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Tao G. — Adaptive control design and analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-modifieation 134
functions 53
-modification, continuous-time, fixed 131
-modification, continuous-time, switching 132 230
-modification, discrete-time, fixed 136
-modification, discrete-time, switching 137
-modification, multivariable 399
Actuator nonlinearities 506
Adaptive control 10 16
Adaptive control of robot manipulators 477
Adaptive control systems 13 14 32
Adaptive control, backstepping 27 365 457 546
Adaptive control, continuous-time 12 14 17 149 195 295 349 371 381 401 416 429 457 477 513 535
Adaptive control, discrete-time 15 23 271 329 381 513 524
Adaptive control, input error method 492
Adaptive control, model reference 17 21 23 25 149 174 195 271 295 329 351 371 381 513 521 530
Adaptive control, model reference, direct 149 195 271 371
Adaptive control, model reference, direct-indirect 353
Adaptive control, model reference, indirect 21 25 295 329 352
Adaptive control, multivariable 42 371 381 416 429 439 457 477 492
Adaptive control, output feedback 195 271 295 329 352 381 518
Adaptive control, pole placement, direct 244 490
Adaptive control, pole placement, indirect 313 337 491
Adaptive control, prediction model method 494
Adaptive control, state feedback 149 351 371
Adaptive inverse control 513 518 524 531 535
Adaptive parameter estimation, continuous-time 99 123 128
Adaptive parameter estimation, discrete-time 114 126 134
Backlash 508
Backlash inverse, continuous-time 511
Backlash inverse, discrete-time 512
Backlash inverse, parametrization of 512
Barbalat lemma 81
Bellman — Gronwall lemma, continuous-time 62
Bellman — Gronwall lemma, discrete-time 91
Certainty equivalence 34
Compensation control 514 518
Controllability index 383
Convergence, parameter error 108 120
Convergence, signal 80 81 263
Convergence, tracking error 21 22 29 151 154 159 202 207 216 279 307 316 335
Dead-zone inverse 510
Dead-zone modification 129 135
Dead-zone nonlinearity 507
Decrescent function 53
Diffeomorphism 537
Diophantine equation 315 339
Dirac -function 38
Dissipative network 77
Disturbance rejection, continuous-time 159
Disturbance rejection, discrete-time 181
Estimation error, adaptive control 158 180 204 211 277 397 401
Estimation error, parameter estimation 102 114
Feedback control 1 6
Feedback linearizable systems 536
Feedback linearization 537
Gradient algorithm, adaptive control 158 176 211 278 397 434 446 451
Gradient algorithm, continuous-time 102 145 158 211 397 434 446 451
Gradient algorithm, discrete-time 24 115 176 278 397 446 451
Gradient algorithm, parameter estimation 102 115 145 304 318
Gradient algorithm, robust 124 127 129 135 231 281 397 515 528
Hermite normal form 384
High frequency gain 39 196 239
High frequency gain matrix 42 385
Hoelder inequality, continuous-time 48
Hoelder inequality, discrete-time 87
Hysteresis 507
Hysteresis inverse 508
Indicator functions for backlash 509
Indicator functions for backlash inverse 512
Indicator functions for dead-zone 508
Indicator functions for dead-zone inverse 510
Input-output model 4 6 11 15
Input-output model, theory 74
Input-output model, stability 70 71
Interactor matrix, left 42 384
Interactor matrix, modified 42 382
Interactor matrix, right 423
Internal model principle 329
Jumping parameters 263
Kronecker product 530
Lasalle theorem 58
Least-squares algorithm, continuous-time 104 113 319
Least-squares algorithm, discrete-time 116 123 338
Lefschetz — Kalman — Yakubovich lemma 79 417
Lie derivative 536
Linear model 101 114 158 195 211
Lipschitz condition 36
Lyapunov stability analysis 49
Lyapunov stability analysis, direct method 54
Lyapunov stability analysis, indirect method 61
Lyapunov-type algorithm 204 401
Manipulator model 477
Manipulator model, Euler — Lagrange equation 477
