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Jacobson I., Ng P.-W. — Aspect-oriented software development with use cases
Jacobson I., Ng P.-W. — Aspect-oriented software development with use cases

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Название: Aspect-oriented software development with use cases

Авторы: Jacobson I., Ng P.-W.


Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a revolutionary new way to think about software engineering. AOP was introduced to address crosscutting concerns such as security, logging, persistence, debugging, tracing, distribution, performance monitoring, and exception handling in a more effective manner. Unlike conventional development techniques, which scatter the implementation of each concern into multiple classes, aspect-oriented programming localizes them. Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) uses this approach to create a better modularity for functional and nonfunctional requirements, platform specifics, and more, allowing you to build more understandable systems that are easier to configure and extend to meet the evolving needs of stakeholders. In this highly anticipated new book, Ivar Jacobson and Pan-Wei Ng demonstrate how to apply use casesa mature and systematic approach to focusing on stakeholder concernsand aspect-orientation in building robust and extensible systems. Throughout the book, the authors employ a single, real-world example of a hotel management information system to make the described theories and practices concrete and understandable.
The authors show how to identify, design, implement, test, and refactor use-case modules, as well as extend them. They also demonstrate how to design use-case modules with the Unified Modeling Language (UML)emphasizing enhancements made in UML 2.0and how to achieve use-case modularity using aspect technologies, notably AspectJ.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 464

