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Rosser J.B., Newton R.R., Gross G.L. — Mathematical Theory of Rocket Flight |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Acceleration, nonuniform 136—140
Acceleration, rocket 7—10
Acceleration, sidewise 42
Aerodynamic forces 8—9 23—24
Aerodynamic forces, designation of 23—24
Aerodynamic forces, effect of jet action on 33—34
Aerodynamic forces, physical background for 24—30
Aerodynamic forces, typical data for 30—33
Analogue of Principle III 16 22
Angular momentum, conservation of 11
Arc length 38 42 47 82
Arc length, dimensionless 66 90
Asymmetry 27 28 35 60
Basic solution 81—90
Basic solution for firing in a vacuum 123—125
Basic solution for firing, from aircraft 118—123
Bazooka 1 50 51
Burning distance 119
Burning, end of 50 140
Burnt velocity 10—11 116—118 119
Center of gravity, coordinates of 38
Center of gravity, effect of shift of 247—250
Center of pressure 27—30
Chamber 1 237—242
Coefficient of friction 189
Coefficient, discharge 240—241
Coefficient, jet damping 110
Conservation of angular momentum 11
Conservation of momentum 3
Coordinate system during launching 188 193—194
Coordinate system, during flight 34—39
Cross-spin force 24
Cross-spin force, correction for, to basic solution 131—134
Cross-spin force, dispersion due to 74—75
Cross-spin force, origin of 29—30
Cross-wind force 24
Damping moment 24 30
Damping moment, effect of 131—134
Damping, aerodynamic 24 30 131—134
Damping, aerodynamic jet see "Jet damping"
Deviation from approximate trajectory 95
Discharge coefficient 240—241
dispersion 50—57 88
Dispersion after burning 50 75
Dispersion after burning for a different rocket 75
Dispersion after burning, computation of 55—57
Dispersion after burning, definition of 53—55
Dispersion after burning, due to cross-spin force 74—75
Dispersion after burning, due to lift 72—74
Dispersion after burning, due to yaw drag 69—72
Dispersion after burning, formulas for 73 75
Dispersion after burning, numerical example of 77
Dispersion after burning, reduction of, by a slow spin 59—60
Dispersion after burning, solution for 67—69 72—75
Dispersion after burning, sources of 57—58
Dispersion during burning 78—81
Dispersion during burning from aircraft 106—107 118—123
Dispersion during burning with constant angular acceleration 141—153
Dispersion during burning with constant angular velocity 153—162
Dispersion during burning with large initial yaw 167—173
Dispersion during burning, experimental verification of 173—183
Dispersion during burning, formula for 82—90
Dispersion during burning, importance of various sources of 173—183
Dispersion during burning, L-type 179—183
Dispersion during burning, minor effects of 131—141
Dispersion during burning, numerical examples of 97—107
Dispersion, ammunition 50—51
Dispersion, during burning in a vacuum 123—125
Dispersion, during burning of unstable rocket 162—167
Dispersion, latent 52 54 78 80 185
Dispersion, latent, method of computation of 55 88
Dispersion, true 52
Dispersion, velocity 175
Drag 24—25
Drag, effect of 136—140
Drag, Mayevski function of 116
Drag, variations of, due to jet action 33—34
Everett's interpolation coefficient 216 234—236
Everett's interpolation formula 216
Exit pressure 1 8 241
Exit velocity 1 4 7 241—242
Expansion ratio 5
Fin malalignment angle 88
Fins 20 141 181
Fins, bent 28 60
Fins, folding 162 165 193
Force, momentum 16
Force, pressure 16 see "Cross-spin "Cross-wind "Gravity" "Jet
Form factor 116
Fresnel integrals 92 206 207
Gas velocity, computation of 237—242
Gas velocity, effective 4—5 10—11
Gravity 39
Gravity drop 88
Gravity, force due to 8
Gyration, radius of 13
Gyration, transverse 21 89
Hale, William 12
Interpolation, accuracy of, in Table 1 215—219
Interpolation, accuracy of, in Table 2 216—217
Interpolation, accuracy of, in Table 3 255—256
Interpolation, accuracy of, in Table 4 258
Jet action, effect of on aerodynamic forces 33—34
Jet damping 19—23 173
Jet damping coefficient 110
Jet damping, effect of 134—136
Jet damping, functions for use with 258—262
Jet flow, simplified theory of 237—242
Jet forces 1—23
Jet forces, classical derivation of 3—5
Jet forces, minor effects of 247—252
Jet forces, momentum forces 16
Jet forces, physical picture of 16—19
Jet forces, pressure forces 16
Jet forces, thrust 8—9
Jet malalignment angle 41 88
Jet malalignment distance 41 88 179—183
Launcher 78 184—195
Launcher length, effective 82 119—123 138—139
Launcher velocity 119—123 185—187
Launcher, effective length of 82 119—123 138—139
Launcher, end of 184
Launcher, fixed support 193—195
Launcher, flexible 185 190—193
Launcher, moving support 188—193
Launcher, oscillations of 192
Launcher, rigid 185 187—190 193—195
Launcher, slotted rail 188
Launcher, tipping-off from 187—195
Launcher, trough 193
Launcher, tube 188 193
Launcher, zero-length 50 105 188
Lift 24 26 27 57
Lift, dispersion due to 72—74 131—134
