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Allard Kenneth — Business as War : Battling for Competitive Advantage
Allard Kenneth — Business as War : Battling for Competitive Advantage

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Íàçâàíèå: Business as War : Battling for Competitive Advantage

Àâòîð: Allard Kenneth


The author, a former army colonel currently featured as a military analyst on MSNBC and NBC News, is convinced that corporate America can learn vital lessons from the U.S. military. Business executives, according to Allard (Command, Control and the Common Defense), today function in a chaotic atmosphere dominated by globalization and rapidly changing information technology. He argues that recent corporate scandals such as the collapse of Enron as well as the high salaries of CEOs are symptomatic of the lack of leadership in industry, a loss that seriously impedes business success. Drawing on myriad examples from the military, Allard provides a series of war plans that he believes can change the corporate environment. Included is a recommendation to emulate the training followed at West Point to build idealistic managers, to devise overall military-like strategies rather than marketing plans and to be aware of and responsible for security programs to combat electronic terrorism. While Allard's proposals to improve business leadership have merit, many of the military analogies are repetitive and forced. Much of his advice is delivered in an off-putting, hectoring tone that sometimes borders on bragging, and his potshots at former president Clinton feel inappropriate for a business manual.

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 240

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.05.2005

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9/11      4—6 12—13
Abizaid, General John      100 135—136
Abrashoff, Captain Michael      33
Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point (Lipsky)      72
Accountability      113
Adaptation      46 49—53 58
Addressing security      161—168
Albright, Madeleine      42
Alexander the Great’s Art of Strategy (Bose)      33
Alignment, functions      189
Alignment, lack of      175
Alignment, organization      175 188—189 206—207
Ambition      73
American Airlines      9
Anticipating change      142
Applications of intelligence      141—145
Approaches to strategy      85—87
Ashcroft, John      157
Asserting leadership      46 53—55 58
Atkinson, Rick      76 122
Augustine, Norman      86
Augustine’s Laws      86
AViiON      143
Avoidance of risk      147
Babbin, Jed      10
Balances      114
Barry, Dave      87
Basic planning steps for innovation, business plan      198 205—206
Basic planning steps for innovation, mission      198 202—203
Basic planning steps for innovation, strategy      204—205
Basic planning steps for innovation, vision      198—202
Basic values of an organization      122
BHAG      87 88 89 100 103 162 174 195 198 209 217
Blount, Major General, Buford      98
Borders, insecure      156
Bose, Partha      33
Boyd, John      121
British Rail      28
Brokaw, Tom      4 5
Burke, Admiral Arleigh      77
Bush, George      46
Business, innovation of      197—198
Business, integrated solutions      92
Business, intelligence      90 131—137
Business, of war      6
Business, plans      205—206
Business, speed of      26
Businessperson, work of      20
Cantamessa, Joe      154 155 164
Carty, Don      9
Cebrowski, Admiral Arthur      48
Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)      54—55
Centers of gravity      96
Centralization vs. decentralization      111—112
Change(s), in mission      201
Change(s), tracking the process of      142
Change(s), understanding and anticipating      142
Character, building leaders of      61—81
Checklist, leadership      78
Cheney, Dick      219
Civilian practices      209—210
CLARiiON      143
Clark, Wes      220
Clinton, Bill      30 41—42 46 105 112
CNN      4
Coca-Cola      189
Collins, Jim      87
Colson, Charles      14 29
Command control, basics of      120—121
Communication      110 135
Competitive intelligence      147
Competitive values      29—33
Conaway, Chuck      87
Consistent leaders      72
Consultant, hiring      85—86
Cordesman, Anthony      136
Core business values      32
Core system capabilities      94
Corporate culture      91 92 94
Corporate intelligence      137 218
Corporate responses, data security      159—160
Corporate responses, plans      158—159
Corporate responses, regulatory compliance      160—161
Corporate responses, threats      159 160
Corporate security, market in      28
Corporate threats      159
Culture, different strategic      99—101
Cyberterrorists      155
Data General      142—143
Data security      159—160
Davis, Ossie      12
Davis, Sergeant Harry      68—69
Deming, W. Edwards      22 146 188
Digitized intelligence      199
Direct sources of information      139—140
Disciplined innovation      197—198
Disciplined innovation basic planning steps, business plan      198 205—206
Disciplined innovation basic planning steps, mission      198 202—203
Disciplined innovation basic planning steps, strategy      204—205
Disciplined innovation basic planning steps, vision      198—202
disruptive technologies      142 188
Distributed situational awareness      147
Dow Jones      154 164
Dye, Dale      99
Economic diversity      28
Eisenhower, Dwight D.      74—75 113 158
Eisenhower, John S. D.      74
Electronic reconnaissance      152
EMC      142—143 147 188
Enron      2 11 15 63 66
Enron Wind Corporation      66
Enron, collapse      7
Enterprise security      151—153
Enthusiasm      91
Ernst & Young      158 159 160
Ethical meltdowns      108
Etzioni, Amitai      32
Ewell, General Richard      113
Failure, pattern for      14
Fatwas      5 7
Ferris, Joe      167
Ford      47
Formulation of strategy      89
Fox News      4
Francona, Lieutenant Colonel Rick      208
Franks, General Tommy      98 100 135
Freidman, Thomas      24—25 27 138
Friction      219
Friedman, Milton      65
Fuller, General J. F. C.      116 191 217
Fulmer, Robert M.      209
