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Hughes I.S. — Elementary Particles |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Omega meson 206 208 215
Omega ratio 338—339
Omega-minus hyperon 129—130 225—226
Operators and transformations 85—86
Orbital excitation model for quarks 231—232
Parity 69—71 84—85
Parity non-conservation in beta-decay 153—156
Parity non-conservation in inelastic electron scattering 259—262
Parity non-conservation in weak processes 136—146
Particle detectors 16—42
Particle detectors bubble chambers 19—22
Particle detectors cloud chamber 111—113
Particle detectors, ADC: analogue to digital conversion 42
Particle detectors, calorimeters 32—39
Particle detectors, calorimeters, electromagnetic 33—37
Particle detectors, calorimeters, hadron 37—39
Particle detectors, Cerenkov counter 29—31
Particle detectors, computers 42
Particle detectors, differential Cerenkov counter 30—31
Particle detectors, DISC 30
Particle detectors, drift chambers 23—25
Particle detectors, electronics 42
Particle detectors, multiwire proportional chambers (MWPC) 22—23
Particle detectors, nuclear emulsions 40 56—57 115
Particle detectors, photomultiplier 25
Particle detectors, ring-image Cerenkov counter (RICH) 31
Particle detectors, scintillation counter 25—28
Particle detectors, semiconductor counter 40
Particle detectors, silicon strip 40
Particle detectors, TDC: time to digital conversion 42
Particle detectors, time of flight 28—29
Particle detectors, time projection chamber 25—26
Particle detectors, transition radiation 41
Particle detectors, wavelength shifter 28
Particle properties: summary table 411—420
Particle separator 14—16
Partons 238
Partons, spins 238—240
Pauli principle, generalized Pauli principle 91—93
Pauli spin matrices 88
PETRA 295 308—309
Phase shift 184 188
Phase space 405—409
Phi meson 208 210
Photino 327—328
Photomultiplier 25
Pi mesons 43—75
Pi mesons decay 59—60 156
Pi mesons discovery 52—57
Pi mesons mass 58
Pi mesons production 57—58
Pi mesons, isotopic spin 75—80
Pi mesons, neutral 60—64
Pi mesons, neutral, lifetime 63—64
Pi mesons, neutral, mass 63
Pi mesons, neutral, parity 72—75
Pi mesons, neutral, spin 72—75
Pi mesons, parity 71—72
Pi mesons, prediction 47—49
Pi mesons, spin 65—69
Pi-pi scattering 209
Pion-proton scattering 76—80
Planck mass 330
Planck temperature 330
Planck time 330
Polarisation: photons from pi-zero decay 72—75
Primakoff effect 64—65
Production experiments 184—190
Propagator 245
Proton decay 319—324
Pseudoscalar mesons 205—207
QCD see "quantum chromodynamics"
qed see "quantum electrodynamics"
Quadrupole magnets 5
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) 301—315
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) 301
Quark model 221—241
Quark model fragmentation 306—307
Quark model, free quarks (search for) 240—241
Quark model, magnetic moments 232—234
Quark model, mesons and baryons from 230—231
Quark model, orbital excitation model 231—232
Quark model, quark-quark interactions 301—306
R ratio 296—297 301
Radiation length 34
Reaction cross-sections 109—110
Redshift 335
references 421—425
Relativistic kinematics see kinematics renormalisation 245—246 255
Resonances 180—215
Resonances, 76—80 181—186
Resonances, a2 215
Resonances, Breit — Wigner 187—190
Resonances, elastic 189
Resonances, eta 176—177 206—207
Resonances, eta-prime 207
Resonances, f 211—213
Resonances, f-prime 214
Resonances, K* 191—193 210 214
Resonances, lambda 195—201
Resonances, meson 202—215
Resonances, N 194—195
Resonances, omega 206 208
Resonances, phi 210
Resonances, rho 208—210 212 215
Resonances, sigma 195—197
Resonances, strange baryon 195—202
Resonances, unitary circle 188—189
| Resonances, xi 201—202
Rho meson 208—210 212 215
Ring-image Cerenkov counter 31
Rotation curve 353
Rotation operators 219—220
Running coupling constant 303—305 317—318
s-channel 182
Saha equation 341
Scaling, scale invariance 237—238 311 313
Scattering experiments 234—241
Scattering experiments, elastic scattering 234—235
Scattering experiments, inelastic scattering 235—237
Scintillation counter 25—28
screening 303—305
Second forbidden transitions 148
See-saw formula 367
Semiconductor counters 40
Separators 13—16
Sigma hyperon 123—126
Sigma hyperon, charged 123—125
Sigma hyperon, neutral 125—126
Sigma resonances 195—197
Sigma resonances, 196—197
Sigma-c particle 288
Silicon strip detectors 40
SLAC Linear Collider (SLC) 271
Slepton 326—327
SN1987A 386—390
Solar neutrino problem 365—366
Solar Neutrino Unit (SNU) 364
Spacelike four-momentum transfer 236
Spin and parity determination 182—184
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 253—255
Squarks 326—327
Standard model 255—258 274—277
Standard solar model 362—365
Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC) 2
Stochastic cooling 7
Strange particles 111—135
Strange particles, production and decay 131
Strange particles, strange baryon resonances 195—202
Strange particles, strangeness 131—135
Strange particles, strangeness oscillation 165—166
Strange particles, weak decay 156—158
Strong focusing 6
Strong interactions 105 110 180—181
Strongly decaying resonances 180—215
SU(3) 216—230
SU(4) 290—291
SU(5) 317—321
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) 382
Super Proton Synchrotron, (SPS) 8—11
Superstrings 329—331
Supersymmetry (SUSY) 326—329
Symmetry groups 217—221
Synchrotron 3
Synchrotron oscillations 5
Synchrotron radiation 7—8
t quark (top or truth) 294
Tau lepton 102—104
Tau meson 115 137—142
TCP theorem 159—160
TDC, time to digital convenor 42
Tensor mesons 210—215
Tevatron 297
Theta meson 115 136
Threshold energy 397
Time of flight 28—29
Time projection chamber 25—26
Timelike four-momentum transfer 236
Toponium 295
Transformations and operators 85—86 393—395 398—399
Transition radiation 41
UA1 detector 265—271 308—311
Unification mass 317
Unitarity problem, unitarity limit 244
Unitary circle 188—190
Upsilon 291—294 313—314
V minus A, (V-A), interaction 150—155
V-zero particles 111—114
Vector mesons 207—211
W particle 245—246 248 256—258 262—270 276
W particle, discovery 262—270
Wavelength shifter 28
Weak I-spin 253
Weak interactions 106 109 147—158 242—278
Weak interactions, beta decay 148—156
Weak interactions, charged current 247—248 257
Weak interactions, decays with six flavours 297—299
Weak interactions, neutral current 247—248 257
Weak interactions, parity non-conservation 153—155
Weak interactions, strange particle decay 156—158
Weak-electromagnetic interference 258—262
Weinberg angle 256—258
Weinberg — Salam model 248—258
WIMPs, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles 356 358—359 360—362
Wino 327—328
Xi (1530) 201—202
Xi hyperon see "cascade hyperon"
Xi resonances 201—202
Xi-c particle 288
Yang — Mills gauge theory 252—253
Yukawa 43 47
Yukawa potential 48—49
Z particle 246 248 256—258 262—277
Z particle, discovery 262—274
Zino 327—328
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