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Moore P. — The Data Book of Astronomy, Vol. 1
Moore P. — The Data Book of Astronomy, Vol. 1

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Название: The Data Book of Astronomy, Vol. 1

Автор: Moore P.


Data Book of Astronomy is a one-stop reference for astronomers at all levels of experience from beginners to experienced observers. Filled with data about the Earth, Moon, the planets, the stars, our Galaxy, and the myriad galaxies in deep space, it also revelas the latest scientific discoveries about black holes, quasars and the origins of the Universe.

There are over 100 tables on features of the Moon, and the names, positions, sizes and otherkey descriptors of all the planets and their satellites. The Sun is discussed in depth, from sunspots to solar eclipses. Solar and lunar eclipse dates are tabulated, as are the dates for comets, close-approach asteroids, and significant meteor showers. 24 maps show the surface features of the planets and their moons. Patrick Moore than looks to the stars, their distances and movements, and their detailed classification and evolution. 48 star charts, covering both northern and southern hemispheres, enable the reader to track down and name the main stars in all the constellations. The maps are supported by detailed tables of the names, positions, magnitudes and spectra of the main stars in each constellation, along with key data on galaxies, nebulae and clusters. There is a useful catalogue of the world's great telescopes and observatories, a history of astronomy and of space research, and biographies of 250 astronomers who have been most influential in developing our current understanding of the subject.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 340

Добавлена в каталог: 30.11.2008

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