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Sinha S.M. — Mathematical Programming: Theory and Methods |
Предметный указатель |
Stochastic linear programming, two stage problems 432
Stochastic linear programming, wait and see 432
Subspaces 27
Supporting hyperplane 83
Supremum of functions 21
Surplus variable 120
Symmetric martix 57
Symmetric martix, cannonical form 59
Symmetric martix, gram matrix 58
Symmetric martix, index 59
Symmetric martix, negative definite 57
Symmetric martix, positive definite 57
Symmetric martix, positive semidefinite 57
Symmetric martix, signature 59
System of linear equations 63 68
System of linear equations, the matrix of the system 63
Taylor's theorem 24
The Archimedian good programming 463
The inverse matrix 46
The inverse matrix, inversion by partitioning 47
The inverse matrix, product form of the inverse 48
The inverse matrix, properties of the inverse 47
The linear complentarity problem 356
Theorem 185
Theorem, weak 185
topology 16
Transhipment problem 266
Transhipment problem, capacitated transportation problem 272
| Transhipment problem, generalized 274
Transportation problem 245
Transportation problem, balanced transportation problem 246
Transportation problem, degeneracy 258
Transportation problem, optimality criterion 256
Transportation problem, transportation algorithm 257
Transportation problem, transportation array 247
Transportation problem, unbalanced transportation problem 262
Tucker's theorem 74
Twice-differentiable functions 24
Two-phase method 145
Unitary space 34
Upper bound 236
Usable 380
Vector spaces 26
Vectors 15
Vectors, addition of vectors 16
Vectors, distance between vectors 16
Vectors, inner product 16
Vectors, multiplication by a scalar 16
Vectors, norm or length of a vector 16
Vectors, null vector 16
Vectors, orthogonal 16
Vectors, scalar product 16
Vectors, sum vector 16
Vectors, unit vector 16
von Neuman 2
Wolfe, P. 3
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