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Challem J. — Feed Your Genes Right : Eat to Turn Off Disease-Causing Genes and Slow Down Aging
Challem J. — Feed Your Genes Right : Eat to Turn Off Disease-Causing Genes and Slow Down Aging

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Íàçâàíèå: Feed Your Genes Right : Eat to Turn Off Disease-Causing Genes and Slow Down Aging

Àâòîð: Challem J.


Offering an unusual mix of hard science, commonsense nutritional advice and even a handful of recipes, this book counsels readers to take control of their bodies (and, more specifically, their genes) by being knowledgeable about what to feed them. "Nutrients provide the building blocks of genes, and they turn many genes on and off," Challem notes. Therefore, what you eat determines not only your energy level and your belt size, but also your risk of DNA damage and disease. Challem, coauthor of Syndrome X, packs his volume with information on specific genetic conditions and advice on how to avoid or ameliorate them, as well as general tips for healthy living. The text is well organized but full of arduous terminology, particularly the latter half, which details specific diseases and their genotypes. At one point, for example, Challem notes that "people with an inefficient APOE E4 variation of the apoliprotein gene, which is relatively common in some parts of Scandinavia, tend to have higher blood-cholesterol levels and are more likely to suffer a heart attack." Though Challem stuffs his book with facts and makes frequent references to clinical studies, readers may be skeptical of some of his claims. (He asserts, for example, that many of the biochemical problems associated with Down Syndrome "can be circumvented through high-dose vitamin and mineral supplements and thyroid medications, leading to improved intelligence and appearance.") Not all readers will embrace Challem's prescriptions, or his sometimes technical writing, but those interested in the science of healthy living, particularly the nuts and bolts of the body's inner-workings, will find this a fascinating read.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 272

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 12.05.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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5-lipoxygenase enzyme      190
Acetyl-L-carnitine      50 51—53 161
Acrylamide      113
Addison's disease      194
Adenine nucleotides      53
Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)      54 186
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)      41—42 43 49 53 54 59
Adrenaline      76 145 147
Adult-onset (type 2) diabetes, obesity and      195—199
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs)      24 66 100—101
Aging      6 42 154—158 155—156
Aging, bioenergetics and      44
Aging, daily supplements      157—158
Aging, DNA damage and      16 154
Aging, lifestyle and      29
Aging, the gene connection      155—156
Aging, what happens      154—155
Aging, what you can do      156—157
AIDS      79
Alcohol consumption      29 81 145 173
Allergies      189
ALOX5 gene      175 177 190
Alpha-lipoic acid      22 48—51 68 88—89 166 186 198
Alpha-lipoic acid for Alzheimer's disease      161
Alpha-lipoic acid, supplement guidelines      50—51 88—89
Alzheimer's disease      37 69 74 159—162 189 196 204
Alzheimer's disease, statistics      159
Alzheimer's disease, symptoms of      159
Alzheimer's disease, the gene connection      159—160
Alzheimer's disease, what happens      159
Alzheimer's disease, what you can do      160—162
Alzheimer's foundation      159
American Medical Association      201
Ames, Bruce N.      44 50 59 157
Amino acids      12 24 65—67 99—100
Amino acids, supplements      66—67
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)      198
Amputation, circulatory problems leading to      196
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)      55
Anderson, Richard A.      198—199
Anthocyanidins      85
Anticoagulants      73 193
Antidepressants      143 146 185
Antioxidants      49—89 177.
Antioxidants, cancer treatment combining chemotherapy and      171 173
Antioxidants, cardiovascular disease and      175 176—177
Antioxidants, dietary      72
Antioxidants, functions of      6 68—72
Antioxidants, inflammatory diseases and      69 74 191
Antioxidants, Parkinson's disease and      201
Antioxidants, skin care and      206—208
Antioxidants, synergy      72
Antioxidants, UV-ray exposure, wrinkles, and      206—208
Anxiety      141 147 152
APOE E4 gene, cardiovascular disease and      154 174 176
Apoptosis      70—71 167
Appetite      145
Apple cider vinegar      199
Arachidonic acid      175
Arginine      66—67
Arrowroot as sauce thickener      124
Arthritis      147
Artichoke hearts and Dijon sauce, shrimp with      125
Asparagine      113
Asparagus, simple baked      129
Asthma      10 189
Atkins diet      97—98
Avocado and chicken omelette      133
B-complex vitamins      22 37 150 160 167—168 174 184 186.
B-complex vitamins, DNA methylation and      61—65
B-complex vitamins, DNA repair and      6 57—65
B-complex vitamins, supplement guidelines      56 67
Bananas      103
Bananas and nut butter, fresh      135
Barrett's esophagus      79—80
Beal, Dr.M. Flint      55
Beck, Melinda      79 178
Bellanti, Dr. Joseph      55—56 186
Benjamin, Dr. Jonathan      151
Beta-amyloid protein      74 159 160
Beta-carotene      68 71 81—82 173 201 207 208
Beverages      107—108 120 150 207
Bioenergetics      41—43
Bioflavonoids      See Flavonoids
Birth defects      14—15 60—61 142 162—166.
