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Goldsmid J., Drabble H. — Thermal Conduction in Semiconductors |
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Magnetothermoelectric effect 130
Maita, J.P. 127
Many-valley band structure 113
Mass ratio effect 146—148
Mathiessen’s rule 9
McDougall, J. 220
Mean free path see "Free path"
Mercury telluride 185
Metallic bond 34
Metals, thermal conductivity of 7—9
Metals, transport processes in 57—58
Methods of measurement for electrical conductors 29—32
Methods of measurement for poor conductors 17
Methods of measurement for thermoelectric materials 30—32
Methods of measurement, absolute 15—18
Methods of measurement, Angstroem’s 25—29
Methods of measurement, comparison 19—22
Methods of measurement, dynamic 22—25
Microscopic reversibility principle 69 88
Mielczarek, E.V. 180
Mobility of electrons 111
Moizhes, B.Ya. 120 173
Momentum of electrons 47—48
Momentum of phonons 66
Mooser, E. 181 184
Morin, F.J. 127
Nernst effect 76 130
Nettley, P.T. 137 154 168 182
Neutron diffraction 62 157
Nichols, M.H. 68
Nn, R. 26 180 181
Normal (N) processes 5 99
Normal (N) processes, effect on lattice conductivity 99—101 137—138 151
Normal modes of lattice 59—63
Normal modes of lattice, quantum mechanics of 63—65
Ohm’s Law 74
Olsen, N.I. 9
One-electron approximation 42—44
Onsager relations 69—71 76—77 203—212
Onsager relations, derivation from kinetic theory 89
Optical branches 62 63
Pauli exclusion principle 51 88
Pearson, W.B. 181 184
Peierls, R.E. 4 5 35 99 141
Peltier coefficient 31 75 298
Peltier coefficient in intrinsic semiconductors 117
Peltier coefficient, formula for 108
Peltier effect 75 198
Peltier effect, use in measuring thermal conductivity 26 30
Perturbation theory 50
Phenomenological theory 67—71
Phillips, J.C. 165
Phonon 4 64
Phonon, wave packets 4 65—66
Phonon-drag 70 170 212
Phonon-electron interaction 85
Phonon-phonon interaction 4—5 93—97
Pikus, G.E. 181
Polarization of lattice waves 61
Pomeranchuk, I. 6
Price, P.J. 119
Quantum mechanics of atoms 34
Quantum mechanics of lattice waves 4 63—65
Quantum mechanics of solids 36—42
Quartz 5
Radiation, losses 19 26 30 32
Radiation, transfer of heat by 175
Rayleigh cross-section for point defects 149
Rayleigh, Lord 149
Reciprocal lattice vector 94
Reitz, J.R. 42
Relaxation time, electron for impurity scattering 92
Relaxation time, electron for lattice scattering 92
Relaxation time, electron, many-valley 113
Relaxation time, electron, solution of Boltzmann equation 91—92 104
Relaxation time, electron-phonon 211
Relaxation time, phonon for imperfection scattering 158
Relaxation time, phonon for umklapp scattering 158
Rhodes, P. 220
Righi — Leduc effect 76
Rosenberg, H.M. 9 15 16 168 169
Rosi, F.D. 179 186 187 189
Scattering cross-section 149—150 184
Scattering of electrons, in alloys 194—197
Scattering of electrons, term in Boltzmann equation 79—82 85—88 91—92
Scattering of phonons in alloys 194—197
Scattering of phonons in amorphous solids 6
Scattering of phonons, due to boundaries 5 93 142—143 151
Scattering of phonons, due to imperfections 149—151
Scattering of phonons, due to isotopes 101—102 152—156 160—161
Schiff, L.I. 36
Schloemann, E. 137 140 144 157
Schneider, M. 127 179
Schroedinger equation 37 39—44
Seebeck coefficient 75 198
Seebeck coefficient in intrinsic semiconductors 116
Seebeck coefficient, boundary effect 169—171
Seebeck coefficient, formulae 108—110 114
Seebeck effect 198
Seebeck effect, measurement of 18 30—31
Seebeck effect, use in measurements 28
Selection rules, electron-phonon interaction 85—86
Selection rules, phonon-phonon interaction 94
Selenium 172 176—177 185
Sheard, F.W. 137 154 168 182
Shockley, W. 59 91
Silicon 10 16 112 179
| Silicon, lattice conductivity of 165—169 185
Silver antimony telluride 120 184—185
Silver indium selenide 185
Simon, F.E. 143 171
