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Montenbruck O., Pfleger Th. — Astronomy on the Personal Computer
Montenbruck O., Pfleger Th. — Astronomy on the Personal Computer

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Название: Astronomy on the Personal Computer

Авторы: Montenbruck O., Pfleger Th.


Astronomy on the Personal Computer provides the reader with a thorough introduction to the computation of celestial mechanics, which is of particular significance for carrying out astronomical observations. Covering everything from astronomical and computational theory to the construction of rapid and accurate applications programs, this book supplies the necessary knowledge and software solutions for determining and predicting positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, minor planets and comets, solar eclipses, stellar occultations by the Moon, phases of the Moon and much more. This completely revised edition makes use of the widely implemented programming language C++, and individual applications may be efficiently realized through the use of a powerful module library. The accompanying CD-ROM contains, in addition to the complete, fully documented and commented source codes, the executable programs for Windows 95/98/NT and Linux operating systems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 312

Добавлена в каталог: 05.03.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Moon, inclination of oibit      154 156 177 210
Moon, Kepleiian oibit      153
Moon, latitude      178
Moon, mean anomaly      155
Moon, mean distance from node      155
Moon, mean elongation      155
Moon, mean longitude      155
Moon, mean motion      154
Moon, mean oibit of      154
Moon, oibit of      205
Moon, perturbation by Sun      153
Moon, phases of      154
Moon, piecession      154
Moon, planetary perturbations of      160
Moon, right ascension      166
Moon, secular pertuibations      154
Moon, series expansion      170
Moon, shadow of      205
MOONEQD      166 211
Motion, equation of      84
Motion, Kepleiian      108 113
Multistep method      90
New moon      177
New Moon date of      177 191
Newton's method      65 167
Newton, Isaac      60 154
Node, line of      156
Node, longitude of      234
Numerical integration      89
Nutation      124 147 190 207
Nutation in longitude      124
Objective      253
Observer      202
OCCULT      205 218
Occultation stellar      44 167 205
Oibit determination      229
Oibit determination, compiehensive Gauss method      244
Oibit determination, Gauss's method      229
Oibit determination, Laplace method      229
ORBDET      245 245
ORBECL      75
ORBIHP.DAT, example      245
Orbit, cometaiy      59
Orbit, lunai      153
Orbit, near-parabolic      68
Orbit, non-periodic      60
Orbit, periodic      60
Orbit, planetary      107
Orbit, trigonometric series      110
Orbit, undisturbed Kepleiian      107
Orbital elements      59 229 234 242
Orbital elements, minor planet Ceres      104
Orbital elements, of the planets      87
Orbital elements, osculating      95
Orbital paiametei      60
Orbital period      236
Orbital plane equation of      239 240
ORIEHT      137
PARAB      71
parabola      60
Parallactic angle      201
Parallax      45
Parallax horisontal      45 57
Pascal      7 92 233
Penumbra      181 205
Penumbra diameter      182 191
Perihelion      60
Perihelion, argument of      72 236
Perihelion, distance      236
Perihelion, longitude of      72 236
Perihelion, time of passage      236
Period, orbital      236
Perturbation      83
Perturbation, acceleration      85
Perturbation, periodic      113
Perturbation, terms      108 111
Perturbations, periodic      107
PH.MATRIX      207 207
PH.MATRIX, example      207
Phase      143
Phase angle      142
photography      253
PHTS      147 148
PLAHPOS      126
PLAHRISE      57
Planets, coordinates      87
Planets, equatorial radius      135
Planets, mass      85
Plate constants      257 261
Pleiades      206 217
PLU200      118 290
PMATECL      20
PMATEQD      20 207
polar      10 15
Pole, celestial      131
Pole, north      131
Polynomial, Chebyshev      167
POS.AHGLES      202
POSAHG      134 144
POSITIOH      88 147
Position angle      199 215 218
Position angle, of the rotation axis      132
Position angle, of the Sun      144
Position, geocentric      239
Position, geometrical      76
Position, heliocentric      239
PRECART      21 207
Precession      7 17 72 124 147 155 206
Precession, angles      19
Precession, example calculation      21
Prime Meridian      137
Proper motion      206
QDAD      202 215
Radius, apparent      47
Reference stars      253
Refraction, atmospheric      46
Refraction, law of      46
Regula Falsi      210
Relativity theory of      42 120
Residuals      258
Right ascension      15 185 186 206
ROTATIOH      141
Rotation, direct      132
Rotation, orientation of axis      132
Rotation, retrograde      132
Rotation, systems of      136
SAT200      118 282
Saturn, rings      145
Scaliger, Joseph Justus      12
Scaliger, Julius      12
SDH200      23 38 118
Secant procedure      231
Sector, area of      230
Sector-triangle ratio      229
Sector-triangle ratio, iteration      231
Sectors, area of      241
Semi-diurnal arc      48
Semi-latus rectum      60 230 235
Semi-major axis      61 230 236
sh      7
Shadow      215 218
SHADOW.DIST      202
Shampine      92
SHAPE      135
Sidereal time      40 40 48 57 131 186
Sidereal time, of Greenwhich      40
Site      214
Solar time      40
SOLAR1      159
SOLAR2      159
SOLAR3      159
SOLARM      159
State vector      89
Station coefficients      205 216 218
STDEQD      256
STEP      92
Step sise      91
Steyart, C.      108
STUMPFF      70
Subset      44 51
Sun, mean anomaly      155
Sun, mean motion      154
Sun, observed position      190
SUSEQO      190
T.EVAL      172 189 190 211
T.FIT.LBR      171 172 189 211
Term      159
Terminator      144
TH      8
Time      41
Time Zone      43
Time, baiycentric dynamic      42
Time, dilFeience between ET fc UT      43 187
Time, dynamic      41 43
Time, ephemeiis      42 187 214
Time, observation of ET-UT      226
Time, sidereal      42
Time, solar      42 48
Time, terrestrial dynamic      42
Time, unit of      36 48
Time, universal      41 42 187 214
Totality, duration of      188
Triangle, area of      230 235
twilight      47
Twilight, civil      218
Two-body problem      131 230
T_FIT_MOON      189 211
T_FIT_MOON, example      189 211
T_FIT_SUN      191
Umbra      177 181 205
Umbra, diameter      181 188 191
Universal Time (UT)      41 117 187 214
Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)      43
URA200      118 285
Variation      154
Vector, Gaussian      71 74 234
Vector, magnitude      231
VEH200      118 275
Velocity, of Earth      208
Velocity, planetary orbit      121
XTZKEP      97
Year, length of      42
Zenith      35
Zodiacal Catalogue      217
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