Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Corfield D. — Towards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Abramsky, Samson 263
Adjoint functor 247 250 266 273
Algebraic numbers 92
Analogy 44 47 80—94 119—122
Analysis situs 157 172
Applicability of mathematics 15 30
Argonne paradigm 45
Arnold, Vladimir 22
Atiyah, Michael 82 248
Axiomatisation, premature 164
Axiomatisation, role of 166—167
Baez, John 21 237 240 266 268
Bayesianism 101
Begriffschrift 261
Bledsoe, Woody 43 44
Bloor, David 14
Bott, Raoul 29
Bourbaki 97
Breger, Herbert 173
Bridging, transcribing and filling 85—86
Brown, James 76 252
Brown, Ronald 73 208 214 223
Butterfield, Jeremy 233 235
Calibration 231
Carter, J.Scott 28 256
Cartwright, Nancy 5 233
Categorification 240—247 268
Category theory 8 9—10 89 206 228 239 272
Causes in mathematics 117
Collingwood, Robin 16—18
Collins, Harry 56
Conceptualism 206
Connes, Alain 30 209 225
Conservatism in science 248
Correctness, logical and calculational 25—26
Corry, Leo 191 198
Counter-example, global 156 160
Counter-example, heuristic 214—216 225
Counter-example, local 156 160
Crombie, Alistair 19
Crowe, Michael 85
Davis, Philip 167
Diagrammatic calculation 252—261
Dieudonne, Jean 171—172
Duhem — Quine problem 136
Earman, John 73 115 119 146 233
Enumerative induction 123—128
Euler conjecture 154
Existential graphs 53—54 258
Extreme Platonism 173
Fallis, Don 109 139
Feferman, Solomon 154
Ferreiros, Jose 14 238 250
Feyerabend, Paul 180
Field 271
Foundationalist filter 8 248
Four-colour Theorem 205
Freeness 250
Frege, Gottlob 8—9
Friedman, Michael 17 248 262
Fundamental group 214—216
Galison, Peter 18 56 202
Geometry 6—7 31
Geometry, non-commutative 219 225
Gillies, Donald 59—61
Giorello, Giulio Glas, Eduard 169 176—177 181
Gowers, Timothy 55 207
Grosholz, Emily 88—89
Grothendieck, Alexandre 209 217
Group 271
Groupoid 208
Groupoid, compared with group 211—214
Hacking, Ian 3 12—14 19 107 163 247
Hardy, Godfrey 2
Heine — Borel theorem 43
Heisenberg, Werner 221
Hersh, Reuben 167 170
Higher-dimensional algebra 222
Hilbert, David 87
Hilbert, David, twenty-three problems 182
Homology 158
Homotopy theory 68—71 76 222
Hopf algebra 11 23—24 252 263 268 272
Hopf fibration 70 76
Howson, Colin 105—106
Hume, David 109
Ideal 93 189 271
Inductive logic programming (ILP) 60 66—68
Inductive reasoning 59
Inherent-structurism 12—13 30—31 163 174
Isham, Christopher 235
Jaffe — Quinn debate 171—172
Jardine, Nicholas 201 231
Jaynes, Edwin 112—115
Johnstone, Peter 89—90
KAM theory 133
Kauffman, Louis 52 53—55 257
Kitcher, Philip 27 169
Koetsier, Teun 195—198
Kuhn, Thomas 3 16 247
Kusch, Martin 56
Lakatos, Imre ix 3 7 14 35 79 175 208
Larvor, Brendan 18
Laudan, Larry 196 231
Laws of Form 53 256 270
Lee — Yang circle theorem 137
Linear logic 263
Logical omniscience 105
Mac Lane, Saunders 83 90 170
MacKenzie, Donald 39—45
Maddy, Penelope 5 18 200—202
Majid, Shahn 24
Mancosu, Paolo 117
Marquis, Jean-Pierre 19 181
Martin, Ursula 29
Mathematical criticism 214
Mathematical evidence 118
Mathematical importance, criteria of 205
| Mathematical inevitability 225
Mathematical interpretation 237
Mathematical machinery 228
Mathematical naturalness 224 268
Mathematical plausibility 26—27 101
Mathematical predictions 137—139
Mathematical quasi-formal 168
MathSciNet 108
McLarty, Colin ix 176
Mechanical falsification 60
Mechanical induction 60
Mehrtens, Herbert 176
Mellis, Erica 43—44
Metaphysics 90
Method of proofs and refutations 153 155
Models in science 139—142
Monoid 271
Monstrous Moonshine 125
Morita equivalence 245 273
movies 28 256
Muggleton, Stephen 60
naturalism 201
Netz, Raviel 28
Neumann, John von 30
Normal mathematics 150 208
Old evidence problem 144—148
Onset of turbulence 135—137
p-adic integers 95
Papert, Seymour 35
Paramodulation 46 47
Pearl, Judea 116—117
Peirce, Charles 53 258
Penrose, Roger 260
Piaget, Jean 84
Pickering, Andrew 21 85
Poincare, Henri 81 132
Poincare, Henri, conjecture 183
Poincare, Henri, duality theorem 157 159
Polya, George 83 103 110 121 123
Popper, Karl 58—59
Postmodern algebra 53 254 see
PROGOL 60 71—73
Proof plan 43 44
Propp, James 62—64
PSLQ algorithm 65
Psychology 27—28
Quantum algebra 251
Quine,Willard 259
Ramification 94
Rate 63
Rav, Yehuda 51
Real mathematics 1—3
Real mathematics, philosophy of 3 10 18
Refactorable number 36
Research programme 153 179 183
Research programme, algebraic topology as an example 169 181 184—187 198
Research programme, competing 167
Research programme, progressiveness in 179
Research tradition 196
Resonance 47
Restivo, Sal 29
Riemann, Bernhard 91—92
Riemann, Bernhard, Hypothesis 120 126
Riemann, Bernhard, surface 92
Ring 271
Robbins Problem 37 48—49
Rosenkrantz, Roger 124
Rota, Gian-Carlo 81
Rovelli, Carlo 248
Russell, Bertrand 235 269
Saito, Masahico 28 256
Salesmanship 210
Set theory 31 201 238—239
Shift of attention 92
Single axioms 50
Sklar, Lawrence 143
Snook 11 256
Sociology 29—30
Species 241
Spencer-Brown, George 53—54
Spin foams 267
Spin network 266
Stability of the solar system 132—135
Steiner, Mark 15 27 143 154 161
Stone duality 88—90
Stone, Marshall 88—90
Strategy 122—123
Structural realism 12
Table of n-categories 246 250
Tappenden, James 8—9 79
Tarski, Alfred 50
Taylor, Paul 43
technology 28—29
Theorem provers, EQP 49
Theorem provers, OTTER 45—48 49
Theoretical computer science 262
Thompson, John 19
Thurston, William 183
Topological quantum field theory (TQFT) 265
Topos 193
TPTP repository 40
Trading zones 142
Unique prime factorisation 92
Vafa, Cumrun 24
Vagueness 220
Van Kampen's theorem 214
Weil, Andre 90 200
Weinberg, Steven 247
Weinstein, Alan 209
Weyl, Hermann 189—191
Wigner, Eugene 143
Wilson, Mark 9—10
Winker, Steve 48
Witten, Edward 26 264
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 4
Worrall, John 167
Wos, Larry 45 50 57 79
Zahar, Elie 167 180 183
Zebra stripes 210
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