Авторизация |
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Turnbull H.W. — The Great Mathematicians |
Предметный указатель |
19 36 41 59 83 100 125
Abel 57
Academy of Plato 23 25 71
Ahmes 2
Algebra 15 49 54 61 84 116 118 119
Analytical geometry 34 40 71—73 75 102
Anaxagoras 18
Apollonius 31 34 40 43 73 118
Arabs 30 43 54
Archimedes 17 19 23 31 34—40 59 72 88 103 104 108 118
Archytas 16 20 22 25
Aristarchus 36 39 44
Aristotle 2 10 21 25 58
Arithmetic 2 23 32 61 118
Arya Bhata 54
Astrology 61 64 66
Astronomy 15 25 39 42—44 58 63 67 90 109 115
Axiom of Archimedes 28 38 66 103
Babylon 15
Barrow 87 90
Berkeley on the calculus 103
Bernoulli, Daniel 96 97
Bernoulli, Jacob 80 95 124
Bernoulli, John 95
bessel 84
Biirgi 65
Bolyai 112
Boole 119
Brahmagupta 54
Briggs 63
Brouncker, Lord 82
Brouwer 125
Calculus, infinitesimal 17 22 35 65 67 74 79 81 82 84 88 103 122
Cantor 124
Cardan 56—58 61
Cauchy 107
Cavalierl 23 41 79 81
Cayley 80 114 119 120
Chasles 33
China 2
Christoffel 116
Circle squaring 16 18 59 84 122 125
Clairaut 101
Clifford 102
Coleridge 115
Conic sections 12 17 34 37 40 67 91
Copernicus 43 58 64 67 75
Cotes 101
Cube, duplication of 16
de la Vall6e Poussin 111
Dedekind 25 122
Democritus 22 36
DeMoivre 101
Desargues 76 121
Descartes 34 41 49 51 52 70—75 79 88 105 115
Diophantus 42 49—53 55
Durer 58
D’Alembert 101
Egypt 1 8 11 44 52
Einstein 44 69 94 114
Epicurus 22
Euclid 19 31—34 40 43 44 87 102 110 111 121 125
Eudemus 10 40
Eudoxus 13 16 19 23 24—29 32 34 52 118 122
Euler 75 80 95—100 103 105 109 124
Exhaustions, method of 19 25
Fermat 52 73 74 79 80 110
Ferro, Scipio 55
Fibonacci, Leonardo of Pisa 27 54
Fluxions 88—90 102
Frobenius 114
Galileo 58 66 79 103
Gauss 84 108 119 122
Golden section 3 13 27
Gordan 120
Grassmann 117 120
Gregoire de Saint Vincent 81
Gregory, James 82 84
hadamard 111
Halley 90
Hamilton 44 105 107 115 120
Hardy 111 123 124
Harmonic progression 9 15 46 81
Heiberg 22
Heisenberg 120
Hero 42 44 75 105
Herodotus 1
hilbert 116 120
Hipparchus 42
Hippasus 7
Hippocrates 16 32 100
Hooke 90
Huygens 93
Indian mathematics 50 54 122
Indivisibles, method of 81
| Infinitesimals 22 102
Irrationals 13 25 41 125
Ivory 101
Kaestner 109 111
Kepler 25 34 40 41 59 61 65—69 70 75 87 103
Klein 100 124
kronecker 114 125
Lagrange 75 103—107 109
Landau 111 123
Laplace 107 109
Least action 44 45 98 105
legendre 107 111
Leibniz 70 73 82 89 99 100 102 122
Lie, Sophus 124
Lindemann 122 125
Littlewood 111 124
Lobatschewsky 112
Logarithms 59 62—65 81 96
Lucretius 22
Maclaurin 34 97 101 122
Malus 116
Maupertuis 98
Maxwell 105 116
Mechanics 39 58 93
Menaechmus 16 17 20 34
Menelaus 42
Mengoli, Pietro 81
Mercator 82
mersenne 78 82
Method of Archimedes 22 36
mobius 117
Monge 107
MUSIC 9 33 66 68 104 107 108
Napier 51 59—65 70 72 75 82 100
Newton 23 34 70 75 82 84—94 95 99 101 104 108 119 122
Non-Euclidean geometry 33 111 121
NUMBER 9 24 117 122 125
Pappus 41 42 44—49 59 102 121 122
Pascal 70 76 77—80 88 90 95 102 115 121
Peano 125
Pericles 18
Pfaff 109
Philolaus 7
Pierce 120
Plato 2 7 16 21 22 23 25 32 83
Plutarch 5 35
Poncelet 18
Proclus 24
Ptolemy 25 42
Pythagoras 6 16 19 23 25 32 42 84 100 118
Ramanujan 10 122
Reductio ad absurdum, indirect proofs 15 125
Regiomontanus 49
Relativity 44 69 116
Riemann 112 114 116
Rober 3
Rome 34 35 42 67
Russell 125
Saccheri 111
Salmon 102 115
Segre 77
Serret 106
Smith, H. J. S. 114
Socrates 23
St. Andrews 57 60 84
Stevinus 58
Stifel 58
Stirling 84 101
Study 75
Sylvester 93 108 119 123
Tartaglia 56
Taylor 101
Thales 4 9 16 42
Theodorus of Cvrene 25
Theology 60 78 97 121 126
Theon 26
Thompson, D’Arcy 3 27
Timaeus 24
Tonstall 58
Trigonometry 42 54 84 111
Trisection of an angle 16 84
Tycho Brahe 59 62 65 67
Uraniburg 62
Vieta 59 83
Virgil 100 104
Voltaire 93
Von Staudt 121
Wallis 51 73 82 101 111 122
Waring 101
Wave mechanics 94 105
Weierstrass 25 81 114 122
Whitehead 35 125
Wordsworth 115
Wren 90
Zeno 21 28 83 122
Zero 24 50
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