Functions of alignment      188—189
Functions, leaders and subordinates      78
Galloway, Joseph L.      71
Gathering intelligence      89
General Electric      209
General Ike: A Personal Reminiscence (Eisenhower)      75
Generalship: Its Diseases and Their Cure (Fuller)      116
George, Bill      117—118 120 122
Gerstner, Louis V. Jr.      92—93 94
Gibson, John      4
Gibson, Mel      71
Giuliani, Rudolph      93 94 117 118 120 166
Globalization      24 28 108
Golani Brigade      178
Goldman—-Sachs      14
Goldsmith, Marshall      209
Goldwater—Nichols Act      50 51 107 220
Good to Great (Collins)      87
Gore, Al      105
Gosset, Louis      68
Grove, Andy      118 120 121
Guns of August, The (Tuchman)      218
Hagenbeck, Major General Buster      62—63
Hanan, Lieutenant General Yossi Ben      178
Harari, Oren      33
Hewlett Packard      209
Homeland defense      154—156
Homeland defense, identify friend from foe (IFF)      156—157
Homeland defense, insecure borders      156
Homeland defense, stovepipes, information      157—158
Hoover’s      138
Hope Is Not a Method: What Business Leaders Can Learn from America’s Army (Sullivan)      33
Horizon planning      204—205
Huntington, Samuel P.      31
IBM      92—93 94
Identify friend from foe (IFF)      156—157
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)      157
Implementation strategy      89
Implementation, key metrics of      121
Implications of planning      206—210
Imus, Don (I-man)      6
In-progress reviews (IPRs)      205
Industrial actions      175
Information direct sources      139—140
Information, speed of      26
Information-age, tools      29
Innovation, disciplined      197—198
Innovation, disciplined, basic planning steps, business plan      198 205—206
Innovation, disciplined, basic planning steps, mission      198 202—203
Innovation, disciplined, basic planning steps, strategy      204—205
Innovation, disciplined, basic planning steps, vision      198—202
Insider threats      160
Integrated business solutions      92
Intel      118
Intellibridge      27 140 141—142
Intelligence, applications      141—145
Intelligence, business      90 131—137
Intelligence, competitive      131
Intelligence, gathering      89
Intelligence, ref lections      145—148
Intelligence, sources and methods      137—141
Intelligence, tactical      132
Intelligence, twin fallacies of      147—148
Interdependence      28
Internal intelligence      176
Issues in organizations      110—114
It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy (Abrashoff)      33
Jeremiah, Admiral David      50
Johnson & Johnson      207
Joint Vision 2010      48
Keirsey, Lt. Col. Hank      72
Keith, Toby      10
Kelleher, Herb      91 92 94 102 119 120 121
Key metrics of implementation      121
Kindleberger, Charles      101
Kmart      87
Kopp Group      8
Kopp, Lee      8
Krames, Jeffery A.      91 92 118 119
Kyoto Treaty      66
Lay, Kenneth      66
Leaders, consistent      72
Leaders, functions      78
leadership      46 53—55 58
Leadership Investment—How the World’s Best Organizations Gain Strategic Advantage Through Leadership Development (Fulmer and Goldsmith)      209
Leadership Lessons from the Civil War (Wheeler)      33
Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun, The (Wheeler)      33
Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell (Harari)      33
Leadership, asserting      117
Leadership, by system      33
Leadership, performance areas      219
Leadership, selection system      66—68
Leadership, skills      63
Leadership, standards      68—69
Leadership, strength and character      71—72
Leadership, test for      113
Leadership, tools      189
Leadership, value-centered      197
Leadership, values      79
Leadership, what is it      8
Leibner, Captain Lincoln D.      12—13 14
Lexus and the Olive Tree, The (Friedman)      138
Lipsky, David      72
Lockheed—Martin      86
Lombardi, Vince      206
Long-Term Capital Management      27
Loyalty      73—74
Luttwak, Edward      19
MacArthur, Douglas      62
MacNamara, Robert      112
Malignant greed      8
Management of risk      147
Manning, Tony      88
Marshall, George      67
McCaffrey, Barry      220
McKieran, Lieutenant General David      57
McNamara, Robert      20
McNerney, James      10
Means test      121
Mechanics of planning      205
Medtronic      117—118
Micromanagement      40
Micromanagement problem      53—54
Military leadership, ten commandments of      68—77
Mission      69—70 202
Mission Essential Task List (METL)      181—191 203 207 219
Mission Essential Task List (METL), balance      187
Mission Essential Task List (METL), managing      189—190
Mission Essential Task List (METL), relationship      187—188
Mission Essential Task List (METL), setting the example      191
Mission Essential Task List (METL), testing: aligning your organization      188—189
Mission Essential Task List (METL), training successors      190
Mission Essential Task List (METL), understanding      188
Mission, change(s) in      203
Monitoring, strategy      89
Monsanto      142
Moore, Lt. Gen. Ret. Hal, Jr.      71 91
Moorer, Admiral Thomas      76—77
Morales, Soto de      109
Moskos, Charles      31
Motorola      47
Movable subordinate entities      110
MSNBC      4 5 6 7 68 93 154 158 208
Multinationals      28
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)      24
Napoleon’s telescope      114 117
NASA      119
National Training Center      181 186
NBC      4
Nichols, Bill      107
Nocera, Joseph      14 31
Noncommissioned officers (NCOs)      22—23
Nordstrom      13
Noriega, Manuel Antonio      180
Operations Security (OPSEC)      153
Organization, aligning      175 188—189 206—207
Organization, basic values      122
Organization, problems of      109—114
Organizational structure      113—114
Orwell, George      154
Owens, Admiral Bill      48
O’Brien, Soledad      4
Palmgren, Ken      26
Paradigm shift      6 10
Parker, Lieutenant Colonel Jay      70—71
Patton, George S., Jr.      74—75
Paulson, Henry M.      14
Pearl, Daniel      154
1 2
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