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Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D. — Particle Physics and Cosmology
Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D. — Particle Physics and Cosmology

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Название: Particle Physics and Cosmology

Авторы: Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D.


This readable introduction to particle physics and cosmology discusses the interaction of these two fundamental branches of physics and considers recent advances beyond the standard models. Eight chapters comprise a brief introduction to the gauge theories of the strong and the electroweak interactions, the so-called grand unified theories, and general relativity. Ten more chapters address recent concepts such as composite fermions and bosons, supersymmetry, quantum gravity, supergravity, and strings theories, and relate them to modern cosmology and experimental astronomy.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1989

Количество страниц: 512

Добавлена в каталог: 08.01.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Neutrino scattering, deep inelastic      25
Neutrinoless $\beta$ decay      154
Neutrinos, table of      2
Neutron decay      14 384
Neutron degeneracy pressure      446
Neutron dipole moment      120
Neutron n      12
Neutron stars and monopoles      428
Neutron stars in Cygnus X3      466
Neutron stars, formation in supernova      459
Neutron stars, formation of      446
Neutron stars, magnetic field of      446
Neutron stars, radius of      446
Neutron stars, rotation period of      446
Neutron:proton ratio $r$ in early universe      384
Neutron:proton ratio $r$, inhomogeneities in      390
Neveu — Schwarz model (NS)      338 342 350
Newtonian limit of GR      269
Newton’s constant      4; see Gravitational constant
Newton’s laws      31
Newton’s laws from general relativity      269
Newton’s laws, generalised for curved space      269
No-go theorem      223
No-scale model from string compactification      357
No-scale model in SUGRA      288
Non-abelian gauge symmetry      50
Non-Abelian group      45
Non-planar diagrams      347
Normal order, for strings      327 340
Nuclear democracy      314
Nuclear physics in early universe      384
Nuclear reactions in stars      442 445
Nucleosynthesis, primordial      384 414
Number density of particles in thermal equilibrium      378
Number of helicity states      378
O(1, 3) symmetry      258
O(8) symmetry in SUGRA      291 309
O(N) symmetry      71 345
Oklo natural reactor      414
Opacity of star      444
Opacity of sun      452
Open string      319 323
Open string, boundary conditions      323
Open string, scattering amplitude      337
Open Universe      372
Optical theorem      29
Orbifolds      364
Orbital excitation      13 208
Order of group      73 165
Oriented string      323
Oscillation length      95 154 455
Oscillation length of neutrinos in matter      456
Oscillation length of neutrinos in vacuum      94 154 455
Oscillation length, $B^{0}$$\bar{B}^{0}$      144
O’Raifeartaigh model      236
Pair creation      9
Palatini formalism      263
Parametrisation invariance      268
Parity violation      7 81
Parity violation and composite models      217
Parity violation as vital feature of nature      358
Parity violation in GUT      164
Parker limit on monopoles      428
Particle-antiparticle conjugation C      38 81 159 225 305
Parton      22
Parton distributions      25 130
Pati-Salam model      202 219
Pauli matrices, $\sigma$, $\tau$      36 44
Pauli — Villars regularisation      104
PCAC      75
Peccei — Quinn symmetry      120
Penguin diagram      151
pep cycle      451
Permittivity of vacuum $\varepsilon_{0}$      5
Perturbation theory      9
Phase transformation      42 48
Phase transitions and inflation      403 409
Phenomenology from superstrings      368
Phenomenology standard model      122
Photino $\bar{\gamma}$      244 245 246 392
Photino $\bar{\gamma}$ as dark matter candidate      391
Photino $\bar{\gamma}$ from Cygnus X3      470
Photon $\gamma$      5 34
Photon $\gamma$ and local gauge invariance      49
Photon $\gamma$ in cosmic rays      449
