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Stewart R.W. — Textbook of Light |
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Real image 39 75 Chaps.
Recomposition of white light 230
Rectilinear propagation of light 6 254
Reflection 36
Reflection, at a plane mirror Chap. IV
Reflection, at a spherical mirror Chap. V
Reflection, from rough surfaces 55
Reflection, laws of 38
Reflection, total 109 112 113
Refraction 98
Refraction, at a plane surface 116
Refraction, at a spherical surface 124
Refraction, atmospheric 129
Refraction, double 259
Refraction, laws of 99
Refraction, through prisms and lenses Chap. VII
Refractive index 102—6
Refractive index, indices, table of 106
Refractometer 345
Refrangibility 200
Rotation of plane of polarisation 269
Rotation of plane of polarisation, Bumford’s photometer 22
Rumford’s 22
Rumford’s of a lens 169
Rumford’s, achromatic 207
Rumford’s, angle of 136 193 342
Rumford’s, colour-sensations 229
Rumford’s, foci 127
Rumford’s, focus 63 147
Rumford’s, Pinhole camera 7 286
Rumford’s, Polarimeter 271
Rumford’s, Polarisation Chap. XIII
Rumford’s, Polariser 261
Rumford’s, Polarising angle 264
Rumford’s, Positive eye-piece 330
Rumford’s, Power, dispersive 205
Rumford’s, Presbyopia 300
Rumford’s, Primary colours 228
Rumford’s, Principal axis 63 147
Rumford’s, Principle of least time 60 124
Rumford’s, Prismatic spectrum 198 211 214 216
Rumford’s, Prisms 136—43
Rumford’s, Pyrometer, the optical 219
Rumford’s, QUARTER — WAVE plate 268
Rumford’s, rainbow 231
Rumford’s, total reflection 283
Rumford’s, Wollaston’s 284
Saccharimeter 271
Saturn’s rings 344
Scattering of light 36 55—7 235
Secondary axis 63 148
Secondary axis, rainbow 233
Secondary axis, spectra 210
Selective absorption 222
Sextant 279
shadows 8
Short-sightedness 297
Sign convention 68
Silbermann’s focometer 185
Sines, law of 99
Sky, colour of 235
Solar eclipse 11
Solar eclipse, spectrum 198 214—20
| Sources of light 13
Spectacles 296
Spectra Chap. X
Spectra of gases and vapours 212
Spectra, absorption 222
Spectra, comparison of 340
Spectra, liquids 344
Spectra, metals 212 344
Spectra, secondary 210
Spectrometer 340
Spectroscope 338
Spectroscope, direct vision 346
Spectrum Chap. X
Spectrum, analysis 214
Spectrum, impure 198 200
Spectrum, mapping of 342
Spectrum, prismatic 198 200 211
Spectrum, pure 200
Spectrum, solar 198 214 216
Speculum 314 316
Spherical aberration 64 82 146 170 320—32
Spherical aberration, lens Chap. VII 309
Spherical aberration, mirrors Chap. V
Standards of light 27
Stanhope lens 000
Star, aberration of 308
Stellar motion 344
Stereoscope 347
Stops 83
Sun-light, intensity of 29
Sunset colours 235
Surface colour 222
Telescope 311
TELESCOPE, aperture of 333
TELESCOPE, brightness of image of 318
TELESCOPE, Galileo’s 333
TELESCOPE, magnifying power of 295 313 315
TELESCOPE, reading or observing 333
TELESCOPE, reflecting or Newtonian 316
TELESCOPE, refracting astronomical 314
Theory of colour 229
Total reflection 109 112 113
Total reflection prisms 283
Transmission, coefficient of 220
Transmission, coefficient of of radiation 220
twilight 57 131
Twinkling of stars 131
ULTRA — VIOLET rays 212 216 219
Umbra 8
Undulatory theory of light 1 2 197 200 216—20 250—5 Chap.
Velocity of light Chap. X
Virtual image 39 75 Chaps.
Vision, binocular 347
Vision, binocular, distinct 292
Vision, binocular, limit of 337
Wave theory of light 1 2 197 200 216—20 250—5 Chap.
Wave-length and colour 106 199 200 216
Wave-length, determination of 273 275
Wave-length, determination of, 276
WAVES, polarised 257
Wollaston on refractive index of liquids 113
Wollaston, his doublet 309
Wollaston, his prism 284
YELLOW spot 291 303
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