Size effects on Seebeck coefficient 170—171
Size effects on thermal conductivity 142—143 169—171
Slack, G.A. 171
Slater, J.C. 85
Smirnov, I.A. 120 173
Solids, ideal 36 64
Solids, physical description of 33—36
Sondheimer, E.H. 89
Space lattice 36
Spencer, A.N. 137 154 168 182
Statistical nature of temperature and chemical potential 67
Statistics of electrons 50—56 77—78
Statistics of electronsin semiconductors 56—59
Statistics of phonons 83
Stavitskaya, T.S. 121 195
Steele, M.C. 130 186
Steigmeier, E. 180
Stevenson, R.W.H. 137 154 168 182
Stil’bans, L.S. 121 186 194 195
Stoner, E.C. 220
Stuckes, A.D. 19 120 166 179
Sub-lattice 196
Surface effects 142—143
Swann, W.F.G. 25
Sysoeva, L.M. 195
Tellurium 120
Tellurium, lattice conductivity of 172—175 185
Templeton, I.M. 181 184
Thermal conduction in dielectrics 2—7
Thermal conduction in metals 7—9
Thermal conduction in semiconductors 9—12
Thermal conduction, anisotropy of 175 182
Thermal conduction, phenomenological definition of 75
Thermal conductivity, electronic 7—9
Thermal conductivity, electronic in intrinsic semiconductors 117
Thermal conductivity, electronic in semiconductors 104—115
Thermal conductivity, electronic, measurements of 119—129
Thermal conductivity, lattice 2—7
Thermal conductivity, lattice in amorphous solids 6
Thermal conductivity, lattice, formulae for alloys 159
Thermal conductivity, lattice, formulae for boundary scattering 142—143
Thermal conductivity, lattice, formulae for imperfection scattering 151—152 159—160
Thermal conductivity, lattice, formulae for isotope scattering 153—154 156
Thermal conductivity, lattice, formulae for perfect crystals 140—148
Thermal conductivity, lattice, formulae for umklapp scattering 141 144—148
Thermal conductivity, lattice, formulae, free path 4 140
Thermal conductivity, lattice, mass ratio effect 146—148
Thermal conductivity, lattice, variation with atomic weight 201
Thermal expansion 136
Thermoelectric applications 198—202
Thermoelectric materials 112 119 162 179 186
Thermoelectric materials, measurements on 30—32
Toxen, A.M. 154
Transition probability for electrons 50 86—88
Transition probability for phonons 95
Transport coefficients in intrinsic semiconductors 115—119
Transport coefficients phenomenological 69—73
Transport coefficients physical 73—76
Transverse modes 62
Umklapp (U-) processes 5 99—101
Umklapp (U-) processes, free path due to 158
Umklapp (U-) processes, lattice conductivity due to 141 144—148
Umklapp (U-) processes, persistence in germanium 168
Uncertainty principle 47
Unit cell 36
Ure, R.W. 21 187
Valence, band 58
Valence, shell 34
Variational theorems for electrons 83 89—91 213—215
Variational theorems for imperfection scattering 151—152 154—155
Variational theorems for phonons 97—99 101—103 213—215
Variational theorems for phonons with normal processes 99—100
Variational theorems, formulae obtained by 140—141 144—145
Vibration of atoms, mechanics of 59—63
Vibration of atoms, scattering by 85—87
Vibration spectrum 60—63 157
Vibration spectrum in germanium 168
Vogt, E. 92 113
Walker, P.A. 181
Wave function 37
Wave function for electrons in crystals 45—49
Wave function, physical interpretation of 39
Wave interaction 85 93—94
Wave packets, electron 47—49
Wave packets, electron, acceleration of 48
Wave packets, electron, velocity of 48
Wave packets, phonon 4 65—66
Wave packets, phonon, acceleration of 83
Wave packets, phonon, velocity of 66
Wave propagation 3
Wave vector, electron 45
Wave vector, phonon 61
Weiss, H. 187
Weisskopf, V.F. 10
Wettstein, E. 180
White, G.K. 145 168 172 176 177
Wiedemann — Franz law 7—8 199 see
Wilson, A.H. 89 130
Wolfe, R. 133
Woods, S.B. 145 168 172 176 177 181 184
Wright, D.A. 182
X-ray diffraction 36 42
Ziman, J.M. 82 89 99 103 137 143 151 152 154 168 171 182 183
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