M8 rocket 31 45 61 62 72 109 110 111 169 180 181 182 265
M9 rocket 180 183
Malalignment of thrust 41 see "Jet
Malalignment, aerodynamic 27—28
Malalignment, gas 179
| Malalignment, mechanical 179
Malformation 27 28 40
Moment of a force 14
Moment of inertia 13
Moment of momentum 11—13 243—246
Moment, damping 24 30 131—134
Moment, restoring 24 26—28
Moment, upsetting 162—163
Momentum forces 16
Momentum, angular 13
Momentum, conservation of 3
Momentum, moment of 11—13 243—246
Motion during burning 78—183
Motion during burning with spin 141—153 153—162
Motion during burning, effect of, cross-spin force 131—134
Motion during burning, effect of, damping moment 131—134
Motion during burning, effect of, drag 136—140
Motion during burning, effect of, jet damping 134—136
Motion during burning, effect of, lift 131—134
Motion during burning, effect of, nonuniform acceleration 136—140
Motion during burning, effect of, variable wave length of yaw 140—141
Motion during burning, equations for, general, solution of 107—116
Motion during burning, equations for, simplified, solution of 83 90—97
Motion during burning, initial yaw, large 167—173
Motion during burning, numerical examples of 97—104 104—107
Motion during burning, velocity of, solution for 116—118
Motion, after burning 49—77
Motion, after burning, trajectory idealized 53—54 67—69
Motion, after burning, trajectory idealized, particle 53—54 67—69
Motion, after burning, trajectory idealized, standard 51 54 184
Motion, after burning, trajectory idealized, vacuum 53
Motion, equations of 39—48
Motion, periods of 49
Motion, spinning 12—19 59—66 141—162
Motion, yawing 20
Newton, Sir Isaac 24
Nielsen, K.L. 28
Nozzle 1—3
Nozzle, canted 12—19
Nozzle, drilled 12 14—19
Nozzle, effect of lopsidedness of 19
Nozzle, flow through 237—242
Nozzle, insert 12 14—19
Nozzle, malalignment of 40—41
Nozzle, parts of 2
Pitching force 24
Pressure forces 16
Pressure, atmospheric 8
Pressure, center of 27—30
Pressure, chamber 1 237—238
Pressure, exit 1 8 241
Pressure, jet 8
Pressure, static atmospheric 8
Principle I 6 10
Principle II 6—7
Principle III 10 42—43
Principle III, analogue of 16 22
Principle IV 11
Principle V 11—15 42
Principle V, derivation of 243—246
Repose, yaw of 58—59 61
Resonance 59 71 74
Restoring moment 24 26—28
Rigidity of the trajectory 55
Rocket functions 92—97 125—134 196—233
Rocket functions in solution of equations 92—97
Rocket functions, accuracy of interpolation in Table 1 215—219
Rocket functions, asymptotic expansions 210—213
Rocket functions, computation of, by special means 213—215
Rocket functions, definition of 196
Rocket functions, derivatives of 198
Rocket functions, integrals of 198—206
Rocket functions, notation for 196—197
Rocket functions, power series for 208—210
Rocket functions, relations of, with other functions 206—208
Rocket functions, tables of 220—233
Rocket functions, useful relations of 125—131
Rockets, spinning 12—19 59—65 141—162
Rockets, stable 24 27
Rockets, standard 51 79 88 184
Rockets, unstable 24 27 162—167 253—257
Rockets, unstable functions for use with 253—257
Rotation, equations for 11—16
Solution for yaw after burning 60—61
Solution for yaw during burning 93
Solution, for dispersion after burning 67—69 72—75
Solution, general, during burning 107—116
Solution, simplified, during burning 83 90—97
Sound, velocity of 2 239—240
Spin 12—19
Spin, equations of motion 59—66 141—162
Spinner rocket 12—19
Standard rocket 51 79 88 184
Synge, J.L. 28
Thrust 8 9 42—43
Thrust, malalignment 40—41
Thrust, nonuniform 136—140
Tipping-off 184 187—195
Trajectory, actual 37
Trajectory, approximate 36—37 76
Trajectory, curvature of 61 63
Trajectory, idealized 53—54 67—69
Trajectory, particle 53—54 67—69
Trajectory, rigidity of 55
Trajectory, standard 51 54 184
Trajectory, vacuum 53
V-2 rocket 1 250
Velocity 269—270
Velocity at end of burning 10—11 116—118 119
Velocity during burning, special solutions for 116—118
Velocity of sound 2 239—240
Velocity, angular 13
Velocity, angular initial 88 91 98 105 189 195
Velocity, burnt 10—11 116—118 119
Velocity, dispersion 175
Velocity, effective gas 4 10 242
Velocity, exit 1 4 7 241—242
Velocity, ultimate gas 4 240 242
Wave length of yaw 32 34 65
Wave length of yaw, measurement of 32
Wave length of yaw, variable 140—141
Wind, cross-range 186
Yaw 20—21
Yaw after burning, derivation of 62—66
Yaw after burning, expression for 60—61
Yaw after burning, expression for, more accurate 66—67
Yaw after burning, numerical considerations of 61—62
Yaw during burning 93
Yaw of repose 58—59 61
Yaw, caused by resonance 61
Yaw, conical 20
Yaw, effect of, on drag 25
Yaw, effect of, on lift 26
Yaw, effect of, on restoring moment 26
Yaw, effective 29
Yaw, initial 88 99 105 185—187
Yaw, initial, large 167—173
Yaw, standard 79
Yaw, wave length of 32 34 65
Zero-length launcher 50 105 188
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