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Demidov A.S. — Generalized Functions in Mathematical Physics: Main Ideas and Concepts |
Предметный указатель |
-function 5
-sequence 5
Bundle, cotangent 108
Cauchy — Riemann equations 11
Characteristic 49 52
Cokernel of an operator 105
Compact 6
Condition of complementability 110
Condition, boundary 11 48
Condition, Hugoniot 53
Condition, initial 48
Condition, Shapiro — Lopatinsky 110
Convergence 33
Convolution 14 92 93
Cover, locally finite 9
Degree of a mapping 102
Dirac function 5
Dirichlet problem 11
Distance 33
distribution 70
Eigenfunction 77
Eigenvalue 77
Ellipticity with a parameter 114
Equality, Parseval 83
Equation, Burgers 52
Equation, Laplace 11
Equation, Poisson 11
Equation, string 50
Equation, wave 50
Equations, Cauchy — Riemann 11
Estimate, a priori 98
Extension of the functional 61
Factorization 109
Formula, Gauss, integral 26
Formula, Green 27
Formula, Green, first 26
Formula, Green, second 26
Formula, Newton — Leibniz 25
Formula, Ostrogradsky — Gauss 25
Formula, Poincare 25
Formula, Poisson 13
Fourier, transform, inverse 82
Function, analytic of one complex variable 11
Function, Dirac 5
Function, generalized 59 120
Function, Green 27
Function, harmonic 11
Function, Heaviside 42
Function, Lebesgue integrable 31
Function, measurable 30
Function, smoothing 37
Function, step 30
Function, tempered 84
Index of an operator 106
Index of factorization 109
Inequality, Hoelder 36
Inequality, Minkowski 36
Inequality, Peetre 100
Integral, Lebesgue 31
Integral, Poisson 13
Kernel of an operator 105
kernel, Poisson 14
Ladder, Cantor 58
Laplacian 11
Lemma on change of variables 101
Lemma on composition 100
Lemma on continuity 99
Lemma, Fatou 32
Lemma, Giraud — Hopf — Oleinik 18
Lemma, L. Schwartz 107
Measure 31
Method, Fourier 78
Method, Fourier, of separation of variables 78
Norm 32
Number, complex, generalized 120
Operator, compact 108
Operator, continuation 106
Operator, elliptic 100 108 111
Operator, Laplace 11
Operator, pseudodifferential 98
Operator, pseudodifferential of class L 101
Operator, pseudodifferential with a symbol a 109
Operator, restriction 96
Operator, smoothing 100
Operator, totally continuous 108
Partition of unity subordinate to a locally finite cover 9
Poisson integral 13
Principle, maximum 15
Principle, maximum, strong 17
| Principle, minimum 16
Principle, superposition 14
Problem of regularization 61
Problem with the directional derivative 102
Problem with the skew derivative 102
Problem, Dirichlet 11
Problem, elliptic 111
Problem, Hilbert 104
Problem, mixed 48
Problem, Neuman 102
Problem, Poincare 111
Product, scalar 76
Regulizer 108
Sequence, fundamental 33
Sequence, weakly converging 59
Series, Fourier 75
Series, Fourier, in an orthogonal system of functions 79
Set of zero measure 30
Set, annihilating, of a functional 61
Set, Cantor 33
Set, compact 6
Set, compactly embedded 7
Set, measurable 31
Solution, fundamental 57 91
Space, of functions m-times continuously differentiable up to the boundary 6
Space, , ..., of infinitely differentiable functions 7
Space, of functions with compact support in 6
Space, of functions with compact support in 6
Space, of m-times continuously differentiable functions with bounded derivatives 6
Space, functions integrable in pth power 35
Space, of essentially bounded functions 39
Space, of functions locally integrable in pth power 40
Space, of functions m-times piece-wise continuously differentiable 6
Space, of functions m-times piece-wise continuously differentiable and bounded 6
Space, of distributions 70
Space, of test functions 69
Space, of generalized functions 59
Space, of Sobolev derivatives 56
Space, of distributions with a compact support 70
Space, of infinitely differentiable test functions 70
Space, of generalized functions 120
Space, of tempered distributions 84
Space, of rapidly decreasing functions 82
Space, Banach 33
Space, dual 39
Space, Hilbert 76
Space, metric 33
Space, metric, complete 33
Space, Prechet 73
Space, Sobolev 94
Space, Sobolev 80
Space, topological 72
Space, topological, linear locally convex 72
Superposition 14
Support 6 61
Symbol 98
Symbol of an operator 101
Symbol, principal 109
System, acoustic 42
System, complete in a Banach space 79
Theorem on compactness of the embedding 97
Theorem on discontinuous majorant 16
Theorem on partition of unity 9
Theorem on stability of the index 113
Theorem on the general form of distributions 71
Theorem on the mean value 17
Theorem, Banach 107
Theorem, Beppo Levi 32
Theorem, E. Borel 64
Theorem, F. Riesz 39
Theorem, Fischer and F. Riesz 32
Theorem, Fubini 34
Theorem, L. Schwartz 70
Theorem, Lebesgue 32
Theorem, Paley — Wiener 90
Theorem, Sobolev embedding 94
Theorem, Sobolev on traces 95
Theorem, Weierstrass 93
Trace 95
Transform, Fourier 80
Transform, Fourier — Laplace 90
Transform, Fourier, in the complex domain 90
Transform, Fourier, inverse of the distribution 84
Transform, Fourier, of the distribution 84
Transformation, Fourier 80
Transformation, Laplace 89
Value principal 57
Variables, separated 77
Vector, cotangent 108
Wave, shock 52
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