-cliques of orthomorphism graphs 2
( , )-systems 27
( , )-systems, Equivalence of 27
( , )-systems, Order of 27
( , )-systems, Rank of the solution space of 27
Adjacency of mappings 1
Adjacency of orthomorphisms 2
Affine planes 9—13
Almost simple groups 24
Aschbacher’s reduction 24
Automorphisms, Fixed point free 51—54
Automorphisms, of left neofields 15—16
Automorphisms, of Orth( ) 3—5
Cartesian groups 11
Cartesian planes 11
Cayley tables of groups 6
CIP-neofields 18
Clique numbers of orthomorphism graphs 2
CMP-neofields 18
Collineations of nets 11—12
Commutative left neofields 16—17
Complete mapping polynomials 44 49
Complete mappings 1
Complete sets of mutually orthogonal Latin squares 7
Complete sets of orthomorphisms 3 73—76
Components of partial congruence partitions 50
Congruences of Orth( ) 3—5
Cyclic neofields 17—18
Cyclotomic orthomorphisms 41—43
Cyclotomy classes 40—41
Cyclotomy numbers 41
Degrees of orthomorphisms 2
Degrees of partial congruence partitions 50
Desarguesian affine planes 10
Designs, Knut Vic 62—63
Designs, Resolvable transversal 9—11
Designs, transversal 9—11
Difference families ( , , 1) 65—66
Difference families ( , , 1; ) 66—67
Difference matrices 7 - 8 67
Difference sets, ( , , 1) 63—64
Difference sets, ( , , 1; ) 64—65
Direction of a translation of a net 11
Duals of complete sets of orthomorphisms 13
Equivalence of ( , )-systems 27
Exchange inverse property of a left neofield 16—17
Exdomain elements of near orthomorphisms 14
Fixed point free automorphisms 51
Generalized Hadamard matrices 8 - 9 74
Hermite’s criterion 44
Homologies of near orthomorphisms 16
Homologies of Orth( ) 3—5
HP-sy stems 24
Inverse property of a left neofield 16—17
Inversions of Orth(G) 3—5
Knut Vic designs 62—63
Latin squares 6 - 7 62
Latin squares, Based on groups 6
Latin squares, Complete sets of mutually orthogonal- 7
Latin squares, Maximal sets of mutually orthogonal 7 67-
Latin squares, Orthogonality of 6
Left inverse property of a left neofield 16—17
Left neofields 14—17
Linear orthomorphisms 35—36
LXP-neofields 18
Maximal difference matrices 8 67—68
Maximal sets of mutually orthogonal Latin squares 7 67—73
Mutually orthogonal Latin squares based on groups 6
Near orthomorphisms 14—17
Neighbors of orthomorphisms 2
Neofields 14—18
Neofields, CIP 18
Neofields, CMP 18
Neofields, Commutative left- 16—17
Neofields, Cyclic 17—18
Neofields, Exchange inverse property of left 16—17
Neofields, Inverse property of left 16—17
| Neofields, left 14—17
Neofields, Left inverse property of left 16—17
Neofields, LXP 18
Neofields, Order of of left 14
Neofields, Presentation function of of left 14—15
Neofields, Right inverse property of left 16—17
Neofields, RXP 18
Neofields, XIP- 18
Neofields, XMP 18
Nets 9—12
Nets, Collineations of 11—12
Nets, Direction of a translation of a 11
Nets, Splitting translation- 50
Nets, Translation 50 52
Nets, Translations of 11
Normalized permutation polynomials 45—46
Order of ( , )-systems 27
Order of a representation of a graph 59
Order of left neofields 14
Orth( ) 2
Orthogonal Latin square graphs 59
Orthogonal mappings 1
Orthogonality of Latin squares 6
Orthomorphism graphs of groups 2
Orthomorphism graphs of groups, -cliques of 2
Orthomorphism graphs of groups, Clique numbers of 2
Orthomorphism polynomials 44 -47 49 71 79
Orthomorphisms 1
Orthomorphisms, Adjacency of 2
Orthomorphisms, Complete sets of 3 73—76
Orthomorphisms, Cyclotomic 41—43 47—49
Orthomorphisms, Degrees of 2
Orthomorphisms, Duals of complete sets of 13
Orthomorphisms, Linear 35—36 38—41
Orthomorphisms, Near 14—17
Orthomorphisms, Neighbors of 2
Orthomorphisms, Quadratic 36—41
Partial congruence partitions 50
Partial congruence partitions, Components of 50
Partial congruence partitions, Degrees of 50
Permutation polynomials 44 - 46 48
Permutation polynomials, Normalized 45—46
Permutations of groups 1
Planes, affine 9—13
Planes, Cartesian- 11
Planes, Desarguesian 10
Planes, projective 9
Polynomials, Complete mapping 44 49
Polynomials, Normalized permutation 45—46
Polynomials, Orthomorphism 44 -47 82
Polynomials, Permutation- 44 - 46 48
Presentation functions of left neofields 14—15
Projective planes 9
Quadratic orthomorphisms 36—41 48 71—72 75—76
Quasisimple groups 24
Rank of the solution space of a ( , )-system 27
Reflections of Orth( ) 3—5
Representations of graphs 58—59
Resolvable transversal designs 9—11
Right inverse property of a left neofield 16—17
RXP-neofields 18
Splitting translation nets 50
Starters 1
Strong complete mappings 60—62
The orthomorphism graph of a group, Orth( ) 2
The orthomorphism graph of a group, Orth( ), Automorphisms of 3—5
The orthomorphism graph of a group, Orth( ), Congruences of 3—5
The orthomorphism graph of a group, Orth( ), Inversions of 3—5
The orthomorphism graph of a group, Orth( ), Reflections of 3—5
The orthomorphism graph of a group, Orth( ), Translations of 3—5
Translation nets 50 52
Translations of nets 11
Translations of Orth( ) 3—5
Transversal designs 9—11
Transversal designs, Resolvable 9—11
XIP-neofields 18
XMP-neofields 18