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Siler W., Buckley J.J. — Fuzzy Expert Systems and Fuzzy Reasoning |
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Aggregation 51—53 63 117 119—122 147
Alpha cuts 72 73—74
Ambiguities 1 2 10 11 25 26 99 122 124—127 147 219 239—240
Ambiguity, measure of 125
AND operators 16 30—34 85—86
AndOrNot.fps 32—34
Antecedent 3—4 10 13 16—17
Approximate reasoning 36 57 65—69 100 105—109
Arithmetic, fuzzy 72—74
Artifact detection 260 263 268 269—272
Association, prior 61 63 86—88
Backward chaining 24
Bayes 25 92—95
Blackboard system 24—25
Certainty factor 1 25 28
Classical logic 29
Classification 38 117—122 123—124 126—128 133 134 135 136 146—149 220—227 227—235 235—240
Combs method 132—135
Command mode 19—21
Comparing fuzzy numbers 74—78 80
Complement see NOT operator:
Composition of fuzzy relations 44—47
Confidence 23 25
Conjunction see OR operators
Consequent 3 11 13 16 17—18
Contradictions 1 2 10 11 26 99 122 124 126—129 141—149
Correlation logic 60—63 85—88
Data smoothing 260—265
Data types 16—17
Data-driven 2 4 11 18—19
Debugging 13 20 155—157 162—164 167—168 181—197 199—218 272—273
Defuzzification 5 51—54 68 92 104 119—122
Dempster — Shafer method 25 28 94—95
Differentiation 260 263—265
Disjunction see AND operators
Domain expert 3 7 8 10 11 13 69
Dual truth values 94 141—149
Echo.par 134 147—149 192—196
Elkan, C. 64
Evidence theory see Dempster — Shafer
Excluded Middle 29 60 63 64 85 86—88 91 96 97 141
Expert Systems 1—4 7—9 11
Extension Principle 48 57 71
FLOPS expert system shell 11
Forward chaining 24 27
FRIL 8 10 95
Fuzzification 5 6 29 49—51 54 117 119 123 130 173—179
Fuzziness, measure of 122 124—125
Fuzzy arithmet 72—74
Fuzzy control 1 5 8 10 43 51 53 54 65 66 69 91 118
Fuzzy inference 18 29 45 57 65 67 69 93 99—138
Fuzzy logic 34 86
Fuzzy logic, bounded sum / difference 31
Fuzzy logic, classical 29
Fuzzy logic, correlation 86
Fuzzy logic, min-max (Zadehian) 31
Fuzzy logic, product—sum 31
Fuzzy numbers 40
Fuzzy propositions 36 78
Fuzzy reasoning 5
Fuzzy relations 43—47
Fuzzy sets 38—43
Hedges 8 13 16 69—72
IDE 5 12 13 151—157 181
| Implication 30 34—36 45 66—69 99 105
IMPLY operators 34—36
Inference, monotonic 11 100 102—103 105 106—109 111 137
Inference, monotonic downward 100 103—105 106—109 111 138
Inference, non-monotonic 11 100 103 105 106—109 111 127—129 137
Information theory 125
Integrated Development Environment see IDE
Intersection rule configuration 131
Interval arithmetic 72—74
Invalidating data 127—129
IRC see Intersection rule configuration
Iris classification see iris.par
Knowledge engineer 3 8 10 11
Learning 3 6 15 243—255
Learning by adding rules 243—251 251—255
Learning by adding to a data base of facts 251—253
Linguistic terms 5 6 39 43
Linguistic variables 39 42—43
Membership functions 11 38—39 41—43
Metarules 18 23 25 27 100 231—232
Metus 8
Min-max logic see Zadeh operator
Modification of data 115—117
Modification of truth values 99—112 116—120
modus ponens 35—36
Monotonic inference see Inference monotonic
Moving Average 260—262
Multi-step reasoning 18 110 117 137 141—146
Necessity 25 28 30 35 36 94 99 141—146
Neural nets 6
Non-contradiction, law of 29 60 63 64 85 86 88 91 96 97
Non-monotonic inference see Inference non-monotonic
Non-numeric data 5 10 38 39 54 91 122 123 124 135 219 220
NOT operator 31 85
Numbers.fps 159—161
On-line operation 257—273
OR operators 31 86
Parallel mode 21 181—196
Pavlov1.par 244—250
Pavlov2.par 250—253
pconf 23
Possibility 25 28 29 30 35 36 94 99 141—149
Prior association see Association prior
Production systems 2
Rates of change 260 263—265
Real-time 257—273
Reasoning, types of 100
Resolving contradictions 127—129 141—149
RETE algorithm 22
Rule 15—18
Rule generation 6 9 18 229 240 244—250
Run mode 19—23
Schizo.par 22 220 235—240
Sequential mode see Serial mode
Serial mode 19—22
Standard fuzzy logic see Zadeh operators
Symbolic reasoning 7
t-conorms 57—65
t-norms 57—65
Time lags 260
Truth value 25
Truth-functional logic 30 34 85
Uncertainties 25
Variables in FLOPS 33 88 89
Zadeh operators 31
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