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Bechtolsheim S.V. — TEX in Practice, Vol. 3
Bechtolsheim S.V. — TEX in Practice, Vol. 3

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

Íàøëè îïå÷àòêó?
Âûäåëèòå åå ìûøêîé è íàæìèòå Ctrl+Enter

Íàçâàíèå: TEX in Practice, Vol. 3

Àâòîð: Bechtolsheim S.V.


TEX has always been regarded as the most elegant and powerful system for computer typesetting. However, its widespread use, beyond academia, was hampered by its complexity. Recently, fairly good TEX implementations have come out for PCs putting TEX on the desks of many people: writers, designers, desktop publishers, engineers, and consequently, the interest in TEX has surged. What is needed at this point is a book that teaches step-by-step how to use TEX, illustrating each step by meaningful examples. This is exactly what S.v. Bechtolsheim's book does. It is a tutorial and guide for the first-time users of TEX, as well as a reference for the most experienced "TEXpert." TEX in Practice will appear as a four volume set, starting with volume 1 Basics, followed by volume 2 Paragraphs, Math and Fonts, volume 3 Tokens, Macros and volume 4 Output Routines, Tables. TEX in Practice will be an indispensable reference for the TEX community and a guide through the first steps for the TEX novice.

ßçûê: en

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\NextDay      372
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\NumberOfListElements, Roman      I—47
\NumberOfListElements, termination of      I—45
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\openup      IV—256
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\oslash      II—168
\otimes      II—168
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\OutCaptionGameTwoPass      IV—144
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\PrepareFigureBox      IV—141
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\propto      II—169
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\ps      166
\Psi      II—166
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\QBuildNewSpecialFiles      559
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\sis      II—169
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\small      II—271
\small skipamount      IV—16
\smallbreak      IV—15 IV—16
\smallskip      I—142 IV—14 IV—15
\smash      II—209
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\spacef actor      II—280
\SpaceText      31
\spade suit      II—167
\subsection      II—90 605
\SubSectionX      II—96
\Subset      II—169
\subseteq      II—169
\SubstituteFont      II—267
\SubstituteFontX      II—265
\SubStringConditional      293
\subsubsection      605
\SubSubSectionX      II—96
\succ      II—169
\succeq      II—169
\SuffixConditional      307
\sum      II—178 II—190 II—194 11—195
\sup      II—165
\supereject      I—159 478 538 IV—19
\Supset      II—169
\supseteq      II—169
\surd      II—167
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\swarrov      II—170
\TableFootNots      IV—314
\tableofcontents      540 543
\TableOrListOfSomethingOTableOrListOfSomething      557
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\TableRef, basics      IV—200
\TableRef, body      IV—200
\TableRef, centering of      IV—295—IV—303 IV—333
\TableRef, display math mods      IV—295
\TableRef, \bgroup and \egroup      103
\TableRef, \centerlins      IV—297
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\tabskip, entries repeated uss      IV—216
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\tabskip, glue templates      IV—226
\tabskip, heading      IV—214
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\tabskip, implicit groups      IV—210
\tabskip, inputting      IV—291
\tabskip, leaders      IV—207
\tabskip, left-justifies      IV—200 IV—204
\tabskip, macros plain format      IV—351
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\tabskip, omitting of      IV—222
\tabskip, page breaking      IV—351
\tabskip, repeated entries      IV—217
\tabskip, selective columns      IV—289
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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