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Planck M. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics
Planck M. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Introduction to Theoretical Physics

Àâòîð: Planck M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1933

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 08.01.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Pressure, kinetic theory      459ff.
Pressure, of solid      472
Principal axes, coupled systems      117
Principal axes, of inertia      96
Principal axes, of stress      175
principal quantum number      410
Principle of least action      342
Probability relations in wave mechanics      333—337
Probability, a priori      370—371
Products, of inertia      95
Products, of vectors      49—51
Progressive waves      149
Protons      407
quantum condition      353—361
Quantum defect      422
Quantum derivation of Einstein probability coefficients      395—399
Quantum hypothesis of Planck      330
Quantum number      354 410 519
Quantum statistics      466ff.
Quantum statistics, Fermi      531ff.
Quantum theory and phase space      369—371
Quasi-ergodic motion      81
Quasi-ergodic motion, quantum theory      364
Quasi-ergodic motion, statistical application      367
Quasi-stationary processes      241
Radial motion in central field      61—62
Radial wave function      409ff.
Radiation intensities and correspondence principle      363
Radiation, electromagnetic      186—300
Radiation, perturbation of atoms by      392—393
Radiation, quantization of      399
Radioactivity, quantum theory      356 402
Ramsauer effect      404
Rare earths, paramagnetism of      557
Rare earths, structure of      430
Rayleigh scattering      294
Reactance of electric circuit      33
Reactions, chemical      488—494
Rectangular membrane      160—164
Reflection, elastic waves      179
Reflection, electromagnetic waves      258—268
Reflection, waves on strings      156—158
Refraction, electromagnetic waves      258—268
Refraction, index of      see Dispersion
Relaxation time      257
Resistance, specific      241 (See
Resolving power, grating      328
Resolving power, lens      325—326
Resonance      29—33
Resonance scattering      295
Retarded potentials      303—305
Rigid bodies      92—105
Rolling-ball analogy      45—46
Rotating system of axes, vectors in      97—98
Rotation, of coordinates      114—116
Rotation, of diatomic molecule      482
Rotator, quantum condition for      354
Rydberg formula      422
Rydberg number      408
Scalar potential      241—244
Scalar potential, for oscillating dipole      288—289
Scalar product, of two functions      153
Scalar product, of two vectors      49
Scalar quantities      48
Scattering, of electrons      404
Scattering, of light      293—299
Schroedinger's equation      345—346
Schroedinger's equation, including the time      381—382
Schroedinger's equation, many-body problems      432—433
Second law of thermodynamics      460
Secular equation, coupled oscillators      108
Secular equation, perturbation theory, string      155
Secular equation, wave mechanics      386—390
Selection principles for spectra      417
Self-consistent fields      430—431
Separation of variables, method of      163—165
Series spectra      416—418
Series, Fourier      120ff.
Series, power      1ff.
Several particles, general problem of motion      117
Shearing stress and strain      174 177
Shells, electronic, in atoms      425
Shielding of electrons in atoms      425—437
Simple harmonic vibrations      19ff.
Singularity of function      5
Sleeping top      105
Solenoid, energy in      249
Solenoid, magnetic field in      231
Solids, dispersion in      278—280
Solids, elastic      172—183
Solids, physical properties      471—480
Sources and sinks      186
Specific conductivity      241
Specific heat, of gases      460—461
Specific heat, of molecules      483
Specific heat, of solids      476—478
Specific resistance      241
Spectra, of atoms      407—418 435—437 509—520
Spectra, of molecules      480 483
Spectral analysis of a light wave      298—299
Spectral series, nomenclature      416—418
Spectral terms      331
Spherical electromagnetic waves      286—299
Spherical harmonics      202—203
Spherical harmonics, associated, or associated Legendre polynomials      171 409
Spin degeneracy      510—514
Spin of electron      443 507ff.