Birth defects, the gene connection      163—164
Birth defects, what happens      162—163
Birth defects, what you can do      164—166
Bjelland, Dr. Ingvar      142
Blindness      195
Blood pressure      45 77
Bloodletting      188
Bone density      36 156 191—194.
Brain cancer, childhood      163 166
Brain, the, antidepressants and      146
Brain, the, antioxidants and      69
Brain, the, stress and      147 148—149
Brain, the, structure, behaviors that modify genes and      144—146
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, breast cancer and      154 169 170
Breads, whole-wheat      112
Breakfast recipes      132—134
Breast cancer      71 82 85 169—170 172 194 197
Breast cancer, BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes      154 169 170
Breast cancer, CHEK2 gene      169
Brody, Dr. Stuart      151
Brown rice      106—107 120
Brown rice, seafood and      124—125
Burgers, chicken, with romano cheese and olives / or shiitake mushrooms      130
Burgers, turkey, simple      130—131
Butter      105
C-reactive protein      32 74 148 175 189 191
Caffeine      150
Calcium      192—193 194
Calorie restriction      32—33
Cancer      32 48 114 167—173 189 196 204.
Cancer, antioxidants and      69—70 84 85 86 173
Cancer, coenzyme Q10 and      46 172
Cancer, damaged DNA and      12 16
Cancer, DNA methylation and      61—62
Cancer, DNA-repair efficiency and      26
Cancer, folic acid and      167 171—172
Cancer, heated carbohydrates and      113
Cancer, lycopene and      172
Cancer, oncogenes      61 168 171—172
Cancer, p21 gene      81
Cancer, p53 cancer-suppressing genes      16 61 80 168
Cancer, refined carbohydrates and      6
Cancer, selenium and      14 79 171
Cancer, supplement guidelines      80
Cancer, the gene connection      168—170
Cancer, vitamin C and      77—78 173
Cancer, vitamin E and      171 173
Cancer, what happens      167—168
Cancer, what you can do      170—173
Canola oil      104 105
Carbohydrates      138
Carbohydrates, moderate consumption high-carb foods      106—107
Carbohydrates, nonstarchy fruits and vegetables      31 101 102—103 193 197 206 207
Carbohydrates, sugars and refined      6 30 31 32 66 97 107 108—109 112—113 149—150 176 177 182 184 186 195 196 197 201 207 210
Cardiomyopathy      21—22 43—45 177—180
Cardiomyopathy, the gene connection      178
Cardiomyopathy, what happens      177—178
Cardiomyopathy, what you can do      178—180
Cardiovascular disease      10 32 106 147 173—177 182 189 195 197
Cardiovascular disease, ALOX5 gene      175 177
Cardiovascular disease, antioxidants and      73 175 176—177
Cardiovascular disease, APOE E4 gene      154 174 176
Cardiovascular disease, homocysteine levels and      15 17 63—64 142 174 176 204
Cardiovascular disease, ribose and      54
Cardiovascular disease, the gene connection      174—175
Cardiovascular disease, what happens      173
Cardiovascular disease, what you can do      176—177
Carnitine      7 22 51—53 166 179 186 187
Carnitine, supplement guidelines      53
Carotenoids      22 68 80—84 106 172 173 206 207
Carotenoids, supplement guidelines      83
Carpal tunnel syndrome      37
Carrots and shallots, roasted      128
Carrots, rosemary      129
Cashew and veggie omelette      132
Cathcart, Dr. Robert, III      77
Celiac disease      16 75—76 112 180—183 188 194
Celiac disease, the gene connection      181—182
Celiac disease, what happens      180—181
Celiac disease, what you can do      182—183
cells      12
Cells, apoptosis      70—71 167
Center for science in the public interest      107
Centers for disease control      164 196—197
Cerebral ataxia      201
Cervical cancer      82 169 173
Chain restaurants      See Fast foods
Chamomile in skin creams      208
Chanterelle mushrooms and chicken in cream sauce      127
Chanterelle mushrooms and romano cheese, sauteed      128
Cheese, chicken burgers with romano, and olives / or shiitake mushrooms      130
Cheese, Mushrooms mand romano, sauteed      128
Cheese, wrap, deli turkey and      131
Chicken, and chanterelle mushrooms in cream sauce      127
Chicken, and egg salad      131
Chicken, burgers with romano cheese and olives / or shiitake mushrooms      130
Chicken, chipotle fajitas      121
Chicken, omelette, avocado and      133
Chicken, roasted, with rosemary and garlic      127
Chicken, with mustard sauce      123
Chipotle fajitas      121
Cholesterol      16 63 104 174 195
Cholesterol, familial hypercholesterolemia      175
Cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)      73 115 153 174—175 176
Cholesterol, statin drugs and coenzyme Q10      47—48 178