Добавлена в каталог: 15.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Language Support for Changeable Large Real-Time Systems"
<Handle Distribution> use case
<Handle Distribution> use case, brief description of
<Handle Distribution> use case, template
<Handle Persistence> use case
<Handle Persistence> use case, template
<Handle Presentation> extension use case
<Handle Presentation> use case      
<Handle Presentation> use case, brief description of
<Handle Presentation> use case, template
<Perform Transaction> use case      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
<Perform Transaction> use case, interaction diagram
<Perform Transaction> use case, relationship with application use cases
Abstract flow
Abstract use-case slice      
Access violations, detecting
AccessingData pointcut
Actors, defined      
Actors, notation
Adaptive programming (AP)
Adaptive programming (AP), applying
Advanced separation of concerns      
Advices, defined      
Analysis class stereotypes      
Analysis element structure      
Analysis model      
Analysis model, architectural view of      
Analysis model, architectural view of, architecturally significant analysis elements
Analysis model, architectural view of, architecturally significant use-case analysis slices      
Analysis model, language of      
Analysis model, language of, boundary class
Analysis model, language of, control class      
Analysis model, language of, entity class      
Analysis, conducting      
Analysis, constructs
Analysis, defined      
Analysis, level of detail      
Analysis, stereotypes      
Application layer      
Application layer, how use cases help to structure      
Application peer use cases      
Application peer use cases, analyzing      
Application peer use cases, analyzing, allocating use-case behavior to classes      
Application peer use cases, analyzing, identifying classes      
Application peer use cases, architecture      
Application peer use cases, components/interfaces, identifying      
Application peer use cases, design elements      
Application peer use cases, design elements, identifying
Application peer use cases, design elements, refining
Application peer use cases, designing
Application peer use cases, element structure
Application peer use cases, keeping separate      
Application peer use cases, separating functional requirements with      
Application peer use cases, use-case structure
Application peer use cases, use-case structure, non-use-case-specific slices      
Application peer use cases, use-case structure, use-case slices
Application use cases      2nd
Application use cases, capturing      
Application use cases, extension use cases, dealing with      
Application use cases, for Hotel Management System      
Application use cases, use-case variability      
Application use cases, use-case variability, handling      2nd
Application use cases, use-case variability, identifying      
Application-extension use cases      
Application-extension use cases, adaptive programming, applying      
Application-extension use cases, allocating use-case behavior to classes      
Application-extension use cases, alternate flows
Application-extension use cases, alternate flows, keeping separate
Application-extension use cases, alternate flows, structuring      
Application-extension use cases, analyzing      
Application-extension use cases, architecture
Application-extension use cases, classes, identifying
Application-extension use cases, component interfaces, identifying from use-case extensions      
Application-extension use cases, dealing with changes in the base      
Application-extension use cases, design patterns, applying
Application-extension use cases, designing      
Application-extension use cases, keeping separate      
Application-extension use cases, multiple extensions to a use case, dealing with      
Application-extension use cases, multiple use cases, extending      
Application-extension use cases, operation extensions, designing      
Application-extension use cases, pointcuts, identifying      
Application-extension use cases, pointcuts, identifying, identifying the structural context
Application-extension use cases, pointcuts, identifying, operations in Reserve Room Handler and Reserve Room form
Application-extension use cases, pointcuts, identifying, Room.updateAvailability      
Application-extension use cases, reflection, applying      
Application-extension use cases, separating functional requirements with      
Architectural iterations
architectural views
Architectural views, analysis model      
Architectural views, analysis model, architecturally significant analysis elements
Architectural views, analysis model, architecturally significant use-case analysis slices
Architectural views, design model      
Architectural views, design model, architecturally significant deployment elements      
Architectural views, design model, architecturally significant design elements      
Architectural views, design model, architecturally significant process elements      
Architectural views, design model, architecturally significant use-case design slices      
Architectural views, use-case model      
Architectural work, prioritization of      
Architecture baseline      2nd
Architecture baseline, and use cases      
Architecture baseline, defined      
Architecture baseline, establishing iteratively      
Architecture baseline, steps to establish      
Architecture description      2nd
Architecture description, and architectural views      
Architecture description, concurrent development of      
Architecture description, defined      
Architecture description, typical contents of      
Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM)
Architecture, bind parameters      
Architecture, classes, identifying      
Architecture, defined
Architecture, evaluating
Architecture, evaluating with the help of use cases
Architecture, good architecture, defined
Architecture, importance of
Architecture, parameters, identifying      
Architecture, use-case behavior, allocating to classes
Architecture, use-case specifics, separating
Architecture-centric development
Aspect orientation
Aspect orientation, adopting      
Aspect orientation, adopting, at construction      
Aspect orientation, adopting, at planning stage      
Aspect orientation, adopting, early elaboration      
Aspect orientation, adopting, enhancements
Aspect orientation, adopting, late elaboration      
Aspect orientation, and iterative development      
Aspect orientation, defined      
Aspect orientation, future of      
Aspect orientation, impact on object orientation      
Aspect orientation, key benefit of      
Aspect orientation, relationship to model-driven architecture (MDA)
Aspect orientation, textual specification of      
aspect-oriented programming (AOP)      2nd
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and code generation/merging      
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP), join points      2nd
Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD)      2nd 3rd
Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD), with use cases      
AspectJ      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
AspectJ, class extensions      
AspectJ, dependency checks with      
AspectJ, logging aspect in      
AspectJ, operation extensions      
AspectJ, pointcut expressions and the + character      
AspectJ, pointcuts, modeling      
AspectJ, Web site      
aspects      2nd
Aspects, applying infrastructure use-case slices with      
aspects, defined      
Aspects, early      
aspects, identifying      
Aspects, keeping peers separate with      
Audit Transaction use case      2nd 3rd
Authorization extension      
Authorization use-case module      
AuthorizationHandler instance      
Automation, to guide project managers in composing best practices      
Balance, achieving
Best practices, balancing
Best-practice weaver
Boundary class      
Business tier
Change cases      2nd
Check Authorization extension flow, participating classes in      
Check Authorization interaction      
Check In Customer use case      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Check In use-case module
Check Out Customer use case      2nd 3rd 4th
Check Room Cost use case flow
Check Room Details use case      2nd
checkAuthorization() operation      2nd
CheckInCustomer use-case slice      
CheckInHandler class      2nd 3rd
CheckOutCustomer use-case slice
Child use-case instance, execution of
Class definitions
Class extensions      2nd
Class extensions, defined
Class extensions, modeling intertype declarations with      
classes, defined
Classes, design
Classes, design, stereotyped      
Classes, notation      
classes, relationships between
Classes, usage      
Classifier, in Unified Modeling Language (UML)      
Code generators, and reflection      
Collaboration, in use-case slices      
Communication diagrams
Complexity and models      
Complexity of system
Component-based development      
Components, benefits of
Components, building a system with      
Components, defined
Components, encapsulation of its contents
Components, limitation of      
Components, notation/usage
Components, use of term
Components, uses of
Composition filters (CF)
Concern composition technique      
Concern separation technique
Concerns, defined
Concerns, difference between requirements and      
Concrete Logging use case
Concrete use cases      
Control class
Control, and architecture      
Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) functionality      
CreateReservation(), makeReservation() operation      
Crosscutting concerns      2nd 3rd
Crosscutting concerns, defined      
Crosscutting concerns, extensions, inability to keep separate      
Crosscutting concerns, peers, inability to keep separate
Crosscutting extensions      
Customer Types variables      
CustomerApplicationAuthorization filter      2nd
CustomerMainForm class extension
CustomerScreen class extension
Delos development environment
Dependency, of system
Deployment structure      
Design classes      
Design element structure      2nd
Design elements, evaluating
Design models      2nd
Design models, architectural view of architecturally significant deployment elements
Design models, architectural view of architecturally significant design elements
Design models, architectural view of architecturally significant process elements      
Design models, architectural view of architecturally significant use-case design slices
Design models, conducting design and implementation      
Design models, defined
Design models, language of
Design models, minimum design part
Design models, platform-specific part
Design packages, evaluating
Design patterns, applying
Development effort estimation
Development effort estimation, effort estimation technique      
Development effort estimation, estimation at the beginning of a project      
Development effort estimation, refining the estimates
Discipline selection
Discipline selection, design and implementation      
Discipline selection, testing      
Discipline selection, use-case modeling and analysis
displayMenuOptions() operation      
Distribution mechanism      
Distribution mechanism, applying
Distribution mechanism, designing      
Distribution mechanism, designing, distribution slice      
Distribution mechanism, designing, minimal use-case design slice      
Distribution mechanism, designing, use-case distribution slice
Distribution, EJB distribution mechanism
Distribution, minimal use-case design without      
Distribution, overlaying      
Domain classes      
Domain layer      
Domain layer, how to organize      
Downstream models      
Earn and Redeem Credits use case      2nd
Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), implementing use-case slices with
Effort estimation technique
EJB container      
EJB container, defined      
EJB distribution mechanism      
Elaboration iterations      
Element structure      2nd 3rd
Element structure, application layer      
Element structure, domain layer      
Element structure, layers      
Element under test (EUT)      
Entity class      
extend relationship      2nd
extend relationship, extension flow declaration      
extend relationship, extension pointcuts      
extend relationship, extension points      
extend relationship, extension use cases      
extend relationship, join points      
extend relationship, UpdatingRoomAvailability extension pointcut      
extend relationship, use-case extensions, execution of      
extends keyword, Java      
Extensibility, evaluating/achieving      
1 2 3
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