Photosensitive glass 210 229
Pickling 401
Piezoelectric ceramics 327—328
Piston flow 123
Pitch bond 386
Plasma-sprayed coatings 414
Plaster of Paris, moulds of 258—261
Plastic forming 260—262
Plastic mass (paste) 250—254
Plastic refractories 392
Plastic viscosity 250—251
Plasticizer, organic 245 246 254 261—263
Plastograph 254
PLZT ceramics 328
Poise 64
Poisson’s ratio 176—177
Polariscope 170
Polymorphic transformations of 25
Polymorphic transformations of 41
Polymorphic transformations of 46—47
Polymorphic transformations of 12—20
Polymorphic transformations of 21
Polymorphic transformations of 22—23
Polymorphic transformations reconstructive 12
Polymorphic transformations, displacive 13
Polytypes of SiC 343
Polyvalent oxides, reactions in glass 113
Porcelain 300 302—311
Porcelain decoration 308
Porcelain firing 304—308
Porcelain glazing 307—308
Porcelain high-alumina 307
Porcelain phase composition of 306
Porcelain properties of 308—310
Porcelain types of 302—303
Porosity 291
Porosity and sintering 295
Porosity and translucency 337—338
Porosity apparent 292 366
Porosity in particulate systems 248—249
Porosity of refractories 366—367
Porosity of thermal insulations 393—394
Pot furnace 144—145
Potash 52 141
Powder insulations 364 393
Pressing, hot 296—297
Pressing, isostatic 266
Pressing, of powders 262—266
Pressure sintering 285—286
Properties of glass 173—189
Properties of graphite 346—349
Properties of molten glasses 63—93
Properties of non-oxidic compounds 346
Properties of oxides 333
Properties of refractories 353 355—370
Properties of technical ceramics 309
Protective colloid 257
Protoenstatite 46—48 316—317
Pseudomorphism of 26
Pseudoplastic liquid 251
Pug extruder 260 301
Pyrex 60 67 176 178 184 204 206
Pyroceram 230 235
Pyrolytic graphite 349
Pyrometric cone equivalent 351
Pyrometric cones 350—351
Pyroxene 238 240
PZT ceramics 328
Quartz 12-20 190
Quartz glass 18 62—63 189—191
Quartz glass, electrical properties of 183 184
Quartz glass, non-stoichiometry 17
Quartz glass, physical properties of 176 178
Quartz glass, specific heat of 84—85
Quartz glass, viscosity of 18—19 67
Quartz in porcelain 305—306
Quartz kinetics of transformation 18—20
Quartz non-equilibrium fusion 20
Quartz properties of 232
Quartz solid solutions 234
Quartz stuffed 234
Quartzite 374—375
Radiation conductivity 87—91
Raleigh number 121
Ramming 266
Rankinite 240
Raw glaze 308 409
Raw materials for enamels 400
Raw materials for glass melting 141—142
Raw materials, ceramic 245—246
Rayon 162
Reaction sintering 297 343 344—345
Reaumur porcelain 229
Reboil 119
Recuperator 144 147
Refining agents 113 202
Refining of glass 94 111—116
Reflection of light 182
Refractive index of glasses 171 178—180 193 200 213
Refractive index of porcelain phases 308
Refractories 349—394
Refractories, acid and basic 354—355
Refractories, basic 378—386
Refractories, carbon based 390
Refractories, chemical composition of 352
Refractories, chemically bonded 382 384—385
Refractories, chrome-magnesite 383—385
Refractories, chromite 385
Refractories, corundum 373 388
Refractories, corundum-baddeleyite 153 388—389
Refractories, dolomite 385—386
Refractories, fireclay 370—373
Refractories, forsterite 387
Refractories, fusion-cast 153 154 388—389
Refractories, granular 390—392
Refractories, high-alumina 373
