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Wagter Roel, van den Berg Martin, Luijpers Joost — Dynamic Enterprise Architecture: How to Make It Work
Wagter Roel, van den Berg Martin, Luijpers Joost — Dynamic Enterprise Architecture: How to Make It Work

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Название: Dynamic Enterprise Architecture: How to Make It Work

Авторы: Wagter Roel, van den Berg Martin, Luijpers Joost


This book presents an approach to enterprise architecture, which enables corporations to achieve their business objectives faster. Focusing on the governance of IT in the organization, it provides tangible tools, advice and strategies for implementing and designing the architectural process within a corporation that will make a major contribution in driving the business forward and achieve its goals.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Экономика и финансы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 256

Добавлена в каталог: 12.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
10 principles of DYA      53
Agility      14 21 42 88 127 153 161 195
Allocation of architectural resources      54
Anticipatory strategy      58 61 64 67
Application architecture      106
Application maintenance      159
Architect      15 28 47 53 64 81 102 120 148 158 179 183 189
Architectural domains      39
Architectural framework      103
Architectural principles      107 111
Architectural process      179
Architectural services      60 102 189
Architectural team      44 121 158 160 178
Architecture      21 37 42
Architecture as a management tool      41 62 183
Aspects of architecture      42
Auctioning model      18
Balanced score card      192
Barrier      45 47 67
behavior      182
Behavioral codes and values      183
Building permit      149 162
Business architect      124
Business architecture      39 104
Business case      60 74 111
Business case team      81 102 157
Business models      18
Business objectives      74
Business process      15
Business strategy      18 57
Change process      31 41 87
Coherence      14 21 88 127 161 195
Competencies      124
Competitive edge      15 53
Component based development      42
Conceptual levels of architecture      103
Continuous cyclical process      60
Control      82 155 174 183
Control and self-organization      175
Coordination      183
Data architecture      105
Defensive strategy      58 86 142 153
Determining business cases      74
Developers      16 82 157
Development method      25
Development with architecture      60 102 119 141 144 190
Development with(out) architecture      60
Development without architecture      61 142 191
Drawing up models      113
Drawing up project-startarchitecture      119
DSDM      25
DYA      49 53
Dynamic architecture      21 32 42
Dynamic character architectural team      122
e-Business      19 176
Effectiveness      187
Efficiency      187
Elaborating business cases      81
Enabling      45 46 68
ERP packages      27
Financial basis      84
First level of approval      81 178
Functional maintenance      159
General principles      107 119 124 177
Generic APIs      42
Governance      62 174
Group buying model      18
Guidelines      41
High anticipatory capacity      58 141 142
Impact analyses      83
Information architect      124
Information architecture      39 104
Information economics      85
Information planning      30
Information technology      11
Informational infrastructure      159
Isolation      46 48 67
IT developments      76
IT enabler      76
IT solution      140
IT strategy      19 30 57
IT trend      77
Just enough, just in time      44 54
Just enough, just in time approach      70
Just enough, just in time principle      64
Key Performance Indicator      187
Level of architectural awareness      46
Level of architectural integration      46
Levels of abstraction      40
Life cycle      82 140
Losing      45 48 66
Maintaining models      113
Maintenance      159
Maintenance team      160
Management letter      61 155 186
Managing architectural principles      111
Middle management      75 177
Middleware architecture      106
Models      40 63 83 113
Monitoring      185
MoSCoW-principle      155
Multidisciplinary cooperation      44 159
Multidisciplinary team      60 81
N-tier architecture      42
Network architecture      106
Network organizations      20
Next-minute architecture      41 107
Norms      41 61 86
NPV      85
Object of architecture      103
Offensive strategy      58 143 153
Open standards      42
Organizational architecture      105
Organizational structure      39 179
Paper tiger      42 103 178
Platform architecture      106
Policy directives      107 112 124 177
Potential of IT      11 46 54
Predictability horizon      141
Problem-solving content      142
Process architecture      105
Product / service architecture      105
Professional decelerators      15
Programmable framework      27
project      178
Project dashboard      185
Project portfolio management      80 184
Project portfolio team      185
Project proposal      85 163
Project team      120 157 178
Project-start architecture      44 60 119 128 144 178 183
Quadrant model      44 65
Responsibilities      187
Responsibilities and authorities      175
Risk management      125 184
ROI      85
Rules      28 41 60
Second level of approval      81 178
Service level agreement      121
Service-oriented architecture      42
Short term solution      37 142
SMART      76
Stakeholders      56
Standard packages      25
Standards      41
Standards and templates      44
Strategic Dialogue      60 74 188
Strategic document      80
Structural solution      142
Tasks of the architectural team      126
Technical architect      124
Technical architecture      39 104
Technical infrastructure      159
Technical maintenance      159
Theoretical model      56
Timeboxing      25 154
TIPD      83 113
Today-architecture      38 107 113
Tomorrow-architecture      38 107 113
Top management      177
Working model      60
Working under architecture      45 55
XP      25
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