Авторизация |
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Shirley P., Morley R.K. — Realistic Ray Tracing |
Предметный указатель |
Albedo scattering 215
antialiasing 47
Aperture 69
Attenuation constant 177
Barycentric coordinates 34—36 104
Beer's law 177
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function 163
Bounding box 134
Bounding volume hierarchy 131
Box filter 51
BRDF 163
BRDF, Lambertian 164
Camera 35mm 69
Camera, orthographic 47
Camera, pinhole 63
Camera, thin-lens 68
Canonical basis 6
Canonical random number 147
Color operations 2
color, RGB 2
Continuous random variable 146
Coordinates, local 117
Coordinates, world 117
Cramer's rule 37
Cross product 4
Cubic filter 56
Depth-of-field 68
Dielectrics 175 178
Diffuse, Lambertian 164
Direct lighting 193
Directional hemispherical reflectance 163 171
Displacement mapping 221
Dot product 4
Expected value 147 149
f-number 69
Field radiance 160
Filter, box 51
Filter, cubic 56
Filter, tent 56
Focal length 69
Frame of reference 7
Fresnel reflectance 175
Function inversion 151
Gamma correction 3
Gaze direction 65
Gradient vector 32
Henyey — Greenstein phase function 218
IEEE floating point 136
Importance sampling 150
Independent random variable 147
instancing 111
Integration, Monte Carlo 149
Interpolation, bilinear 98
Interpolation, Hermite 98
Intersection, ray-bounding box 134
Intersection, ray-ellipsoid 111
Intersection, ray-implicit 31
Intersection, ray-list 38
Intersection, ray-object 30
Intersection, ray-parametric 32
Intersection, ray-plane 31
Intersection, ray-sphere 33
Intersection, ray-triangle 34 36
Inversion function 151
Irradiance 158
Jittered sampling 51
Lambertian BRDF 164
Lambertian reflection 171
Law of Large Numbers 149
Light sources 169
Line implicit form 29
Line parametric form 29
Line segment 30
Line vector form 29
Luminaires 169
Matrix, composite 117
Matrix, inverse 116
Matrix, rotation 115
Matrix, scale 115
Matrix, transformation 112
Matrix, translation 115
Matte appearance 79
mesh 103
Mirrors 174
Monitor, gamma 3
Monte Carlo integration 49 145 149
Monte Carlo integration, importance sampling 150
Monte Carlo integration, stratified sampling 150
Motion blur 71
Multisampling 47
n-nearest neighbor 211
n-rooks sampling 51
Nanometer 155
Normal vector 32
Normal vector, transformation 113
| Normal vector, triangle 38
Orthonormal bases 6 7 115
Orthonormal basis, construction 7
Participating media 215
Path tracing 169 171
Perlin noise 81
Phase function 215 218
Photon 155
Photon mapping 209 217
Photon tracing 209
Pinhole camera 63
Plane, implicit 31
Plane, parametric 34
Points, transformation 113
Poisson-disk sampling 51
Power 157
probability 146
Probability density function 146
Probability, expected value 147
Quadratic equation 34
Radiance 159
Radiance field 160
Radiance surface 160
Radiant exitance 158
Radiometry 155
Random sampling 49
Random variable 146 147
Random variables, independent identically distributed 149
Ray ix 30
Ray tracing ix
Reflectance, directional hemispherical 163
Reflection, metal 174
Reflection, polished 179
Reflection, specular 174
Refraction 175
Refractive index 176
Regular sampling 49
Rendering equation 166
Right-hand rule 5
Sampling, jittered 51
Sampling, n-rooks 51
Sampling, Poisson-disk 51
Sampling, random 49
Sampling, regular 49
Sampling, stratified 51
Schlick's approximation 174
Snell's law 176
Solid angle 158
Solid noise 81
Solid texture, perlin 81
Spectral energy 156
Specular reflection 174
Sphere, implicit form 33
Sphere, normal vector 34
Sphere, parametric 96
Sphere, vector form 33
Steady state 157
Steradians 158
Stratified sampling 51 150
Surface normal vector 32
Surface radiance 160
Surface, implicit 31
Surface, parametric 32
Tent filter 56
Texture coordinates 95 97 104
Texture mapping 2 95 96 98
Texture, marble 84
Texture, procedural 79
Texture, solid 79
Texture, tiled 95
Thin-lens camera 68
Thin-lens law 68
Tone mapping 180
Total internal reflection 177
Transparency 175 177
Transport equation 170
Triangle normal vector 38
Triangular irregular networks (TINs) 103
Triangular meshes 103
Turbulence function 83
Units, extensive 156
Units, intensive 156
Vector normal 32
Vector operations 4
Vector, length 4
Vector, normal 33 117
Vector, reflection 174
Vector, refraction 176
Vector, unit 4
Vectors 3 6
Vectors, transformation 113 114
View-plane normal 65
View-up vector 66
viewing 64—67
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