Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Humphreys J.F., Prest M.Y. — Numbers, Groups and Codes |
Предметный указатель |
Negation (of proposition) 129
Newton 101 136
Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art 9
Non-commutative 151
Notation, mathematical 32ff 181 194
Order (=ordering) see partial order
Order of congruence class 61
Order of element 205
Order of group 216ff 218 222
Order of permutation 161ff 206
Order, finite multiplicative 60
Order, infinite 205
Parity polynomial 287
Parity-check digit 233
Parity-check matrix 245
Partial order(ing) 109
Partial order(ing), strict 110
Partially ordered set 110
Partition 113 214
Pascal 23 117
Pascal's triangle 19
Peacock 194
Peirce, B. 185 195
Peirce, C.S. 115 195
Permutation 90 148ff 252 285ff
Permutation representation 175
Permutation, commuting 153
Permutation, cyclic 152
Permutation, even 165
Permutation, odd 165 see
Permutations, group of see group symmetric
Philolaus 28
Polygon, regular, group of symmetries of 179
Polynomial 255ff
Polynomial equations, complex solutions 181ff
Polynomial equations, cubic 181 257
Polynomial equations, negative solutions of 180ff
Polynomial equations, quadratic 180ff 257
Polynomial equations, quartic 181 257
Polynomial equations, quintic 181ff 257
Polynomial equations, solution 'in radicals' 181
Polynomial equations, solution of 58 189 257
Polynomial function 255
Polynomial, congruence class see congruence class
Polynomial, constant 256
Polynomial, cubic 256
Polynomial, linear 256 276
Polynomial, quadratic 256 276
Polynomial, quartic 256
Polynomial, quintic 256
Polynomials, addition of 191 258ff
Polynomials, algebra of 191ff 258ff
Polynomials, division of 262ff
Polynomials, factorising 265ff 274ff
Polynomials, multiplication of 191 258ff
Polynomials, set of 191 258 260 281
Polynomials, subtraction of 260ff
POSET see partially ordered set
Positive integers, set of (IP) 1
Power of element 18 59 204
Power of permutation 159ff
Primality 26
Prime 25ff 29 33ff 47 63ff 71ff 189 192 217 218 228 273ff
Prime, Fennat 34 76
Prime, Mersenne 34 76
Prime, relatively 12 43ff 54 60 67 68 224
Primes, infinitely many 29
Primitive polynomial class 282
Problemes plaisants et Electables 45
Product of congruence classes 40
Product of groups 222ff
Product of sets 68 84
Proof by contradiction 5 142
Proof, methods of 141ff
Proof, notion of xivff 23 33 127ff
Proofs, reading xvff 4ff 8ff
Proposition 8 128ff 137
Propositional calculus 128ff
Propositional term (in) see term (in)
Ptolemy 14
Public key codes 70ff
Pythagoras' theorem 36
Quantifiers 138
Quaternions, set of 172 176 194ff 198 228
Qui Jifishio 54
Quotient 3 263
Quotient held see field of fractions
Rabin 70
Rational numbers, set of 2 172 189 198
Real numbers, set of 172 189 191 221
Real part 292
Rectangle, symmetries of 180 221 229
Recursion, definition by 18
Refine 117
Reflection 177ff
Relation 103ff
Relation, antisymmetric 106
| Relation, complementary 105
Relation, equivalence 112ff 214
Relation, reflexive 105
Relation, reverse 105
Relation, symmetric 105
Relation, transitive 106
Relation, weakly antisymmetric 106
Remainder 3 263
Representative of class 39 279
Representative of coset 213
Ring 187
RiveM 70
Root (of polynomial) see zero of
Rotation 177ff
RSA (public key codes) 70ff
RSA Labs (website) 72
Ruflini 181ff
scalar 191
Scalar, multiplication 191
Semigroup 1850
Series (infinite) 101
Serret 182
Set 78
Set, cardinality of 98ff
Set, empty 79
Set, universal 80
Shamir 70
Shape (of permutation) 164
Shit shu jiu zhang see Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections
Shuffle 159 169
Sieve of Eratosthenes 26
Sign (of permutation) 165ff
Square, symmetries of 179
Stale diagram 120
Standard representative 39 279
State (of finite state machine) 119
State (of finite state machine), acceptance 120
State (of finite state machine), initial 119
Steinitz 189
Subgroup 206ff 212ff 218
Subgroup, identity see subgroup trivial
Subgroup, normal 228
Subgroup, proper 208
Subgroup, trivial 208
Subset 79
Subset, proper 79
Substitutions, group of 182
Sum of congruence classes 40 280
Summation notation 256
Sun izi suan jing see Master Sun's Arithmetical Manual
Surjection 90
switch 156
Sylow's Theorems 218
Symmetric difference 86 196
Symmetry 177
Syndrome 245
Tables, addition and multiplication 43 48 157 185 187
Tables, group 172ff 184 219 223 225ff 229
Tartaglia 181
Tautology 133
Taylor, B. 101
Taylor, R. 74
Term (in) 130
Term (of polynomial) 256
Tractatus de Numerorum Doctrina 40 66
Traite des substitutions et des equations algebriques 182
Transition function 119
Transposition 152 166 167 211
Triangle Arithmetique 23
Triangle, symmetries of 177ff 221
Truth table 129ff 140
Truth value 128
Turing 118
Turing machine 118ff 124
union 81
Unique Factorisation Theorem 28 274
UNIT see identity element
Universal quantifier 138
Vector 191 214
Vector space 191
Venn 80
Venn diagram 79
Viete 33
Wallis 23
Weber 182 189
Weight 234 237
Well-ordering principle 2 20 22 24
Wiles 33 74
Williams 118
Word 232
Xylander 74
YiXing 54
Zermelo 85
Zero of polynomial 58 257 265 276 293
Zero, concept of 22
Zero, congruence class 38
Zero-divisor 43 46 188 192
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