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Berinde V. — Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points
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Название: Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points
Автор: Berinde V.
Аннотация: The aim of this monograph is to give a unified introductory treatment of the most important iterative methods for constructing fixed points of nonlinear contractive type mappings. It summarizes the most significant contributions in the area by presenting, for each iterative method considered (Picard iteration, Krasnoselskij iteration, Mann iteration, Ishikawa iteration etc.), some of the most relevant, interesting, representative and actual convergence theorems. Applications to the solution of nonlinear operator equations as well as the appropriate error analysis of the main iterative methods, are also presented. Due to the explosive number of research papers on the topic (in the last 15 years only more than one thousand articles related to the subject were published), it was felt that such a monograph was imperatively necessary. The volume is useful for authors, editors, and reviewers. It introduces concrete criteria for evaluating and judging the plethora of published papers.
Рубрика: Computer science /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: second
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 332
Добавлена в каталог: 03.12.2008
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
Sharma, S. 27 240 285
Shellman 285
Shen 285
Shi 301
Shih 232 233
Shim, S.H. 265 266
Shimi 245 285
Shimizu 152 285 286
Shimoji 271 286 291
Shin 258 259
Shioji 224 286
Shridharan 286
Shu 262 286
Siddiqui 222
Sikorski 251 285—287
Silva 238
Sims 259
Singh, A.K 287
Singh, K.L. 117 247 270 271 287
Singh, S.B. 287
Singh, S.L. 287
Singh, S.P. 84 154 239 247 267 276 287
Single-valued selection 170
Sintamarian 175 283 287
Sobolev space 188
Soderlind 288
Soltuz 134 215 282 288
Solution 19 180 186 198
SOM 270
Sommariva 289
Song 233 289 301
Srinivasa Rao 284
Srivastava 287
Stability 200
Stability, of a fixed point iteration procedure 175
Steinlein 289
Stevic 289
Stopping criterion 33 200 201
Strong convergence 10 65 70 73 78 82 94 96 100 102 104 107 109 114 118 121 127—129 136 145—147 159 161 180 186 189 193 198 212
Strong limit 188 197
Strong pseudocontraction 10
SU 289
Subrahmanyan 289
Sum of the comparison series 167
Summable sequence 135 136
Sun, J. 289
Sun, X. 302
Sun, Z. 248 289
Sun, Z.H. 289
Suzuki 154 289 290
Swaleh 84 281
Szidarowsky 223
Takahashi 151 154 224 256—258 268 271 286 290 291
Tamura 291
tan 27 110 126 127 133 232 262 291 292
Tang 292
Tarafdar 242
Taskovic 27 49 58 59 292
Thakur 237 254 285
The fastest Krasnoselskij iteration 202
Theorem of Nemytzki — Edelstein 34
Theorem, of Banach 31
Theorem, of Picard — Banach — Caccioppoli 31
Thera 292
Thorlund — Petersen 292
Tian 292 293 297
Tihonov fixed point theorem 97
Tiwary 293
Todd 293
Tong 293
Topological space 168 169
Topology induced by a metric 5
Toyoda 258 291
Tran 248
Triangle inequality 4 7
Tricomi 57 293
Trif 293
Trombetta 154 267
Trubnikov 293
Tsafiri 262
Tsay 287
Tsukiyama 291
Tucker 277
Turinici 293
Two point boundary value problem 26
Tychonoff 293
Udomene 110 112 154 175 235 236 274 293
Ueda 291
Ume 238 264—266 293
Uniform convergence 173
Uniformly convex Banach space with Frechet differentiable norm 125
Uniformly convex Banach space with weakly continuous duality mapping 97
Unit sphere 9
Urysohn integral equation 22
Vajnberg 293 294
Van de Craats 294
Van Dulst 122 294
Vara Prasad 219 224
Variational inequality 149 199
Vasilyev 294
Vasin 294
Vector space 7
Veeramani 294
Verma, R.K. 284 294
Verma, R.U. 84 294
Verma, V. 270
Vianello 289
Vijayaraju 294
Viscosity method 147
Volterra integral equation 24 25
Vosmansky 221
Waghmode 260 275 276
Walter 294
Walther 276
Wang, L. 255 266 294
Wang, S.R. 294 295
Wang, T. 295
Wang, X. 295
Wang, Y. 295
Wang, Z.J. 297
Wangkeeree 277
Watson, B. 84 154 239 247 276 287
Watson, P.J. 242
Wayne 244
Weak -limit 125
Weak -contraction 55
Weak contraction 50 51 53 55
Weak convergence 10 64 68—70 96 97 125 138 143—145
Weak sequential limit 88
Weak topology 10
Weakly closed set 97
Weakly compact set 64 69 188 192
Weakly contractive map 60
Weakly Picard operator multivalued 170
Weng 110 268 295
Whitfield 271
Wieczorek 252
Williams 229
Williamson 27 58 61 62 84 85 88 277
Wittmann 28 152 296
Wolf 296
Wong 27 60 229 296
Wozniakowski 287
Wu, C.X. 296
Wu, C.Y. 244
Wu, Y 296
Xia 240 296
Xiao 263
Xie 297
Xiong, M. 295
Xu, B. 296
Xu, C.Z. 296
Xu, H.F. 285
Xu, H.K. 27 84 110 126 127 133 134 154 198 258 262 267 272 291 292 296 297 299
Xu, S.Y. 297
Xu, W.-J. 293
Xu, Y.G. 28 151 196 266 297 302
Xu, Z.B. 110 252 297 299
Xue, L. 264
Xue, Z.Q. 297 303
Yadav 287 298
Yamada 240 298
Yamashita 298
Yan, J. 298
Yan, M. 298
Yang, B. 298
Yang, G. 249
Yang, X. 232 298
Yang, Y.L. 301
Yang, Y.Q. 298
Yang, Z. 298
Yao, J.-C 223
Yao, L. 298
Yao, Y.H. 233 298
Ye 271 298
Yin 27 84 154 196 297 298
Yorke 256
Yoshimoto 152 298 299
You, C.L. 299
You, Z.H. 299
You, Z.Y. 299
Yu, L. 299
Yuan 299
Zabrejko 244
Zaman 299
Zamfirescu contractive conditions 103 159 212
Zamfirescu mapping 39 41 51 99 100 158
Zamfirescu operator 102 127 128 131 210
Zamfirescu's fixed point theorem 37 49 54
Zamnrescu 57 299
Zanco 282
Zarantonello 299
Zaslavski 280
Zegeye 152 154 155 192 196 198 222 235—237 299
Zeidler 299
Zelenko 154 222
Zeng 126 133 299—301
Zeyada 154 222
Zhang, C.H. 301
Zhang, F.X. 301
Zhang, G. 251 301
Zhang, H.L. 242
Zhang, H.Q. 263
Zhang, L. 248 266
Zhang, S.Q. 304
Zhang, S.S. 293 301 302
Zhang, X.L. 302
Zhang, X.Y. 263
Zhao, H. 302
Zhao, L.J. 304
Zhao, X. 302
Zhao, Y.L. 175 266
Zhou H. 237
Zhou, F. 251
Zhou, H. 175 222 231—233 237 245 254 255 297 302—304
Zhou, L. 304
Zhou, Y.Y. 196 232 304
Zhu, B.B. 266
Zhu, L. 304
Zitarosa 241
Zuo 295