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Bechtolsheim S.V. — TEX in Practice, Vol. 3
Bechtolsheim S.V. — TEX in Practice, Vol. 3

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

Íàøëè îïå÷àòêó?
Âûäåëèòå åå ìûøêîé è íàæìèòå Ctrl+Enter

Íàçâàíèå: TEX in Practice, Vol. 3

Àâòîð: Bechtolsheim S.V.


TEX has always been regarded as the most elegant and powerful system for computer typesetting. However, its widespread use, beyond academia, was hampered by its complexity. Recently, fairly good TEX implementations have come out for PCs putting TEX on the desks of many people: writers, designers, desktop publishers, engineers, and consequently, the interest in TEX has surged. What is needed at this point is a book that teaches step-by-step how to use TEX, illustrating each step by meaningful examples. This is exactly what S.v. Bechtolsheim's book does. It is a tutorial and guide for the first-time users of TEX, as well as a reference for the most experienced "TEXpert." TEX in Practice will appear as a four volume set, starting with volume 1 Basics, followed by volume 2 Paragraphs, Math and Fonts, volume 3 Tokens, Macros and volume 4 Output Routines, Tables. TEX in Practice will be an indispensable reference for the TEX community and a guide through the first steps for the TEX novice.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.11.2008

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Characters, height      I—165 II—231
Characters, ignoring of      8
Characters, lower case      I—16
Characters, number of in fonts      II—296
Characters, number of per pica      II—282
Characters, overprinting      I—181
Characters, printing      I—44
Characters, return      I—24 10 14
Characters, size      II—232
Characters, space      36
Characters, tab character      I—17 I—18 I—24 I—25 I—28
Characters, tokens      3
characters, uppercase      I—16
Characters, width      I—165 II—231
charbo.tip      II—231
chboxd.tip      I—102
checksums      II—323
Cicero      I—82
Circumflex accent      I—18
clearb.tip      I—98
CLOSE      II—192
Club line      IV—20
Cmmex      II—200
Cmmi      II—199
Cmsy      II—200
Code      I—40
collect.tip      209
Collecting information with \edef      209
coltok.tip      118
columns, alignment      IV—200
Columns, changing justification      IV—226
Columns, eliminating      IV—211
Columns, implicit grouping      IV—210
Columns, left and right-justified columns      IV—268
Columns, left-justified      IV—200 IV—204
Columns, narrow      II—150
Columns, omitting      IV—222
Columns, predetermined width      IV—251
Columns, spacing      IV—230
Columns, spacing of      IV—240
Columns, spanning multiple      IV—263
Columns, static      IV—227
Comments      I—17
Compact, glue specification      232
Compact, rule specification      232
Comparing, characters      333
comparing, strings      334
Comparing, token lists      343
Comparing, vertical boxes      I—209
compiles.tip      528
complexity      I—2
Compound words      I—21
Compound words, hyphenation      II—145
compst.tip      334
compstca.tip      337
Computer Modern fonts      I—13 I—21
Computer Modern fonts, Math Extension      II—200
Computer Modern fonts, Math Italic      II—199
Computer Modern fonts, Math Symbol      II—200
Computer Modern fonts, text fonts      II—248
Computers and Typesetting      I—13
Conditional, input      466
Conditional, verbatim Usting of file      42
conditionals      317
Conditionals, box register related      322
condltr.tip      354
Conforming      350 351
Conforming conditionals      350 351
Constants, character code based      I—43
Constants, hexadecimal      I—40
Constants, numerical      I—39 I—44
Constants, octal      I—39
Control, printing      166
Control, sequences      I—16 3
Control, space      I—22 I—23 II—11 II—185 4 17
Control, spaces after      4
Control, symbols      I—27 4 66
Control, testing      339
Control, words      I—27 3 65
Control, writing to a file      479
conval.tip      131
copydate.tip      360
Counters, parameters      I—53
Counters, part processing      581
Counters, registers      I—35 I—49
counters.tip      I—71
Counting lines in a file      21
countl.tip      21
Cramped styles      II—195
cref-1.tip      87
crline.tip      I—203
Crop marks      IV—60 IV—63 IV—64
cross-references      89
Cross-referencing      I—10 85 607
Cross-referencing to page numbers      89
Cross-referencing, extended      98
Cross-referencing, nearby pages      569
Cross-referencing, part processing      563
Cross-referencing, TEX in Practice      607
Cross-referencing, two paths approach      98
csar.tip      78
cssprint.tip      166
cstostr.tip      66
cstostrc.tip      67
curly braces      101
Curly braces, expansion      290
Curly braces, initial      10
Curly braces, math      7
Curly braces, open gobbling      240
Curly braces, overview      99
Curly braces, parameters delimited      182 194
Curly braces, replacement text      8
Curly braces, string comparison      337
Curly braces, strings      12
Curly braces, table      5
Curly braces, tilde      15
Curly braces, vertical boxes      I—210
Current date parameters      I—35
Cyrrilic fonts      II—248
Dagger      I—23
Date, copying      359
Date, current date      I—35
dateofv.tip      360
Day of Week      361
Day of week computation      361
Day of week, Aday      I—35 I—53 IV—62
Day of week, format      359
Day of week, macros      357—396
Day of week, printing of      383
Day of week, related parameters      I—35
