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Alexander B.E. — 802.11 wireless network site surveying and installation
Alexander B.E. — 802.11 wireless network site surveying and installation

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Название: 802.11 wireless network site surveying and installation

Автор: Alexander B.E.


802.11 Wireless Network Site Surveying and Installation begins with an introduction to WLAN architectures and definitions and then moves on to site survey methodologies, helping you assess and address your site's specific needs. The book delves into the installation process for WLAN equipment, including the rules and regulations to which WLANs must adhere, various obstacles that arise when installing WLAN equipment, and ways to connect WLAN products to the wired network. 802.11 Wireless Network Site Surveying and Installation is your complete guide to performing a WLAN site survey and successfully installing your 802.11 wireless network.
This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 456

Добавлена в каталог: 22.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
2.4-GHz frequency band      
2.4-GHz frequency band, ETSI channel scheme      
2.4-GHz frequency band, Japan channel scheme      
2.4-GHz frequency band, NA channel scheme      
5-GHz frequency band 2nd      
5-GHz frequency band, ETSI channel scheme      
5-GHz frequency band, Japan channel scheme      
5-GHz frequency band, NA channel scheme      
802.11, direct-sequence channels      
802.11, direct-sequence spread spectrum      
802.11, frequency hopping      
802.11, overview      
802.11, working groups      
802.11b 2nd 3rd      
802.11f IAPaP      
900-Mhz frequency band      
Access point (AP) selection      
Access point (AP) selection, dual-radio architecture 2nd      
Access point (AP) selection, overview      
Access point (AP) selection, radio styles      
Access point (AP) selection, single-radio architecture 2nd      
Access points (AP) 2nd      
Access points (AP), documentation      
Access points (AP), mounting      
Access points (AP), mounting, ceiling mounting      
Access points (AP), mounting, overview      
Access points (AP), mounting, wall mounting      
Access points (AP), site surveying      
Aesthetics and installation 2nd      
AirMagnet SiteViewer 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th      
AirMagnet utility 2nd      
Amplitude modulation      
Antenna connectors      
Antennas, directional properties      
Antennas, directional properties, directional antennas      
Antennas, directional properties, omnidirectional antennas      
Antennas, diversity      
Antennas, documentation      
Antennas, examples      
Antennas, examples, dish antenna      
Antennas, examples, patch antenna      
Antennas, examples, sectorized antenna      
Antennas, examples, Yagi antenna      
Antennas, gain      
Antennas, identifying types      
Antennas, mounting 2nd      
Antennas, omnidirectional antennas      
Antennas, outdoor bridge deployments      
Antennas, overview      
Antennas, polarization      
Antennas, site surveying      
AP locations, identifying      
Applications, environments      
Applications, environments, education facilities 2nd      
Applications, environments, enterprise offices      
Applications, environments, health care industry      
Applications, environments, hotel, conventions, and hospitality systems      
Applications, environments, manufacturing facilities      
Applications, environments, overview      
Applications, environments, public hotspots      
Applications, environments, retail/bar coding      
Applications, environments, SOHO sites      
Applications, requirements      
Applications, requirements, overview      
Applications, requirements, technology requirements      
Architectures, centralized intelligence      
Architectures, centralized intelligence, overview      
Architectures, centralized intelligence, packet flows      
Architectures, core device 2nd      
Architectures, distributed intelligence      
Architectures, distributed intelligence, overview 2nd      
Architectures, distributed intelligence, packet flows      
Architectures, dual-radio 2nd      
Architectures, edge device      
Architectures, free-space optics (FSO)      
Architectures, mesh networking      
Architectures, overview      
Architectures, single-radio 2nd      
Architectures, switched antenna      
Architectures, switched antenna, overview      
Architectures, switched antenna, phased array antenna extends range      
Architectures, switched antenna, phased array antenna technology      
Area-by-area analyses      
Aruba network      
Assisted site survey tools      
Assisted site survey tools, Aruba network      
Assisted site survey tools, Cisco Assisted Site Survey utility      
Assisted site survey tools, overview      
Assisted site surveys      
Assisted site surveys, overview 2nd      
Assisted site surveys, RF configuration parameters      
Assisted site surveys, tools, using      
Assisted site surveys, user-density test      
Assisted survey and installation tools      
Automated site surveys      
Automatic site survey tools      
Automatic site survey tools, Aruba network      
Automatic site survey tools, Cisco Assisted Site Survey utility      
Automatic site survey tools, overview      
Bandwidth 2nd      
Bar code scanners      
Battery packs      
Binary phase shift keying (BPSK)      
Bridge system characteristics      
Bridge topologies      
Bridges 2nd      
Building codes      
Building construction      
Building contents 2nd      
Building-to-building connectivity      
Cables, overview      
Cables, site surveying      
Cabling requirements      
Cabling requirements, 802.3af      
Cabling requirements, overview      
Cabling requirements, PoE      
Cabling requirements, PoE, overview      
Cabling requirements, PoE, proprietary methods 2nd      
Capabilities label      
Ceiling mounting of APs      
Cell boundaries, defining      
Cell coverage, overlapping      
Centralized intelligence architecture      
Centralized intelligence architecture, overview      
Centralized intelligence architecture, packet flows      
Channel selections      
Channel selections, ETSI domain channel scheme      
Channel selections, ETSI domain channel scheme, 2.4 GHz      
Channel selections, ETSI domain channel scheme, 5 GHz
Channel selections, ETSI domain channel scheme, overview      
Channel selections, Japan channel scheme      
Channel selections, Japan channel scheme, 2.4 GHz      
