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Borovikov V.A., Kinber B.Ye. — Geometrical theory of diffraction |
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Airy function 76
Airy — Fresnel integral 100 151
Asymptotic matching method 100 102
Boundary layer method 337
Bragg's law 49 51
Brillouin angles 54 62
Brillouin waves 54 59—62
Canonic waves, construction of canonic waves 331—333
Canonic waves, definition 129
Canonic waves, edge wave patterns for incident canonic waves 333—335
Canonic waves, expansions by canonic waves 130
Canonic waves, patterns of canonic waves 130
Caustics, caustic expansions 75
Caustics, caustic field diffraction at a wedge 149
Caustics, caustic tending to inifinity 71
Caustics, co-ordinate systems near caustic 73
Caustics, field near asymptotic of caustic 78
Caustics, field near caustic cusp 86
Caustics, geometrical features 70
Cylindrical wave diffraction by a halfplane and a wedge 101
Diffraction by 3-D wedge, for EM problem 123
Diffraction by 3-D wedge, geometry of problem 120
Diffraction by 3-D wedge, non-uniform asymptotic 122
Diffraction by 3-D wedge, uniform asymptotic 121
Diffraction by a corner antenna, geometry of problem 226
Diffraction by a corner antenna,graph of total edge waves interaction 228
Diffraction by a corner antenna,radiation by SCF and SD methods 252—254
Diffraction by a corner point of the edge 177
Diffraction by a set of equidistant edges 269
Diffraction by cone and polyhedral wedge 355—363
Diffraction by discontinuity in curvature of illuminated surface 119
Diffraction by knife-edge 118
Diffraction by open end of flanged waveguide coefficients of waveguide modes, reflection and transformation, comparison with Wainstein results 274
Diffraction by open end of flanged waveguide coefficients of waveguide modes, reflection and transformation, in JFK approximation 274
Diffraction by open end of flanged waveguide coefficients of waveguide modes, reflection and transformation, non-uniform 274
Diffraction by open end of flanged waveguide coefficients of waveguide modes, reflection and transformation, uniform 302
Diffraction by open end of flanged waveguide, radiation pattern, non-uniform asymptotic 272
Diffraction by open end of flanged waveguide, radiation pattern,uniform over the angles of incidence and observation 300—302
Diffraction by open end of flanged waveguide, radiation pattern,uniform over the observation angle 297
Diffraction by open end of flanged waveguide, waveguide penumbra fields 266
Diffraction by slit and strip, Fraunhofer (far) zone 111
Diffraction by slit and strip, Fresnel (near) zone 110
Diffraction by slit and strip, geometrical optics 13
Diffraction by slit and strip, graph of total edge waves interaction 225
Diffraction by slit and strip, physical optics approximation 20
Diffraction by slit and strip, primary edge waves 15
Diffraction by slit and strip, radiation pattern by SCF and SD methods 245—252
Diffraction by slit and strip, radiation pattern in primary edge waves approximation 20
Diffraction by slit and strip, ray fields and graph of edge waves excitation 224
Diffraction by slit and strip, recursion expressions for edge diffracted waves 231—236
Diffraction by slit and strip, secondary edge waves 14
Diffraction by slit and strip, solution by self-consistent method 237—242
Diffraction by waveguide bend with reflector 284—288
Diffraction by waveguide cross 281—284
Diffraction by wide slit in waveguide's wall 277—281
Diffraction coefficient for diffraction by halfplane 18
Diffraction coefficient for diffraction by wedge 103
Diffraction coefficient, definition 11
Diffraction coefficient, dimensionless 19
Diffraction integral 83
Diffraction of arbitrary wave by curved wedge 112
Diffraction of isotropic cylindrical wave by wedge - exact solution 329
Diffraction of plane wave by wedge - exact solution 325—329
Diffraction of toroidal wave by bicone 123—128 337
Diffraction radiation pattern 120
Diffraction, axially symmetric problem for body of revolution generated by polygon 338—349
Field-forming region 217—223
Focal expansions 80
Focal line, focal point 70
Fresnel edge zone 214—217
Fresnel integral 96
Fresnel parameter 110
Generalised Fresnel integral 140 180 364—365
Geometrical optics 60
Geometrical optics, applicability criteria 217—223
Geometrical optics, curvature of reflected wave front for 2-D case 46
Geometrical optics, curvatures of reflected and refracted wave fronts for 3-D case 52—53
Geometrical optics, energy conversation law 7
Geometrical optics, GO for EM fields 8
Geometrical optics, laws of GO 7
Green function for diffraction by a wedge 329—331
Green function for free space 156