Day of week, validity      367
Day of week, years number of days      371
Day, days in year      371
Day, previous      374
Day, \DayOfWeekQfEarliestDate      357
Day, \DblArg      257 259
Day, \ddag      I—23
Day, \ddagger      II—168
Day, \ddot      II—177
Day, \ddots      II—223
dblarg.tip      258
Debugging      439
Decimal, constant      I—39
Decimal, representation of number      I—59 I—63
defauarg.tip      266
default      I—154 I—155
Default, argument      265
Default, height      I—154 I—155
Default, hyphenation character      II—142
Default, output routine      IV—2 IV—57
Default, rules depth      I—154 I—155
Default, vertical box limitation      I—246
Default, vertical boxes      I—243
Default, width      I—154 I—155
Definitions, basics      168
Definitions, macros      I—5 I—7 I—28 151 159
Definitions, nested      222
Defying, grouping      113
Delayed writes      473 476 IV—3
delimiters      II—180—II—184
Delimiters, active characters, end-of-line      191
Delimiters, macro argument      99
Delimiters, null      II—182
Demand loading of fonts      II—264
Demand loading of macros      230
Demerits      II—143 II—149
Depth      I—28 I—156
Depth, boxes natural      I—264
Depth, characters      I—165 II—231
Depth, horizontal box zero      I—185
Depth, keyword depth      I—28 I—156
Depth, maximum in \vsplit      I—293
Depth, rules      I—154
Detex      I—12
device drivers      I—11 I—14 II—322
dicentry.tip      IV—84
Dictionaries, running head      IV—83
Dictionaries, typesetting of      II—22
Didot point      I—82
Dieresis      I—21
Diesis      I—23
DIGITS      I—16
dimensions      I—28
Dimensions, big points      I—82
Dimensions, box registers      I—87
Dimensions, boxes      I—162
Dimensions, centimeter      I—82
Dimensions, didot points      I—82
Dimensions, em      I—83
Dimensions, horizontal      I—176 I—242
Dimensions, inch      I—82
Dimensions, infinite      I—85 I—124
Dimensions, largest      I—88
Dimensions, maximum      332
Dimensions, millimeter      I—82
Dimensions, mu      II—185
Dimensions, notation      I—84
Dimensions, pages      IV—46
Dimensions, parameters      I—88
Dimensions, pica      I—82
Dimensions, registers      I—36 I—87
Dimensions, rules      I—154
Dimensions, scaled points      I—38 I—81 I—82
Dimensions, TEX in Practice      596
Dimensions, true dimension units      I—86 II—229
Dimensions, units      I—81
Dimensions, \vsplit      I—288
Discardable items      IV—4
Discardable items, glue      I—139
Discardable itemshorizontal boxes      I—180
Discretionary, display math mode      I—17 II—156 11—216 438
Discretionary, horizontal positioning      II—218
Discretionary, hyphens      II—139
Discretionary, tables      IV—209
Discretionary, vertical spacing      II—216
Display verbatim mode      I—25 26 36
Display verbatim mode, advanced      43
Display verbatim mode, line numbers      44 54
Displayed equations, related penalties      IV—21
Document processing      I—5
Dollar signs      I—17
Dollar signs, quotation mark      I—20 I—40
Dollar signs, tables      IV—357 IV—371
doloo      412
Dot-under accent      IV—354
Dotless characters      II—170 II—295
Double column output, output routines      IV—166
Double crs      IV—224
Double, column output      IV—45
Double, output routines      IV—159
Double-sided printing      IV—43 IV—62
DVI files      I—5 II—323
Dvipr      I—7 I—11 I—12
Dviselect      I-ll IV—49 IV—58
Dvitype      II—321 II—323
Dynamic loading, fonts      II—264
Dynamic loading, macros      230
Easy      I—2
editing      I—5
Editor      I-ll
Electronic mailing lists      I—15
Ellipsis      I—22 II—170
em      I—83
Em-dash      I—21 I—23
EMACS      I-ll
Empty, box registers      I—103
Empty, glue      I—124
Empty, groups      I—27 I—45 I—123 I—169 4 102
Empty, in text      II—1
Empty, lines in math mode      II—157
Empty, strings      335
En-dash      I—21 I—23
End-of-line, active      I—25
End-of-line, character      7 18 36
End-of-line, delimiters      191
Ending a document      IV—53
endnotes      505 516
Enumeration, macros      420
Environment variables      II—318
Environments      104 432
Environments, macros      434
Environments, nested      433
Equation numbers      II—218
errors, messages      I—5
escape character      I—16 I—41
Euler family      II—248
Execution, after a group      111
expansion      159
Expansion, curly braces      290
Expansion, multiple reversal of      289
Expansion, none      314
Expansion, order      281
Expansion, repeated      214
Expansion, suppression in \edef      207 251
Expansion, suppression of      312
Expansion, tables      IV—376
Explicit, horizontal glue      I—121 I—123
Explicit, penalties      IV—17 IV—19
Explicit, vertical glue      I—123
Extended space      I—21
Extra math symbol fonts      II—248
Families      II—192 II—199
Family      II—201
Figures, output routine      IV—137
file names      447
Files      I—9 II—314
Files, administrative      I—10 541
Files, auxiliary part      541 542
Files, auxiliary writing comments to      562
Files, base name      I—5 447
Files, change files      II—317
Files, closing of      450
Files, comparing of      528
Files, counting lines      21
Files, end of file determination      322
Files, extension      I—5 447
Files, fmt files      II—314
Files, numerical      II—288
Files, plain format      I—7 I—8 II—314
fill      I—85 I—135
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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