Chromium      23 198
Chromosomes      12
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)      51—52 55—56 185—187
Cinnamon      198—199
Citrus flavonoids      85—86
Citrus fruits      103
Clark, Larry C.      79
Cleft lip and palate      59 162 163 164—165
Coconut milk, rice pudding, exotic      134
Coconut milk, sauce, salmon with      122
Coconut oil      105
Coenzyme Q10      7 166 173 179
Coenzyme Q10 as antioxidant      44 172 173 177
Coenzyme Q10, breast cancer and      172
Coenzyme Q10, energy production and      22 43—48 179 186 187
Coenzyme Q10, Parkinson's disease and      37 46—47 200
Coenzyme Q10, statin drugs and      47—48 178
Coenzyme Q10, supplement guidelines      48
Coffee      108 150
Cold, common      77
Collagen      77 205 206
Colon cancer      81 85 169 194
Congestive heart failure      See Heart failure
Cooking and cooking methods      6 66 99 101—102 117—121
Cooking and cooking methods, food palette      118—121
Cooking and cooking methods, protein quality and      100—101
Cooking and cooking methods, recipes      121—135
Cooney, Craig A.      61
copper      186 202—203
Coronary artery disease      See Cardiovascular disease
Cortisol      32 144 145 146 147 148 156
Coxsackie virus      79 178
Creatine      54—55
Cyanide      186
Cysteine      87
Cytokines      148 189
Dawson-Hughes, Dr. Bess      192
De Flora, Dr. Silvio      87
de Rijk, Dr. Maarten C.      201
Degenerative diseases      See Individual diseases
Degenerative diseases, DNA damage and      16—17 28
Degenerative diseases, gene therapy and      9—10
Degenerative diseases, genetic environment and      5 31
Deli turkey and cheese wrap      131
Depression      17 24 141 147 173 183—185 186 198 203
Depression, antidepressants      143 146 185
Depression, genes and risk of      142—144
Depression, the gene connection      183—184
Depression, what happens      183
Depression, what you can do      184—85
Desserts      108—109
Desserts, banana and nut butter, fresh      135
Desserts, greek yogurt with honey      134
Desserts, rice pudding, exotic      134
Diabetes      15 35 49 83—84 88 109 147 182 186 189 194
Diabetes, obesity and type 2      195—199
Dietary guidelines      93—116. See also Eating habits
Dietary guidelines, fresh, whole foods      98
Dietary guidelines, herbs and spices for seasoning food      106
Dietary guidelines, nonstarchy fruits      102—103
Dietary guidelines, nonstarchy vegetables      101
Dietary guidelines, nutrient-dense diet      96—97
Dietary guidelines, oils and fats      103—105
Dietary guidelines, organically produced foods      109—112
Dietary guidelines, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fats      115—116
Dietary guidelines, quality protein      99—101
Dietary guidelines, refined carbohydrates and sugars      112—113
Dietary guidelines, refined cooking oils      113—115
Dietary guidelines, summary of      96
Dietary guidelines, water and teas      107—108
Dinner recipes      121—127
Disease, defining      153—154
Diuretics      179
DNA damage, causes of      18—22
DNA damage, cell replication, mutations during      23 57
DNA damage, degenerative diseases and      16—17
DNA damage, free radicals and      See Free radicals DNA
DNA damage, transcription, errors during      23—24
DNA methylation      61—65 168 173 174
DNA methylation, diseases associated with poor      64—65 142 183
DNA methylation, elevated homocysteine levels and      63—64 142
DNA repair      19 202
DNA repair, B-complex vitamins and      6 57—65 171—172
DNA repair, DNA-repair enzymes      25—26
DNA repair, limitations of      26
DNA repair, nutrition and      6 57—67
DNA, antioxidants to protect      See Antioxidants
DNA, ATP and structure of      42
DNA, functions of      5 11—12
DNA, nucleotide bases      12
DNA, vitamins and production of      14
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)      191
Dopamine      200—201
Down syndrome      162—163 164 165—166
Drisko, Dr. Jeanne      173
Droopy eyelids      20—21
Duke University Medical Center      35—36
Dwyer, James H.      175
Eating habits      8—9 27—28 66 197 210
Eating habits, ancient      29—31 98 103 104
Eating habits, dietary guidelines      See Dietary guidelines
Eating habits, fat consumption      103 104
Eating habits, steps in changing      93—95
Eating habits, stress and nutrition      149—152
Eaton, Dr. S. Boyd      30
Eberlein-Konig, Dr. Bernadette      207
Ebola virus      79
Edema      106
Eggs and veggie stir-fry, breakfast      133—134
Eggs, omelettes      See Omelettes
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