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Luo W., Pignataro C., Bokotey D. — Layer 2 VPN architectures
Luo W., Pignataro C., Bokotey D. — Layer 2 VPN architectures

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Название: Layer 2 VPN architectures

Авторы: Luo W., Pignataro C., Bokotey D.


Layer 2 VPN Architectures introduces readers to Layer 2 Virtual Private Network (VPN) concepts, and describes Layer 2 VPN techniques via introductory case studies and comprehensive design scenarios. This book assists readers looking to meet those requirements by explaining the history and implementation details of the two technologies available from the Cisco Unified VPN suite: Any Transport over MPLS (ATOM) for MPLS-based cores and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol version 3 (L2TPv3) for native IP cores. The structure of this book is focused on first introducing the reader to Layer 2 VPN benefits and implementation requirements and comparing them to those of Layer 3 based VPNs, such as MPLS, then progressively covering each currently available solution in greater detail.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 648

Добавлена в каталог: 28.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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"Illegal C-bit" status code
802.1p tagging      2nd
802.1q tagging      2nd
802.1q tunneling      
802.1q tunneling, asymmetrical links      
802.1q tunneling, restrictions      
802.1q tunneling, tagging process      
AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer)      
AAL5, CPCS-SDU mode      
AAL5, packet cell relay mode      
AAL5, single cell relay mode      
AAL5oMPLS, case study configuration      
AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, configuring      2nd
AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, control plane      
AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, data plane      
AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, verifying configuration      2nd
ABM (Asynchronous Balanced Mode)      
ABR (available bit rate)      
access mode, VPLS configuration      
ACFC (Address and Control Field Compression)      
Address field      
Address field, Frame Relay frames      
Address field, HDLC frames      
Address field, PPP frames      
adjusted MTU      
advertisement messages (LDP)      2nd
advertising VCCV      
any-to-any local switching      
any-to-any local switching, ATM attachment circuits      
any-to-any local switching, Ethernet-to-VLAN      
ARM (Asynchronous Response Mode)      
associating VPLS attachment circuits to VFI      
asymmetrical links      
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)      
ATM Forum Traffic Management 4.0 standard      
ATM layer (ATM)      
ATM transport over L2TPv3      
ATM, AAL5 CPCS-SDU mode      
ATM, AAL5oMPLS, case study configuration      
ATM, ATMoMPLS, AAL5 transport      
ATM, ATMoMPLS, cell transport      
ATM, cell format      
ATM, cell packing      
ATM, Cell Relay operational modes, configuring      
ATM, CRoMPLS, case study configuration      
ATM, encapsulation      
ATM, ILMI      
ATM, interaction with pseudowire protocols      
ATM, legacy Layer 2 VPNs
ATM, OAM emulation      
ATM, packet cell relay mode      
ATM, single cell relay mode      
ATM, traffic management      
ATM, traffic management, traffic policing      
ATM, traffic management, traffic shaping      
ATM-Specific Sublayer
ATM-to-ATM local switching
ATMoMPLS, cell packing
ATMoMPLS, cell packing, configuring      
ATMoMPLS, cell packing, verifying configuration      
AToM (Any Transport over MPLS)      2nd
AToM, control word negotiation
AToM, encapsulation
AToM, encapsulation, ATM
AToM, encapsulation, Ethernet
AToM, encapsulation, Frame Relay      
AToM, encapsulation, HDLC      
AToM, encapsulation, PPP      
AToM, hardware support, verifying      
AToM, label stacking      
AToM, LDP, LDP peers
AToM, LDP, packets      
AToM, pseudowire label binding
AToM, pseudowires      
AToM, pseudowires, establishing
AToM, QoS, intermediate markings
AToM, QoS, queuing      
AToM, QoS, traffic marking      
AToM, QoS, traffic policing
AToM, selection criteria      
AToM, selection criteria, advanced network services      
AToM, selection criteria, existing network installation base      
AToM, selection criteria, interoperability      
AToM, selection criteria, network operation complexity      
AToM, sequence numbers      
AToM, supported Layer 2 protocols
attachment circuits
attachment circuits, associating to VFI
attachment circuits, ATM and local switching
attachment circuits, Layer 2 local switching      
attachment circuits, Layer 2 local switching, ATM-to-ATM
attachment circuits, Layer 2 local switching, Ethernet-to-Ethernet
attachment circuits, Layer 2 local switching, Frame Relay-to-Frame Relay
attachment circuits, like-to-like      
attachment circuits, VPLS configuration      
auto-discovery mechanism      
AVPs (Attribute-Value Pairs)
