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Lockett K. — Physics in the Real World |
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Lamps, testing 104
Laser 69 111
Laser, X-ray 128
Law of conservation of angular momentum 61 123 132 139 176 187
Law of conservation of energy 34 57 132
Law of least action 165
Law of universal gravitation 29
Lawnmower, doubly insulated 50
Lawnmower, unattended 90
Lenses, bloomed 70
Leukaemia 47
Levitation 6
Levitation, magnetic 99
Lift, weightlessness in falling 4
Light, dispersion 73—74
Light, polarisation 162
Lightning 64—67 103 see
Lion Rock 75
Locust, take-off 7
London Underground network 191
Long jump 13 14
Loudspeakers 107 108
Loudspeakers, cone 94
Loudspeakers, to connect 104
Lynx helicopter 63
Mach front 16
Magnetic levitation 99
Mars, effect on newborn baby 42
Mass spectrometer 109
Mass, negative 6
Mass, to measure while in orbit 100
Maxwell, James Clerk 178
Melanin 75
Mexican wave 94
Microwave oven 112
Midwife, effect on newborn baby 42
Milton, John 20
Mirrors, flattering 101
Mirrors, parabolic, how to make 86—87
Missiles see "ICBMs" "Tomahawk
Moon landing 3
Moon rocket 37—40
Mother-of-pearl, colours 69
Motor boat, back-leaning 86
Motor cycle, clutch 87
Motor cycle, engine 93
Mount Tambora eruption 77
Murder, perfect 105
Mushroom cloud 16—17
Musical instruments, effect of temperature 102
Nagasaki 18 47 48
Navigation system 101
Needle, floating 91
Negative calorie diet 96
Negative mass 6
Nerve axon, resistance 105
Newton's rings 68 70
Newton, Isaac 28—29 30 56 68
Nijinsky, Vaslav 86
Noodles, choice of diameter 92
NOT statement 106
Nuclear battery 111
Nuclear fusion 112—113
Nuclear test ban 101 128
Nuclear war 16—20 28 129—130
Nuclear winter 76—79
Odysseus's bow 24
Omega navigation system 101
Optical fibres 128
OR statement 192
Ozone, atmospheric 79 166
Paint gun 98
Parachutists, training 81
Parachutists, trapped in power lines 103
Particle accelerator 111
Pascal, Blaise 157
Peacock feathers 100
Penning ion trap 98
Permafrost, oil leak on 18
Petrol tanker, runaway 9
Phased array radar 69 71
Pilot training for orbiter landing 33
Pilot training, oscillating rig for 94
Pisa, Leaning Tower 1
Pitot tube 59 60
Plasticine 25
Pluto, path 100
Plutonium bomb 18
Plutonium production 112
Polar bears, photographing 97
Polarisation of light 162
Polo, Marco 57
Popper, Sir Karl 21 41
Poseidon missiles 10
Power lines, distance separating 106
Power lines, parachutist trapped in 103
Power lines, risk from snapped 3
Power lines, working on live 107
Power of cruise missile motor 85
Power of DC10 airliner 84
Power of human heart 91
Power of ultralight aircraft 85
Power of Van de Graaff generator 105
Power stations 97
Prevolvans and Subvolvans 3
Prigogine, Ilya 26
Projectiles, angle of elevation 13
Projectiles, path 2
Properties of matter 90—92
Proton accelerators 11 110 111
Pulsars 87
Pumps, electromagnetic 108
Pumps, solar-powered 95
Pumps, suction 23 24
Quack foods 44 45
Quasar 135
Quiche 55
Radar, altimeters 157
Radar, attenuation in clouds 45
Radar, phased array 69 71
Radar, spurious signals 43—44
Radar, weather 103
Radiation, absorption 19
Radiation, risks from background 46—49
Radios, car 40
Radios, tuning coil 111
| Radium, disintegration 111
Red giant star 25
Red shift 135
Regelation 12—13
Rhinoceros, death of charging 8
Risks, comparative 46—49
Rockets 134 see
Rolling ball experiment 22—23 24
Ropes, breaking 92
Rotation (jet aircraft) 58 88
Rotational mechanics 86—90
Roundabouts, children's 36 63
Rubber bullets 8
Rugby tackle 82
Safe, switches for 105
Satellites 5 33—37 135
Saturn V Moon rocket 38
Scale effects 21 154
Science fiction story (Kepler) 3
Second law of thermodynamics 25
Seismic waves 101
Semiconductors, high-temperature 104
Sewing machine, needle speed 93
Ships' navigation system 101
Shower jets 179
simple harmonic motion 924
Skating 12—13
Ski-ing 83
Slide, children's 2—3
Slinky spring 71
Smog 18
Smoking, risks 47 48
Snow on live rails 104
Soap film, interference fringes in 67
Solar energy 95—96
Solar flares 100
Sound waves, interference 71
Space craft, Moon rocket 37—40
Space craft, slingshot effect 35—36 37
Space craft, Surveyor 1, Moon landing 3
Space craft, Voyager 4 35—36 37
Space craft, weightlessness in 4 5
Space shuttle 31—33 39—40 135 138
Space station (Stanford Torus) 87
Space telescope 29—31
Spark plug 99
Squirting cucumber 81
Stars see also "Sun"
Stars, black dwarf 25 28 132
Stars, exploding 63
Stars, red giant 25
Straight-line mechanics 81—86
Stress and strain 21
Stunts, bungee jumping 93 94
Stunts, car-jumping 3
Stunts, diving 81
Subcritical mass 18 129
Submarines 10 92
Subvolvans and Prevolvans 3
Sun see also "Solar energy" "Solar
Sun, end 25 27
Sun, nuclear fusion in 113
Sun, typical star 87
Supercaps 66
Supernovae 26 111
Surfers 73 74—75
Surveillance satellite 37
Surveyor 1 spaceship 3
Swimming pools, how to keep warm 96
Synchrotons 11 110
Tap water streams 3 92
Tatti 96
Teal Ruby satellite 37
Telescopes, Hubble space 29—31
Telescopes, parabolic mirrors for 86—87
Television sets, colour 70—71
Television sets, electron movements in tube 109
Television sets, lethal voltage in 51
Ten-pin bowling 92
Tennis ball 83
Thunder clouds 65 66 107
Thunderstorms 103 107 see
Tight-rope walking 90
Toast-making, unstable process 97
Tomahawk cruise missile 85
Torpedo (fish) 104
Torricelli, Evangelista 20 21
Trains, electric 104
Trains, magnetic levitation system 99
Trampolining 90
Transformers, isolation 49—52
Transponders 44 45
Tritium production 112
Trombone 101
Tychonian theory 41 42
UFOs 43
Ultrasonic examination in pregnancy 103
Uranium bomb 18 112
Uranium ore mountain, stability 112
Uranium, density 20
van de Graaff generator 64 67 105
Veblen, Thorsten 27
Venus, distance from Earth 42
Verne, Jules 5
Voids, forces between 6
Volcanic eruptions 77
Voyage space craft 4 35—36 37
Voyage to the Moon (Verne) 5
Warning lantern 92—93
Washing machine brochure 89
Washing up 67—68
Water cannon 7 8
Water globe 102
Waves 100—103
Waves at seaside 72—75 101
Weather Balloon 92
Weather radar 103
Weightlessness 4—7
Welding 108 110—111
Wells, H.G. 6
Wind turbine 90
With enough shovels 129
Wooden bowl, carbon dating 112
Xylem tubes 92
Yacht, forces on 82
Year, length of Tychonian 42
Zinc refining 104
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