Photon $\gamma$ in W — S model      87
Photon $\gamma$, helicity of      34
Photon $\gamma$, number density      378 380
Photon $\gamma$, polarization vector      34
Photon $\gamma$, production      133
Photon $\gamma$, propagator      41 47 53 61 215
Photon:baryon ratio      381 387
Pion $\pi$      12
Pion $\pi$ as Goldstone boson      74
Pion $\pi$, decay of      14 80 450 466
Pion $\pi$, decay width      75 111
Pion $\pi$, origin of mass of      76
Pion decay constant $f_{\n}$      75 110 192
Pion field operator $\phi_{\pi}$      75
Pion-nucleon coupling      76
Planck energy $E_{p}$      4 388
Planck length $l_{p}$      4 263 273 388
Planck length $l_{p}$ and Kaluza — Klein cosmology      413
Planck length $l_{p}$ as scale of compactification      295
Planck mass $M_{p}$      4 253 274 278 388
Planck temperature $T_{p}$      388
Planck time $t_{p}$      388 420
Planck time $t_{p}$ and causality      397
Planck time $t_{p}$ as natural time-scale of universe      395
Planck units      388
Planck’s constant $h$      4
Plasma mass      401
Poincar$\acute{e}$ group      223
Point group      364
Point sources of cosmic rays      464
Point-splitting regularisation      105
Polarization vector $\epsilon_{\mu}$      82
Polarization vector $\epsilon_{\mu}$ for photon      34
Polarization vector $\epsilon_{\mu}$ for spin 1 particle      35
Pole approximation      315
Poles      312
Polonyi potential      282
Pomeranchuk theorem      30
Pomeron      15 29 318 335 345
Pontryagin index      114 426
Potential      see Vector Higgs
Power counting      59
Preon models      200
Preons      199
Primordial abundances      386
Primordial baryosynthesis      387
Primordial inflation      409
Primordial nucleosynthesis      384 398 414
Primordial nucleosynthesis and nature of dark matter      390
Primordial nucleosynthesis and variation of fundamental constants      414
Principle of equivalence      254 272
Principle of least action      31
Proca equation      35
Propagator      40
Propagator of photon      41 47 53 61 215
Propagator of spin $\frac{1}{2}$ particle      41 145
Propagator of spin 1 particle      41 82
Propagator, table of      47
Proper time      269 319
Proton decay      171 177
Proton decay in composite models      207
Proton decay in supersymmetric GUT      250
Proton decay, catalysed by monopoles      428
Proton lifetime $\tau_{p}$      159 178
Proton p      12 14
Pseudo — Goldstone boson      74 121 196
Pseudoscalar      37
Pseudoscalar mesons, table of      12
Pulsar      446
Pulsar and cosmic strings      435
Pulsar as cosmic ray source      451
Pulsar in Cygnus X3      466
Pulsar, rotation period of      466
Pure gauge configuration      112
Pyrgons      419
QCD (Quantum chromodynamics)      8 52 68
QCD (quantum chromodynamics) $\beta$ function      65 131
QCD (quantum chromodynamics) as a renormalizable theory      57
QCD (quantum chromodynamics), higher order corrections      64 131
QCD (quantum chromodynamics), Lagrangian      53 68 119
QCD (quantum chromodynamics), scaling violations      26 128
QCD (quantum chromodynamics), topological properties of      113
QED (Quantum Electrodynamics)      6 46
QED (quantum electrodynamics) and anomalous muons from Cygnus X3      469
QED (quantum electrodynamics) and local gauge invariance      46 48
QED (quantum electrodynamics) as a renormalizable theory      57
QED (quantum electrodynamics), Lagrangian      46
QED (quantum electrodynamics), tests of      122
QFD (quantum flavourdynamics)      7
Quantization condition of Dirac      423
Quantization, string      326 340
Quantum anomaly      105
Quantum chromodynamics      8; see QCD
Quantum electrodynamics      6 46;
Quantum field theory and relativitiy      420
Quantum flavor dynamics, QFD      7
Quantum fluctuation      404
Quantum gravity      272 275
Quantum theory, non-locality problem      293
Quark distributions $f^{q}_{p}$      24 128
Quark masses      68
Quark masses and chiral symmetry breaking      76
Quark masses in GUT      163
Quark masses in W — S model      92
Quark masses, bounds on      127
Quark masses, constituent      13
Quark masses, current      13 77
Quark masses, table of      2
Quark mixing matrix      93 140