Refractories, magnesia-chrome ore 383—385
Refractories, magnesite 378—383
Refractories, magnesite-chrome 384
Refractories, mullite 373
Refractories, pitch-bearing 386
| Refractories, properties of 353 355—370
Refractories, ruby-spinel 389
Refractories, SiC-based 389—390
Refractories, silica 374—378
Refractories, sillimanite 373
Refractories, types of 352
Refractories, unfired 382 384—386
Refractories, zircon 387
Refractories, zirconia-containing 374 387—389
Refractoriness 350—354
Refractoriness, under load 359—361
Refractory concrete 392
Refractory fibres 216
Regenerator 144 154
Residence time 124 134
Response curve 123—127 135
Reversal 144
Reynolds number 121
Ribbon machine 158
Rock crystal 190 197
Rock quartz 12
Roller-hearth kiln 299
Ruby 389
Ruby glass 209
Rutile 21 232 319 407
Rutile ceramics 309 319—321
Sagger 300
Salt glaze 312 414
Sealing glasses 60 184 218
Seger's formula 405 409
Selenium ruby 61 209
Semi-silica 371
Semiconducting ceramics 328
Semiconducting glasses 185—186 219
Semiconducting glazes 414
Sensitivity to drying 271
Serpentine 48 382 387
setters 300
Sevres porcelain 303
Sheet glass 60 176 178 194—197
Shrinkage and sintering 281 289
Shrinkage, drying 267—271
Shrinkage, firing 248 263
Sialon 345
Silica see also "Silicon dioxide"
Silica, glass 189—191 see
Silica, refractories 374—378
Siliceous refractories 371
Silicides 345—346
Silicon carbide 297 342—343 346 389
Silicon dioxide 12—20
Silicon dioxide, phase diagram of 15
Silicon dioxide, polymorphic forms of 12—13 17
Silicon dioxide, vaporization of 18
Silicon dioxide, vitreous 18
Silicon monoxide 17—18
Silicon nitride 297 343 344—346 416
Sillimanite 41
Sillimanite, refractories 373
Simax 60 92 184 204
Similarity criteria 121
Sink point 65
Sintered alumina 309 335—339
Sintered carbides, nitrides etc. 343—347
Sintered glass 217
Sintered oxides 333—341
Sintering 273—290
Sintering and grain growth 277 285 286—288
Sintering and shrinkage 281 289
Sintering in real systems 289—290
Sintering interval 292—293 303 316
Sintering of alumina 273—275
Sintering of BaTiO_{3}$ 325 326
Sintering, activity 338
Sintering, evaporation-condensation mechanism 276
Sintering, Frenkel model 278—279 282
Sintering, initial stage of 278—282
Sintering, Kingery — Berg model 280—281
Sintering, later stages of 282—285
Sintering, liquid phase 277—278 288-289
Sintering, Mackenzie — Shuttleworth model 282—284 286
Sintering, reaction 297 343 344—345
Sintering, under pressure 285—286 296—297
Sitall 235
Slag for glass melting 142
Slagsital 237 241—242
Slip casting 258—260
Soda ash 50 141
Softening point 65
Sol-gel method 55 297
solarization 104
Solder glass 236
Solid electrolyte 339 340 341
Solubility of in glass 99—100
Solubility of gases in glass 117—119
Specific heat of glass 84—86 178
Spectrofloat 161
Sphen 232
Spinel 232 384 389
Spinel, structure 329
Spinodal decomposition 205
Spodumene 17 232 234
Spray dryer 249
Stabilization annealing 170—171
Stabilization of glass 57—58 69 171
Stabilized zirconia 23 339—340
Staining 202
Staple 162
Steatite 45
Steatite, ceramics 309 314—318
Stishovite 17
Stokes equation 115
Stoneware 312—313
Strain point 65 163
Strength and grain size 339
Strength of brickware 313—314
Strength of glass 173—176
Strength of glass fibres 174
Strength of glass-ceramics 233
Strength of graphite 348
Strength, dry 37 271—272 294