basic LDP discovery      
BGP IPv4 label distribution with IGP redistribution      
BGP-based VPLS      
BPDU Guard      
bridged IW      
bridged IW, ATM AAL5-to-VLAN using AToM, case study      
bridged IW, case study      
bridged IW, environment considerations      
bridged IW, MTU      
bridged IW, using AToM, case study      
bridged IW, using L2TPv3, case study      
byte stuffing      
calculating, EoMPLS MTU size requirements      
calculating, required LDP sessions for VPLS deployment      
case studies      
case studies, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3      
case studies, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, configuring      
case studies, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, control plane      
case studies, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, data plane      
case studies, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, verifying configuration      
case studies, ATM_CoL2TPv3      
case studies, ATM_CoL2TPv3, configuring      
case studies, ATM_CoL2TPv3, verifying configuration      
case studies, EoMPLS transport      
case studies, EoMPLS transport, port-based      2nd
case studies, EoMPLS transport, port-based, switch configuration      2nd
case studies, EoMPLS transport, pseudowire class template configuration      
case studies, EoMPLS transport, VLAN rewrite      2nd
case studies, EoMPLS transport, VLAN-based      
case studies, EoMPLS transport, VLAN-based, switch configuration      
case studies, Equal-Cost Multipath      
case studies, Frame Relay over L2TPv3      
case studies, Frame Relay over L2TPv3, configuring      
case studies, Frame Relay over L2TPv3, data plane      
case studies, Frame Relay over L2TPv3, verifying configuration
case studies, HDLC over L2TPv3      
case studies, HDLC over L2TPv3, configuring      2nd
case studies, HDLC over L2TPv3, data plane details      
case studies, HDLC over L2TPv3, verifying configuration      
case studies, IW      
case studies, IW, bridged      
case studies, IW, bridged using AToM      2nd
case studies, IW, bridged using L2TPv3      
case studies, IW, routed      
case studies, point-to-point L2TPv3 transport      
case studies, point-to-point L2TPv3 transport, Ethernet port-to-port dynamic session      
case studies, point-to-point L2TPv3 transport, Ethernet port-to-port manual session      
case studies, point-to-point L2TPv3 transport, Ethernet port-to-port manual session with keepalive      
case studies, point-to-point L2TPv3 transport, Ethernet VLAN-to-VLAN dynamic session      
case studies, point-to-point L2TPv3 transport, IP topology      
case studies, PPP over L2TPv3      
case studies, PPP over L2TPv3, configuring      
case studies, PPP over L2TPv3, control plane negotiation      
case studies, PPP over L2TPv3, data plane      
case studies, PPP over L2TPv3, verifying configuration      
case studies, Unequal-Cost Multipath      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, ATM transport      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, configuring      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, control plane      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, data plane      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, Frame Relay transport      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, HDLC pseudowire transport      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, L2-Specific Sublayer      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, MTU considerations      
case studies, WANs over L2TPv3, PPP transport      
case studies, WANs over MPLS, configuring      
case studies, WANs over MPLS, configuring, AAL5oMPLS      
case studies, WANs over MPLS, configuring, CRoMPLS      
case studies, WANs over MPLS, configuring, FRoMPLS      
case studies, WANs over MPLS, configuring, HDLCoMPLS      
case studies, WANs over MPLS, configuring, PPPoMPLS      
CBR (constant bit rate)      
CBR.1 traffic policing
CE routers      
CE routers, vlan-based EoMPLS transport, configuring      
cell format (ATM)      
cell packing      
cell packing, configuring      
cell packing, verifying configuration      
Cell Relay modes (ATM), configuring      
Character stuffing      
Cisco 12000 series routers, VLAN rewrite, configuring      
Cisco 12000 series routers, VLAN rewrite, configuring, port VLAN ID inconsistency issue      
Cisco HDLC versus standard HDLC      
Cisco LMI      
Cisco Unified VPN suite      
Cisco Unified VPN suite, local switching      
Cisco Unified VPN suite, local switching, ATM attachment circuits      
Cisco Unified VPN suite, local switching, ATM-to-ATM      
Cisco Unified VPN suite, local switching, Ethernet-to-Ethernet      
Cisco Unified VPN suite, local switching, Ethernet-to-VLAN      
Cisco Unified VPN suite, local switching, Frame Relay-to-Frame Relay      
CLP field (ATM cells)      
combining PMTUD and DF bit      
commands, connect      
commands, debug acircuit event      