Spontaneous radiation      393 399—402
Square membrane, degeneracy      170
Stability, dynamic      103
Stable equilibrium      45
standing waves      149
Stark effect      550
Stationary states      331
Stationary states and perturbation theory      400—402
Statistical interpretation of wave theory      332—333
Statistical mechanics      364—371 454—470
Steady flow, of fluids      187
Steady flow, of heat      198—202
Stokes's theorem      229—230
Strains in elastic solid      172—183
Streamlines      186
Stresses in elastic solid      172—183
String, vibrations      120—158
Structure of atoms      425ff.
Subshells of electrons in atoms      429
Sum of states      468
Superposition of transient and forced motion      33—35
Surface charge density      212
Surface forces      173
Symmetrical top      102—104
Symmetry of stress tensor      175
Temperature dependence, of chemical reactions      491
Temperature dependence, of electron energy in metals      538—540
Temperature dependence, of polarizability and dielectric constant      555
Temperature gradient      197
Temperature vibrations of a crystal      474—480
thermal conductivity      197
Thermal conductivity, effect of electron distribution on      539
Thermal equilibrium and canonical ensemble      457
Thermal expansion, definition of coefficient      471
Thermal pressure in solids      479
Thermionic emission      352—353 539—540
Thermodynamics, laws of      460
Thomson G.P., electron diffraction      336
Thomson J.J., scattering of light      295 548
Top, precession      92 102—104
torque      92—93
Torque, due to shearing stresses      174—175
Torque-free motion of symmetrical rigid body      98—99
Total reflection      265—267
Transformation, contact and point      87
Transient flow of heat      203—208
Transients, initial conditions for      29
Transition probabilities      393—397
Transition probabilities, and selection principles, for atoms      416
Transition probabilities, for molecules      483
Transverse waves in elastic solid      176—178
Traveling waves      132 149
Tubes of flow      186
Turbulent flow      189
Two-center problem, wave functions      527—528
Two-dimensional oscillator      84—86
Two-dimensional oscillator, relation to coupled systems      114—117
Types of substances, classification      447ff.
Uncertainty principle      333—339
Uncertainty principle, relation to phase space      370—371
Unit vectors      48
Unit vectors, in function space      138
Units, electrical      227
Valence, homopolar      442—449
Valence, in hydrogen molecule      526
Van der Waals' equation      464—466
Van der Waals' force      440—441 551—553
Variable mass, relativistic      78
Variable tension and density of string      146ff.
Variables, in quantum theory      362
Variables, separation of      163
Variation, of an integral      339
Variation, of constants, method of      391—392
Vector      48—56
Vector model for angular momentum      415
Vector operations in generalized coordinates      199—201 229
Vector potential      231—232 241—243
Vector potential, for oscillating dipole      289—290
Velocity field of flowing fluid      185—186
Velocity of light      243—244 270ff.
Velocity potential      188ff.
Vibrations, of coupled systems      107—118
Vibrations, of crystals      474—478
Vibrations, of elastic solids      172—180
Vibrations, of membranes      160—170
Vibrations, of molecules      480—481
Vibrations, of particles      19—36
Vibrations, of strings      120—158
Virial coefficients      464
viscosity      192—194
Volt-electron, definition      408
Wave equation, for electromagnetic field      243—244 253
Wave equation, for membrane      164
Wave equation, in polar coordinates      171
Wave equation, in wave mechanics      see Schroedinger's equation
Wave functions, central-field problem      418—423
Wave functions, determinant form      504—505
Wave functions, hydrogen      418—423
Wave functions, linear oscillator      357
Wave functions, two-center problem      527—528
Wave mechanics, general principles      335—343
Wave mechanics, many-body problem in      423—433
Wave mechanics, one-dimensional motion in      346—356
Wave normal      253—254
Wave packet      337—338
Waves, elastic      176—180
Waves, electromagnetic      see Electromagnetic waves
Waves, on strings      132 149—151 156
Waves, progressive and standing      149
Weighted string      131 136
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin method      347—356
Work      41
Work function for metals      543
Work, as a scalar product      52
X-ray series, nomenclature      425 437
Young's modulus      182
Zeeman effect      556
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