Channel selections, Japan channel scheme, 5 GHz
Channel selections, Japan channel scheme, overview      
Channel selections, NA domain channel scheme      
Channel selections, NA domain channel scheme, 2.4 GHz      
Channel selections, NA domain channel scheme, 5 GHz
Channel selections, NA domain channel scheme, overview      
Channel selections, other countries and      
Channel selections, overview      
Channel utilization      
Cisco Aironet Client Utility (ACU) 2nd      
Cisco Aironet Desktop Utility (ADU) 2nd      
Cisco Assisted Site Survey utility      
Cisco Wireless LAN Security (Sankar & Sundaralingam)
Client devices      
Client devices, overview      
Client devices, site surveying      
Client product selection      
Client product selection, Ethernet client      
Client product selection, overview      
Client product selection, PCI card      
Clients, roaming      
Complementary code keying (CCK)      
Connectors, overview      
Connectors, site surveying      
Connectors, weatherproofing      
Contact list      
Cookie cutter designs      
Core device architecture 2nd      
Coverage, bandwidth compared      
Coverage, distance, determining possible      
Coverage, documentation      
Coverage, map      
Coverage, modulation compared      
Current network and communications information      
Current network and communications information, current equipment installed      
Current network and communications information, LAN connectivity      
Current network and communications information, security      
Current network and communications information, type of wired network installed      
Current network and communications information, WAN connectivity      
Customer information      
Customer information, address, city, state, zip code      
Customer information, company name      
Customer information, date of delivery      
Customer information, e-mail      
Customer information, mobile phone      
Customer information, phone and fax number      
Customer information, PO date      
Customer information, point of contact name      
Customer information, purchase order number      
Customer information, work-order number      
Customer restrictions      
Data rates 2nd      
Decibels (dB)      
Demilitarized zone (DMZ)      
Device roaming, developing policy for      
Digital cameras and site surveying      
Dipole antenna      
Direct-sequence channels      
Direct-sequence spread spectrum      
Directional antennas      
Directional properties      
Directional properties, directional antennas      
Directional properties, omnidirectional antennas      
Dish antenna      
Distributed intelligence architecture      
Distributed intelligence architecture, overview 2nd      
Distributed intelligence architecture, packet flows      
Diversity antenna systems 2nd      
Documentation of actual work      
Documentation of actual work, antenna locations      
Documentation of actual work, AP locations      
Documentation of actual work, coverage issues      
Documentation of actual work, overview 2nd      
Documentation, final site survey report      
Documentation, final site survey report, area-by-area analyses      
Documentation, final site survey report, contact list      
Documentation, final site survey report, existing wireless system definition      
Documentation, final site survey report, general network description      
Documentation, final site survey report, objective      
Documentation, final site survey report, overview      
Documentation, final site survey report, proposed WLAN components      
Documentation, final site survey report, RF spectrum analyses results      
Documentation, final site survey report, site description      
Documentation, final site survey report, survey dates      
Documentation, final site survey report, testing procedure      
Documentation, final site survey report, wireless sniffer traces      
Documentation, overview      
Documentation, site survey      
Documentation, site survey report-generation programs      
Dual-band surveys      
Dual-radio architecture 2nd      
Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)      
Earth bulge      
Edge device architecture      
Educational facility 2nd 3rd      
Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)      
Enterprise offices      
Environmental issues      
Environmental issues, concerns      
Environmental issues, feasibility study      
Environmental issues, installation and      
Environments, education facilities 2nd      
Environments, enterprise offices      
Environments, health care industry      
Environments, hotel, conventions, and hospitality systems      
Environments, manufacturing facilities      
Environments, overview      
Environments, public hotspots      
Environments, retail/bar coding      
Environments, retail/bar coding, overview      
Environments, retail/bar coding, retail      
Environments, retail/bar coding, warehousing      
Environments, SOHO sites      
Equipment installation limitations      
Equipment installation limitations, customer restrictions      
Equipment installation limitations, environmental concerns      
Equipment installation limitations, overview      
Equipment installation limitations, regulatory limitations      
Ethernet, client      
Ethernet, installation      
ETSI domain channel scheme      
ETSI domain channel scheme, 2.4 GHz      
ETSI domain channel scheme, 5 GHz
ETSI domain channel scheme, overview      
ETSI regulatory power levels      
ETSI regulatory power levels, 2.4 GHz power levels      
ETSI regulatory power levels, 5 GHz power levels
ETSI regulatory power levels, overview      
Existing wireless system definition      
Facility documentation      
Facility documentation, building construction      
Facility documentation, building contents 2nd      
Facility documentation, overview      
Facility documentation, site map      
Facility documentation, user areas and density      
Facility, inspecting      
FCC Class B regulations      
Feasibility study      
Feasibility study, coverage distance, determining possible      
Feasibility study, environmental issues      
Feasibility study, Fresnel zone 2nd      
Feasibility study, line of sight, determining 2nd      
Feasibility study, overview      
Features of WLAN      
Features of WLAN, assisted survey and installation tools      
Features of WLAN, mobility      
Features of WLAN, overview      
Features of WLAN, remote debugging      
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