commands, debug mpls 12transport signaling message      
commands, debug mpls l2transport packet data      
commands, debug mpls l2transport signaling message      
commands, interworking      
commands, l2tp-class      
commands, pseudowire-class      
commands, remote circuit id      
commands, show arp      
commands, show connection      
commands, show ip traffic      
commands, show mpls 12transport vc      2nd 3rd
commands, show mpls forwarding-table      2nd
commands, show mpls ldp discovery      
commands, show mpls ldp neighbor      
commands, show processes cpu      
commands, show sss circuits      
commands, xconnect      
comparing EoMPLS modes      
configuring, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3      
configuring, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, control plane      
configuring, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, data plane      
configuring, AAL5_SDUoL2TPv3, verifying configuration      
configuring, ATM, Cell Relay modes      
configuring, ATMoMPLS, cell packing      
configuring, ATM_CoL2TPv3      
configuring, ATM_CoL2TPv3, verifying configuration      
configuring, AToM pseudowire over GRE tunnel      
configuring, cell packing      
configuring, EoMPLS transport, case studies      2nd
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port dynamic session      
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port dynamic session, data plane details      
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port dynamic session, verifying configuration      
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port manual session      
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port manual session with keepalive      
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port manual session with keepalive, data plane details      
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port manual session with keepalive, verifying configuration      
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port manual session, data plane details      
configuring, Ethernet port-to-port manual session, verifying configuration      
configuring, Ethernet VLAN-to-VLAN dynamic session      
configuring, Ethernet VLAN-to-VLAN dynamic session, control plane details      
configuring, Ethernet VLAN-to-VLAN dynamic session, frame encapsulation      
configuring, Ethernet VLAN-to-VLAN dynamic session, verifying configuration      
configuring, Frame Relay over L2TPv3      
configuring, Frame Relay over L2TPv3, data plane      
configuring, Frame Relay over L2TPv3, verifying configuration      
configuring, HDLCoL2TPv3      
configuring, HDLCoL2TPv3, data plane details      
configuring, HDLCoL2TPv3, verifying configuration      
configuring, L2TPv3      
configuring, L2TPv3, l2tp-class command      
configuring, L2TPv3, pseudowire-class command      
configuring, L2TPv3, xconnect command      
configuring, LDP authentication for pseudowire signaling      
configuring, OAM emulation      
configuring, PPPoL2TPv3      
configuring, PPPoL2TPv3, control plane negotiation      
configuring, PPPoL2TPv3, data plane      2nd
configuring, PPPoL2TPv3, verifying configuration      
configuring, preferred path      
configuring, preferred path, with IP routing      
configuring, preferred path, with MPLS Traffic Engineering tunnels      
configuring, pseudowires      
configuring, QoS      
configuring, QoS, input service policies      
configuring, QoS, queuing      
configuring, QoS, traffic marking      
configuring, QoS, traffic policing      
configuring, VPLS      
configuring, VPLS, access mode      
configuring, VPLS, attachment circuits      
configuring, VPLS, dot1Q-tunnel mode      
configuring, VPLS, example configuration      
configuring, VPLS, Layer 2 protocol tunneling
configuring, VPLS, multihoming      
configuring, VPLS, per-VLAN MAC address limiting      
configuring, VPLS, QoS      
configuring, VPLS, trunk mode      
configuring, VPLS, VFI      
configuring, WAN protocols MPLS      
configuring, WAN protocols MPLS, AAL5oMPLS      
configuring, WAN protocols MPLS, CRoMPLS      
configuring, WAN protocols MPLS, FRoMPLS      
configuring, WAN protocols MPLS, HDLCoMPLS      
configuring, WAN protocols MPLS, PPPoMPLS      
configuring, WAN protocols over L2TPv3      
configuring, WANs over MPLS pseudowires      
configuring, WANs over MPLS pseudowires, control plane      
configuring, WANs over MPLS pseudowires, control word negotiation      
configuring, WANs over MPLS pseudowires, data plane encapsulation      
configuring, WANs over MPLS pseudowires, MTU requirements      
configuring, WANs over MPLS pseudowires, pseudowire types      
connect command      
conservative label retention mode      
control connection mechanism (L2TPV3)      
control connection mechanism (L2TPV3), control channel signaling      
control connection mechanism (L2TPV3), Control Message Authentication      
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