Green function for non-stationary diffraction by a wedge in 2-D case 354
Green function for non-stationary diffraction by a wedge in 3-D case 255
GTD, algorithm of field calculation 12
GTD, applicability criteria for diffraction at a wedge and non-uniform amplitude of incident field 207—217
GTD, creeping waves excitation 10 92 119
GTD, diffracted rays excitation 10
| GTD, edge waves 10 93
GTD, extended Fermat principle 12
GTD, postulates 9
GTD, spherical diffraction waves 10 93
Helmholtz equation 30
Horn-parabolic antenna 57
Hybrid MM-GTD technique 245
Incomplete Airy function 100
Kirchhoffs approximation (KA), aperture and current methods 158
Kirchhoffs approximation (KA), definition 156
Kirchhoffs approximation (KA), modified current method 173
Kouymjian's approximation 210—212
Maluzinets functional equations 327
Penumbra fields, general definition 99
Penumbra fields, in diffraction by smooth cone 94 362
Penumbra fields, in slit diffraction 108
Penumbra fields, overlapping with a focal zone 128
Penumbra fields, reflection from a smooth surface 100 132
Penumbra fields, travelling over the surface of bicone 346—348
Perabolic antenna radiation pattern for partially illuminated large reflector 135
Perabolic antenna radiation pattern in KA 161 366
Perabolic antenna radiation pattern, comparison between Kirchhoff and GTD approximation 168
Perabolic antenna radiation pattern, compensation of diffraction effects 24
Perabolic antenna radiation pattern, evaluation 365—369
Perabolic antenna radiation pattern, for 3-D axial symmetric problem 174
Perabolic antenna radiation pattern, reconstruction by near-field measurements 21
Perabolic antenna radiation pattern, side radiation for antenna with noncircular contour 199—207
Percey's integral 87
Physical theory of diffraction (PTD) 156
Plane wave diffraction by halfplane 95
Plane wave reflection from a parabola 46
Principle of locality in non-stationary problems 350
Radiation from aperture with complicated contour 181—198
Radiation from sectorial horn 252—263
Radiation from sectorial horn, comparison of calculations by various methods 258—263
Radiation from sectorial horn, geometry of problem 254
Radiation from sectorial horn, rays of edge waves and their reflections 257
Radiation of a system of equidistant sources 374
Ray expansions for cylindrical wave depending on z 43
Ray expansions for cylindrical wave with caustics 37
Ray expansions for non-stationary problems 351
Ray expansions for ordinary cylindrical wave 35
Ray expansions for plane wave depending on y, z 42
Ray expansions for spherical EM wave 38
Ray expansions for spherical wave 38
Ray expansions for spindle-like wave 43
Ray expansions for toroidal wave 39
Ray expansions, after crossing caustics 35
Ray expansions, applicability limits near caustics 37
Ray expansions, definition 29
Ray expansions, eikonal and transport equations 30
Ray expansions, solution of transport equation 32
Ray fields, definition 29
Ray fields, in diffraction by a body with edge 120
Ray fields, in irregular waveguides, adiabatic approximation 56
Ray fields, in irregular waveguides, expansion by powers of slowness variability parameter 55
Ray fields, recurrent equations 54 63
Ray fields, reflection from a smooth surface 44
Ray fields, self-consistent ray congruence 54
Ray fields, transformation at diffraction grating 49—53
Ray system of co-ordinates 31
Rays, Eiler equations 7
Rays, Fermat principle 7
Rays, Fresnel formula 9
Rays, ray tube 7
Rays, reflection and refraction laws 8
Rays, Snell's refraction law 9
Scattering matrix for edge diffraction in SCF method 241—244
Self-consistent field method 237—245
Self-consistent field method, estimates for accuracy 245—263
Shielding fields in KA 160
Slotted-guide antenna radiation 142
Smooth junction between regular waveguides 59
Smooth junction between regular waveguides, connection between mode and ray descriptions 65
Smooth junction between regular waveguides, excitation of waveguide parasit modes 61 66
Smooth junction between regular waveguides, swinging of rays 60
Sommerfeld integral for diffraction by a cone 360
Sommerfeld integral for non-stationary diffraction by a wedge 354—355
Sommerfeld integral for plane wave diffraction by a wedge 325—329
Successive diffraction method 230—231 *
Successive diffraction method, estimates for accuracy 245—263
Through fields in KA 162 166
Uniform asymptotic expansions 69
Wainstein function 371
Waveguide modes, coefficients of excitation by non-isotropic source 272
Waveguide modes, GO description 59 60 61
Waveguide-horn junction 304—324
Whispering-gallery waves 93
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