Quark q      1 2
Quark q and charge quantization      165 423
Quark q, color of      3 11
Quark q, constituent mass of      13 17
Quark q, coupling to gluon      47
Quark q, coupling to Higgs      93
Quark q, current mass of      2 13 77
Quark q, decays      3 14 79 140
Quark q, distribution function of      24 127
Quark q, excited state      208
Quark q, flavor of      1 68
Quark q, mass matrix      68 92 119
Quark q, masses in W — S model      92
Quark q, mixing      3 79 93 140
Quark q, quantum numbers      2 85
Quark q, sea      16
Quark q, valence      16 128
quark-gluon plasma      386
Quarkonium potential      16
Quasars and cosmic strings      435
R for $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation      21 63 132
R of general relativity      262 264 266 372
R parity      244
Radial excitation      13
Radiation by stars      445
Radiation dominance and growth of Jeans mass      411
Radiation energy density pr      378
Radiation in Kaluza — Klein theories      416
Radiation of early universe      382
Radiation pressure      377
Radiative corrections to composite Higgs      190
Radiative corrections to fermion masses      190
Radiative corrections to Higgs mass      221
Radiative corrections, electroweak      126
Radiative equilibrium of star      444
Ramond model (RA)      338 342 350
Range of interactions      4 5 7 200 213
Rank of group      46 164
Rarita — Schwinger particle      39; see Spin $\frac{3}{2}$ particle
Reaction rates in early universe      380
Red giants      445
Refractive index      456
Regge poles      316
Regge slope $\alpha’$      316 321 328 331
Regge trajectory $\alpha$      30 315 317 318
Regge trajectory $\alpha$ in string theory      328 331
Regular representation      46
Regularisation, $\overline{MS}$      62
Regularisation, $\zeta$ function      329
Regularisation, dimensional      61
Regularisation, lattice      17
Regularisation, minimal subtraction MS      62
Regularisation, momentum cut-off      54 61
Regularisation, Pauli — Villars      104
Regularisation, point-splitting      105
Reheating temperature      409
Reheating temperature after inflation      401 404 407
Relativistic string      318 319
Relativity      253; see general theory
Renormalizable theories      6 7 59
Renormalization      53
Renormalization constants      57
Renormalization group      62
Renormalization group equations      63
Renormalization group equations and GUT      161
Renormalization group equations in SUGRA      287
Renormalization of charge      54
Renormalization of mass      55
Renormalization of wave function      56
Renormalization scale      62 64 131
Renormalization scheme      131
Renormalization scheme, $\overline{MS}$      62
Renormalization scheme, mass independent      66
Renormalization scheme, MS      62 131
Renormalized charge      54
Renormalized mass      55
Reparametrization invariance      321
Representation of group, adjoint      46 173
Representation of group, complex      164 359
Representation of group, fundamental      46
Representation of group, regular      46
Rescaling, Weyl      281
Resonance depth for solar neutrinos      458
Rest mass      19
Ricci tensor $R_{\mu\nu}$      264 373
Ricci tensor $R_{\mu\nu}$ in Kaluza — Klein theories      415
Ricci tensor $R_{\mu\nu}$ of Robertson — Walker metric      373
Ricci-flat space      265
Riemann zeta function $\zeta$      329 378
Riemann — Christoffel tensor $R_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}$      263
Riemann — Christoffel tensor $R_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}$ in d = 10      357
Right-handed spinor $\psi_{R}$      see Weyl spinor
Right-moving modes      350
Rishon model      203 212
Robertson — Walker metric      373
Roll-over of inflaton field      402 406
Rotation curve of galaxy      389
Rotation period of galaxy      429
s quark      1 2
s-channel process      313
S-matrix      312
scalar      37
Scalar curvature, R      262 264 266 372
Scalar particle      see Higgs boson
Scalar potential      289; see Higss potential
Scale of SUGRA breaking      286
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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