Manipulator model, kinetic energy 477
Manipulator model, potential energy 477
Matching equation 197 273
Matrix, closed-loop system 157 372
Matrix, controllable canonical form 95
Matrix, decomposition, LDS, SDU 44
Matrix, decomposition, LDU 43
Matrix, Jordan blocks 60 89
| Matrix, positive definite 59
Minkowski inequality, continuous-time 48
Minkowski inequality, discrete-time 88
Model reference adaptive control, continuous-time 149 195 295 351 371 381
Model reference adaptive control, discrete-time 174 271 329 381
Model reference adaptive control, indirect 295 329
Model reference adaptive control, multivariable 371 381
Model reference adaptive control, robust 226 397
Model reference control 152 157 197 273 294 372 394
Multivariable systems 38 371 381
Negative definite function 53
Nonlinear control 10 27 535
Nonlinearity inverse 509
Nonsmooth nonlinearity 507
Nonsmooth nonlinearity, backlash 508
Nonsmooth nonlinearity, dead-zone 507
Nonsmooth nonlinearity, hysteresis 507
Norm, matrix norm, , , induced 47
Norm, matrix norm, Frobenius 47 398
Norm, matrix norm, of a stable matrix 89
Norm, operator norm 93 389 400
Norm, signal norm, , , , 48
Norm, vector norm, , (Euclidean), 45
Norm, vector norm, 46
Norm, vector norm, equivalence 46
Normalizing signals, dynamic 230 397
Normalizing signals, static 211 278 287 319 338
Nussbaum gain 239
Observability index 42 383
Observer, multiple input 459 552
Observer, parametrization 170 188 552
Observer, single input 170 188
Operators, advance 15
Operators, differentiation 12
Operators, stable and proper 69
Operators, stable and strictly proper 69
Optimal control 8
Output-feedback systems 553
Overparametrization 147 257
Parameter convergence, continuous-time 108 257
Parameter convergence, discrete-time 120
Parameter projection, continuous-time 133 305 322
Parameter projection, discrete-time 138 334
Parametric-strict-feedback systems 27 545
Persistency of excitation, continuous-time 108
Persistency of excitation, discrete-time 120
PID control 8
Pole placement 95
Pole placement control 8 316 340
Poles 40
Polynomial matrix, column reduced (proper) 383
Polynomial matrix, coprime 40
Polynomial matrix, row reduced (proper) 383
Polynomial matrix, unimodular 40
Polynomial, coprime 39
Polynomial, monic 39
Polynomial, stable 39
Positive definite function 53
Positive real function 77
Positive real lemma 79
Positive real matrix 417
Reference model 151 156 178 196 372 384 429
Reparametrization 530
Robust adaptive laws, continuous-time 128 229
Robust adaptive laws, discrete-time 134 281
Robust adaptive laws, multivariable 397
Robust control 9 30
Robustness 33 37 219 280
Schwarz inequality, continuous-time 48
Schwarz inequality, discrete-time 88
Self-tuning regulator 16
Small-gain lemma 64 66
Space, , , , 49
Space, linear 45
Stability 50 55 61
Stability of feedback system 70
Stability of operator 68
Stability, asymptotic 51 55 56
Stability, BIBO 69
Stability, BIBS 538
Stability, exponential 52 57
Stability, Lagrange 52
Stability, Lyapunov 49
Stability, uniform 51 54
State transition matrix 37
Stochastic adaptive control 16
Strictly positive real function 78
Strictly positive real function, construction 79
Strictly positive real function, frequency-domain condition 78
Strictly positive real matrix 417
Sufficient richness 109
Swapping lemma 257 411
System identification 378
System modeling in continuous time 4 11 37 99
System modeling in discrete time 5 15 84 114
Time-varying systems 270
Uncertainty, disturbance 219 222 226 251 280 286
Uncertainty, parameter variation 286
Uncertainty, unmodeled dynamics, additive 226 284
Uncertainty, unmodeled dynamics, feedback 262 426
Uncertainty, unmodeled dynamics, multiplicative 226 253 284
Variable structure system 253 489
Zero dynamics 541
zeros 40
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