraction 171
Planets, passages through nodes 139
Planets, perihelion and aphelion 137
Planets, perturbations 107
Planets, perturbations, Jupiter 110
Planets, perturbations, Mars 109
Planets, perturbations, Mercury 107
Planets, perturbations, Neptune 118
Planets, perturbations, Saturn 113
Planets, perturbations, Uranus 116
Planets, perturbations, Venus 108
Planets, phase angle 128 171
Planets, semidiameter 185
Pluto 211
Position Angle of Moon’s Bright Limb 61
Precession 63
Precession, rigorous method 65
Quadrant, correct 12
Radius vector of binary star 190
Radius vector of comet at its node, elliptic orbit 139
Radius vector of comet at its node, parabolic orbit 140
Radius vector of Sun 80
Radius vector, elliptic motion 122
Radius vector, parabolic motion 133
Rectangular / polar coordinates 12
Rectangular coordinates of Sun 85
Rectangular coordinates, geocentric of observer 37
Rectangular coordinates, heliocentric, of a body 127
Reduction of ecliptical elements 75
Refraction 47
Remainder of division 32
Right ascension 43 44
Right ascension of Sun 81
Rise or set of a body 47 207
Rise or set of a body, azimuth at 47
Rise or set of a body, hour angle at 47
Satellites of Jupiter 179
Saturn, elements of date 100
Saturn, elements of date for 1950.0 103
Saturn, elements of date for 2000.0 105
Saturn, perihelion and aphelion 137
Saturn, perturbations 113
Seasons 89
Semidiameters of Moon 185
Semidiameters of Sun and planets 185
Separation, angular 49
Sidereal time at Greenwich any time 40
Sidereal time at Greenwich at 0 h UT 39
Sidereal time, apparent 40
Sidereal time, local 44
Smallest circle of three bodies 57
Solar coordinates 79
Solar coordinates, first method 79
Solar coordinates, higher accuracy 82
Solar coordinates, second method 80
Solstices 89
Star, absolute magnitude 188
Star, adding magnitudes 187
Star, apparent place 71
Star, binary 189
Star, distance 188
Straight line, bodies in 55
Sun, apparent longitude 80
Sun, Carrington rotations 205
Sun, coordinates see Solar coordinates
Sun, declination 81
Sun, ephemeris for physical obs. 203
Sun, mean anomaly 69 79
Sun, mean longitude 69 79
Sun, rectangular coordinates 85
Sun, right ascension 81
Sun, semi diameter 185
Sun, true geometric longitude 80
Time, Ephemeris and Universal 35
Time, equation of 91
Topocentric coordinates 143
Transit time of a body 207
universal time 35
Uranus, elements of date 100
Uranus, elements of date for 1950.0 103
Uranus, elements of date for 2000.0 105
Uranus, perturbations 116
Venus, approximate elongation 173
Venus, elements of date 99
Venus, elements of date for 1950.0 102
Venus, elements of date for 2000.0 104
Venus, illuminated fraction 172
Venus, perihelion and aphelion 137
Venus, perturbations 108
Week, day of 27
X, Y, Z coordinates of Sun 85
Year, day of 28
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