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Eddington A.S. — Nature of the Physical World |
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Neptune 49
Neutral stuff 280
Neutral wedge 48
New quantum theory 206
Newton iii 122 201
Newton, quotation from iii
Newtonian scheme 4 18 125
Non — Euclidean geometry 157
Non-empty space 127 153 238
Nonsense, problem of 344
Now-lines 42 47 49 184
Nucleus of atom 3
Objectivity of a picture 107
Objectivity of “becoming” 94
Observer, attributes of 15 337
Odds 301 303
Official scientific attitude 286 334
Operator 208
Orbit jumps of electron 191 196 205 215 300 312
Organisation 68 70 104
Ought 345
Oxygen and vegetation 174
Pacific Ocean 171
Particle 202 211 218
Past, relative and absolute 48
Pedantry 340 342
permanence 241
Personal aspect of spiritual world 337
Phoenix complex 85
photoelectric effect 187
Photon 190
Physical time 40
Picture and paint 106
Picture of gravitation 115 138 157
Plan, Nature’s 27
Planck 185
Plurality of worlds 169
Pointer readings 251
Ponderomotive force 237
Porosity of matter 1
Potential (gravitational) 261
potential energy 213
Potential gradient 96
Pound sterling, relativity of 26
Predestination 293 303
Predictability of events 147 228 300 307
Primary law 66 75 98
Primary law, insufficiency of 107
Primary scheme of physics 76 139 295
Principal curvature 120 139
Principia 4
Principle of detailed balancing 80
Principle of indeterminacy 220 306
Principle, correspondence 196
probability 216 315
Proof and plausibility 337
Proper-distance 25
Proper-time 37
Proportion, sense of 341
Proton 3
Psi () 216 305
Pure mathematician 161 337 347
purpose 105
Quantum 184
Quantum laws 193
Quantum numbers 191 205
Quantum, size of 200
Quest of reality 328
Quest of science 110 287
Quest of the absolute 26 122
Quotations from Boswell 326
Quotations from Brooke, Rupert 317
Quotations from Clifford, W. K. 278
Quotations from Dickens 32
Quotations from Einstein, A. 294
Quotations from Hegel 147
Quotations from Huxley, T. H. 173
Quotations from Kronecker, L. 246
Quotations from Lamb, H. 316
Quotations from Lewis Carroll 28 291 344
Quotations from Milton 167
Quotations from Newton, in Nursery Rhymes 64 70 262
Quotations from Omar Khayyam 64 293
Quotations from O’Shaughnessy, A. 325
Quotations from Russell, Bertrand 160 278
Quotations from Shakespeare 21 39 83 292 330
Quotations from Swift 341
Quotations from Whitehead, A. N. 14
Radiation pressure 58
Random element 64
Random element, measurement of 74
Reality, meaning of 282 326
Really true 34
Rectification of curves 125
Rejuvenescence, theories of 85 169
Relata and relations 230
Relativity of acceleration 129
Relativity of distance 25
Relativity of magnetic field 22
Relativity of Now (simultaneity) 46 61
Relativity of pound sterling 26
Relativity of space-frames 21
Relativity of standard of length 143
Relativity of velocity 10 54 59 61
Religion 194 281 288 322 324 326 333 349
Retrospective symbols 307 308
Revolutions of scientific thought 4 352
Right frames of space 18 20
Roemer, O. 43
Rotating masses, break-up of 176
Running down of universe 63 84
Russell, B. 160 277 278
Rutherford, E. 2 327
| Scale (measuring) 12 18 24 134 141
Schrdinger’s theory 199 210 225 305
Scientific and familiar worlds, xiii 247 24
Second law of thermodynamics 74 86
Secondary law 75 79 98
Seen-now lines 44 47
Selection by mind 239 243 264 330
Self-comparison of space 141
Sense-organs 51 96 266 329
Shadows, world of, xiv 109
Shuffling 63 92 184
Sidereal universe 163
Signals, speed of 57
Significances 108 329
Simultaneity 49 61
Singularities 127
Sirius, companion of 203
Slithy toves 291
Solar system type of atom 2 190
Solar system, origin of 176
Sorting 93
Space 14 16 51 81 137
Spasmodic moon 226
Spatial relations 50
Spectral lines 205 216
Spectral lines, displacement of 121 166
Spherical curvature, radius of 140
Spherical space 82 166 289
Spherical space, radius of 167
Spiral nebulae 165
Spiritual world 281 288 324 349
Standard metre 141
Stars, double 175
Stars, evolution of 176
Stars, number of 163
Stars, white dwarfs 203
States 197 301
Statistical laws 244
Statistical laws, mind’s interference with 313
Statistics 201 300 303
Stratification 47
Stress 129 155 262
Structure 234 277
Sub-aether 211 219
Subjective element in physics 95 241
Substance, ix 273 318
Success, physical basis of 346
Sun, age of 169
Sun, as a star 164
Supernatural 309 348
Survey from within 145 321 330
Sweepstake theory 189
Symbolism in science, xiii 209 247 269 324
Synthetic method of physics 249
Temperature 71
Temporal relations 50
Tensor 257
Tensor calculus 181
Thermodynamical equilibrium 77
Thermodynamics, second law of 66 74 86
Thermometer as entropy-clock 99 101
Thinking machine 259
Thought 258
Thought, Laws of 345
Time in physics 36
Time in physics, dual recognition of 51 100
Time in physics, infinity of 83
Time in physics, reality of 275
Time in physics, summary of conclusions 101
Time in physics, time lived (proper-time) 40
Time in physics, time-triangles 133
Time in physics, time’s arrow 69
Time-scale in astronomy 167
Touch, sense of 273
Track, longest 125 135 148
Trade Union of matter 126
Transcendental laws 245
Traveller, time lived by 39 126 135
Triangles in space and time 133
Tug of gravitation 115 122
undoing 65
Unhappening 94 108
Uniformity, basis of 145
Unknowable entities 221 308
Utopia 265
Values 243 330
Vegetation on Mars 173
Velocity of light 46 54
Velocity through aether 30 32
Velocity, relativity of 10
Velocity, upper limit to 56
Venus 170
Victorian physicist, ideals of 209 259
View-point 92 283
void 13 137
Volition 310
Watertight compartments 194
Wave-group 213 217 225
Wave-length, measurement of 24
Wave-mechanics 211
Wave-theory of matter 202
Wavicle 201
Wells, H. G. 67
White dwarfs 203
Whitehead, A. N. 145 249
Whittaker, E. 181
Winding up of universe 83
World building 230
World-lines 253
Worm, four-dimensional 42 87 92
Wright, W. H. 172
Wrong frames of reference 116
X (Mr.) 262 268
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