-weight 76 84
Abnormal fluctuations 95 96
Aggregate states 59
Birkghoff theorem 45
Boundary configuration 55 58—60
Boundary of configuration 60 68 72
Boundary of the configuration 71
Boundary part 85
chemical potential 17
Classical gas 3 6 9 13 15 24 48
Coexistence of phases 65
Condition of Peierls 73 76
Conditional correlation function 42
Configuration 7 19 59 60 65 71
Configuration gas 6 13 15 16 21 22 24 48
Configuration of contours 72 73 76 78
Configuration of exterior contours 74 77
Configuration of spins 72 75
Conservation of the energy 5
Conservation of volume 5
Consistent distributions 29
contour 60 61
Contour ensemble 77
Contour models with parameters 90
Contour, exterior 73—75
Contour, interior 75
Contour, labeled 70
Correlation equation 34 35 58 79
Correlation equation of Kirkwood — Salsburg 39
Correlation equation, limit 34 35
Correlation function 30 32 34 37 58 79
Correlation function, conditional 42
Correlation function, limit 37 80
Correlation function, one-point 40
Critical point 62
Critical values of parameters 96
Crystal partition function 74 77
Decrease in correlations 62
Decrease of correlations 51
density 21
Distribution, canonical 13 17 18
Distribution, equilibrium 10
Distribution, finite-dimensional 30
Distribution, Gibbs 13 59 67 72
Distribution, Gibbs for lattice spin systems 19
Distribution, grand canonical 15—17 27
Distribution, limit 21 59 70 74
Distribution, limit Gibbs 23 24 27—29 32 34 38 39 45 51 57 59 62 75
Distribution, microcanonical 10 12 13 17 47
DLR-definition of Gibbs distribution 55
Drop (Wulff drop) 65
Dynamics 4—6 9—11 27
Elastic reflection 4
Energy 3 6 7 9 11 16 19 27 55 59 67 68
Energy, conservation of 5
Energy, Helmgolz free 47
Energy, kinetic 3 9
Energy, potential 3
Energy, specific 21
Ensemble of configurations of contours 61 72 73
Ensemble of configurations of exterior contours 74 79
Ensemble of geometric configurations of contours 76 84
Ensemble of labeled contours 70
Ensemble, Canonical 21 92
Ensemble, contour 7577
Ensemble, equilibrium 21 27
Ensemble, equivalence of 11 51 65
Ensemble, Grand Canonical 16 18 19 21 22 27 48 51
Ensemble, limit of configurations of contours 75
Ensemble, microcanonical 10 18 21
Enthalpy 50
entropy 47
Equation of Kirkwood — Salsburg 34
Equation of Kirkwood — Salsburg, limit 34
Equations of Kirkwood — Salsburg 33
Equations of motion 4
Equilibrium systems 9
Equivalence of ensembles 11 51 65
Equivalence principle 23
Ergodicity 45
Exterior component 71
Exterior contour 72—74
Exterior mark 71 76
Exterior mark of configuration 72
Ferromagnetic Ising model 67
Finite-dimensional distribution 30
Fluctuations 95
Gas, classical 3 6 9 13 15 24 48
Gas, configuration 6 13 15 16 21 22 24 48
Gas, ideal 11—13
Gas, lattice 7 18 27 57 67
Gauss law 13
Geometric configuration of contours 78
Geometric contour ensemble 79
Gibbs canonical distribution 10 12 13
Gibbs canonical measure 10
Gibbs distribution 13 59 67 72
Grand partition function 17
Grand statistical sum 17
Ground state 69
Ground state, phase diagram 70
| Hamiltonian 3 68
Helmgolz free energy 47
Ideal gas 11—13
Inclusion-exclusion formula 31
Inclusion-exclusion formula (principle) 80
Indistinguishable particles 16 21 22 47
Integral, statistical 11 13
Integrals of motion 6
Interaction, radius of 3
Interior component 71 77
Interior of contour 71
Inverse temperature 11 17
Ising model 7 59 62
Ising model, ferromagnetic 59 67
Jump of magnetization 96
kinetic energy 3 9
Kirkwood — Salsburg equation 34 39 79
Kirkwood — Salsburg equations 33
Kirkwood — Salsburg limit equation 34
Kolmogorov theorem 29 57
Lattice gas 7 18 27 57 67
Lattice spin system 7 19 48
Legendre transformation 50
Lennard — Jones potential 3
Limit correlation equation 35
Limit correlation function 37 80
Limit distribution 59 70 74
Limit Gibbs distribution 21 23 24 27—29 32 34 38 39 45 51 57 59 62 75
Limit thermodynamic 12
Limit, thermodynamic 9 13 17 18 21 22 24 27 40
Local finite subset 22
Local variable 21
magnetic susceptibility 95
Magxietization 62 63 92
Mark 71
Mark, exterior 71 76
Maxwell law 13
Microcanonical distribution 10 12 13 17 47
microcanonical ensemble 10 18 21
Microcanonical measure 5 6 10
Mixing properties 41
Partition function 11 13 47 48
Partition function, crystal 74 77
Partition function, grand 17
Partition function, rarefied 73 74 76 77 88
Peierls condition 73 76
phase diagram 62 68 69
Phase diagram of ground states 70
Phase space 3 6 7 9 15 19 24 27
Phase space of infinite system 22
Phase transition 22 24 51 59
Phase transition of first kind 63
Phase transition with spontaneously broken symmetry 68
Physical variable 9 21
Pirogov S. 68
Pirogov — Sinai equations 90
Pirogov — Sinai theory 70 76 77
Planar rotators 7
Point field 80
Potential 7 27 91
potential energy 3
Potential of Lennard — Jones 3
Potential, chemical 17
Potential, multi-particle 91
Pressure 47 48 51
Principle of equivalence of ensembles 23 51
Principle of representativity 44
Radius of interaction 3
Random point fields 28
Regular values of parameters 23 51
roughening 94 95
Short-range 3
Sinai Ya. 68
Singular values of parameters 24 62 65
Specific energy per unit volume 21
Spin 7
Spin systems 24 68
Spin systems, lattice 7 19 48
Spontaneously broken symmetry 68
Statistical integral 11 13
Statistical sum 11 47 59
Statistical sum, grand 17
Summatory function 31
Summatory quantity 12 95
Symmetry transformation 68
System, equilibrium 9
System, lattice spin 19
System, spin 24 68
System, spin, lattice 7
Temperature, inverse 11 17
Theory of Pirogov — Sinai 70 76 77
Thermodynamic function 50
Thermodynamic limit 9 12 13 17 18 21 22 24 27 40
Three-component model 68
Total spin 65 96
Transformation of Legendre 50
Transformation, symmetry 68
Two-component model 67
Uniqueness criteria 91
Volume part 85
Weight 76 79
Wulff oval 65 92